<br />a
<br />~, _,_ .
<br />7~r,. t~.>s aso~, sn~,~r .~~.. ~:n~ottt. xe~.
<br />
<br />iQlf--BURV[XOiR{ii{G ~XRRAtOTY DEED (Raviud 1461{
<br />F
<br />i K33(7W AI,I: MEld B'Y'TgESld PRESEh'T5, That
<br />.,C e+-- ~ ~ ~ ~ iJ ~ YJ
<br />D. ~ SHAUN A. f7~AiC'SF,PI, Husbas{d and iiife, each in his and i'~r
<br />ct~t right mr,d as sposase of the other,
<br />1 ,herein died the grantor w3tether oae or more, i
<br />E i
<br />S t !_
<br />- itt coeaideratioa o# --••-~}RR't-SZX '£HZRISAND 3dIPi£ f~TNBF~A P'ZV£ NdD Iddl04 (S4fi,945.0€7) DdZSdtSS-- 's.
<br />3 reeeteed #rttm granLee?. dry grant. 3targaia, sr1S ettntey and confirm nttu~
<br />ti
<br />i I ~
<br />Lii1A'Y P4. Fz3.ES assd ~ E. FT_IES, Hus7sarta and Fife,
<br />- ~vint ienartt~ with rigtrt r,f °„rrxerr€hip, ar~~3 ~...; ,L. -~r:.snt.t .. ,~+~mmaa.:i:e !~:iSc~axg -~~es.-rihod real property in E
<br />Ha21 f`onntp, ~7ehraska
<br />LDt R'~ra t2), Calvary Subdivision, City of Grand Island, FiaiZ County, I
<br />34~ebraska. _` ' s':E£ttZA57tl~ ~QCUt+#EAiT'P,it'f ,
<br />STr3~!!P Tr;X
<br />_ -, f
<br />- ~ is~'~ 1 b s~C2
<br />1 '~~
<br />~ _ ~ ~ ~$~r
<br />To here :€nd to 7t~id the 3~c,w irr=tt-r; ;»~:r:3-, -. z.._. ~t*h iii .e~ae-m=:a-e~=tte-red- it~€eata a~t3 ag,~ez- .
<br />tersanees thereto br;oagitt~ ~ssw t1=e s,.ahaer_~ arri c, th..,r ~:scns_ -. _,. ,.~r Fetrs xnd was of the sxtrrivor of
<br />i cheat ftu•rver.
<br />.t,ad ccraatnr rioea :ter*^be .-v~.eu3nt ;ce•}3 e,y,. ,rc:teY~ ,.: , .-_. n~-~r ;~n:s-~ aaci s~•.ch :s?e ?grim and a+{sigab
<br />of fire surrivor ~f t3teta ttsttL grantor ;.~ [atvfn3{y w~txvd „F said prc --,~- - :. at ~r.~_. t a free :-xsm eacxtm3rraaee
<br />sscc~Pt ai3 eetseae~ttts aztd restric*_ixtrts ;if ~~ra,
<br />.:{tai Grantor hob Ktt~}d rtgst ~ttxd iaxfcti actt$eriis . e~t?rei !tiz ~.trna: anti that rraator warrants{ end :rill de#enc3
<br />that ttti+ xn said preaiisrs attairirt L7te i$sefxii ==?sia<a ~t 11 ~rx~as a'~€a~rKSet~r.
<br />_ ti is c}cr iatentacrrt cif ati ~,nzti2s+ iser~t~ :!tat .c *a <~ +~.-.,. a ~t- <eat" ..,. -..`'er r-t the ~raa{ee~. the eatire -
<br />fee, aitrp3? Line tcs th- s+ai :~tatr aits3i =€st i.. rite sorrir,nY ;rang.
<br />i)atrd '.fir 16th ' 9 '~
<br />- - t `.'~'P3'fR 4~'. _ . - aika- .. - i nTitry, tyV ~f- i~$~~.. - - . - . -
<br />I
<br />'_ i 73edas~s me, a notary pubiie +auaii#ie.i fcr Braid ~~c:uate, prmanaiiy came
<br />!lA~C F3. ~ arm S`HAAC~t A. 9~Y, stusbana atx3 fife, each ifl his area etas
<br />i apex rfgtst ~ a>3 spovae of 'd're other,
<br />kaown to ase to ire L>te ideatit:ai person =,r ~ersrixta who ;t~ne.i zh« E'ore8ain~t inbtruateaz aad attnaw3edged the
<br />~erstteet~f to hr 3si6, her yr their ~oiuatsry set ~ 3~::.i_
<br />j ~its~ st7F ktlad 6~1 a®-,mreai seni oat... # ~' . ~, ,' , 1~3..~.sC} .. _ '
<br />~-brrubrw.r
<br />4otarg Pnlt3te
<br />~ ~ ~
<br />-°~. ~
<br />8'Ya'~ t1t~ ... ... ..... ........ j `-.,,,1
<br />~.
<br />s { ..... ........ ........_ ..
<br />7titatat'so! aft ratter iae{ea and 'iir_t3 for rreotd is the Siegiatnr c>f L7earis t?ffiee u# tutid ~'ruttty tale
<br />} they red. ... .. 3'~..... , at.... - n"ziock aud. miantes ~[.,
<br />} .. .
<br />}sat! ti i~ ~sah.... a3.. - ... xt
<br />.. ..... ,
<br />N+ttt, c,f T_teseis
<br />~~ 4y ° - ~ ~ - ~ ~~~
<br />