~ ; M _ ~ ,~_...
<br />~~---- ~~cia~s.9
<br />T~fS M£?It`T`GAG~ is made tIits........ Zfsl day f Sanua ,
<br />{9..8-l~ betwc;ra ti~'i{tmgagcr Gary, _i~*, ,Files -anti ~Catliy ~ ' Fiiej,' Tit1343dnxi
<br />. ~31Id . A~L~ .., .. ... .... . ~heresn Harrower"}, and the Mottgagte,, .$~'~~: $111:. ~
<br />s , ... ...........; a corporation organised ana extsttng
<br />t_ uste'cr €h~ laws d.... , ..Piebrarska ..... . , .. _ _ . _ _ ~ , w{t~e zddr I? i ms+r... .
<br />,.
<br />........................................................{harem '"Lender").
<br />f.
<br />liltt¢stEhs, $sir€awcr is irssishted to Lzndtr irs t{se Prisseipa{ sous af.. ThIT~~-~SY4;ii<_ T~t3IlR3Ilt~ . , ... .
<br />..~~g~+,s,,~~~~,~....._,~..,._....,.~~____~,-~iiars. which ;adebtc3russ is tvideruxd by Sorroeeer`s note
<br />dued:. - . ~ssatsa~..16Y..1481.. {herein "date"}, providin5 fnr months, instaiimtnts of principai amd imtaest,
<br />wi:h tE;c bkiance the indebtedness, if tsoz sooner paid, dtse and }~ayabte on....Febrbt~l~j _~...24,'~l
<br />"s~traE t;s-t,cnder Ea} the repayzsserst of the 'sndtbrtdress cus~n~;,d by titii '-.Sate, with intttcst kherean, the .
<br />pay€r~t of s{t ot{€sr sn€>s, with itsurest thereosr, advarteed in accordance herewith tc ptviect the security of thss . ~,
<br />4~{ossgagz, and the performance ,f the covemants and agreemcnks of i?vrrawcr herein co;ttained, acid (b} tine repayment
<br />of asst' fc€tsre acivsnces, with inscrest theuon, .rsdc to Sorro:yer by i_:rdtr pursuant to paragraph 2i hereof {herein". '
<br />"FfttssrcAdvsttttea'"}, Rtarrowcr does hereby :mortgage, grant ar..a' cons.•ry to Lsndtr the foiiowing described property
<br />axaud in the Cvuuty of..........fia.i2 . .................... ...... State of Nebraska:
<br />:.i7t starts {~~ , Calvary Subdi•~isicin, City cf .':rand Ssland,
<br />fLal.l L'aunty, Nebraska,
<br />+>Fhe4 }+ a of_., ~ ~ ~~.f;~-.t~u»tex ... . ...... . .....Gzesstd.:LSIc'uiSi.............,
<br />.... ~~ .. b$$Q.1 .. ;{~eresn "Property j;ddress"},
<br />;sue ~,u xa, Cae.a
<br />3°T€k~8-wish ag the ir€€pta'svtnxsxs ,avs :.: hertaitcr c,<cttu s;m ttx prnt_xrt~, and aii casemcuts, rights.
<br />a~wxrc~>s; sent;, supatius, ~{, oi{ and gas rights a€r1 3rnfitt, waster, water rights. and water stock, and aii
<br />hxs,res narv~ v. =^.crcaitcr ai:sehcd is the prorty. a.f wi stYts€h. ;nc{sr~iir:g **_'p{acernes;ts asst additions ::~rs`te, .shots
<br />av ~ $ p2rtf the gt~prrtg co?~rrd ay this t~f rt£a; an+t{ nit tsf t{±t f:.regoi;sg, t~~ her wish sat:{
<br />{Ztisrip Eor thrltas&Ii~tnl estate if this'~ioxtgs~ is c-rs a k:3srhoiti} :rt --het~its r,fcrrcti to as tfs~ "Pro{aerty"-
<br />~9t'r+tss~t ~~+6tsarsts< tlsat rtonvsr ss iavrla{}} acisod of t{sc c.~tat. ,a~sehp t€snv.~cd and hu the right tm strvrtgage,
<br />wank a'titti~}? titc-~itty~ that the Pxtrky it ?:r~~cssis~,.~{. "-hit ;3orr~~ir xiii ..terratat anti du`ettd
<br />i .3`~3{ ;~ t? h t;is~rup€tt~r 3gair~t ati etat"~a a=:d r.`tstsa ~3s_ .e ,r. :., aart ~c{arat~;~s;s, cate+ssents rr rc$tricttans
<br />zr6tcd ~n ?s ~rsitsdttiS rte eaespiiosa€ ±ts euvera~€r }r, arrf ,te ,rsu -e~ *ra sae: sate i e-a. r'; •€}tcarsa isi ti;e Pzc,^ar:y.
<br />