<br />tfSC31i-Fnstik Fasitrc+tt s ,~.. (~ 4 + ~ ~ ~, i~
<br />~ 427-r r~s
<br />fR~r.S-15.79} RI~.AL RS'i'AT£ MORTGAGE F4R NEBR:4SKA
<br />~_+
<br />.CfftS __..--..._.
<br />M''+~'fK'r1CGfi is trtade and entered-into Isy .._ _.._....-~--~°iaa~~x--~.~~ -.....-.-
<br />~,.^~~~..:. r_.I1__-.----____-.._....___.--_....-.-_----...--C.aunty. PSrbraska, whax post office address is
<br />._:-..:._.,,._~:..~_~........____.-...HE3iiE_-.._..._...-.-...RL.-.... ..-. Nebraska ..b~$$~---.,
<br />Icesein tatkd"'Ba€rtstver;" and.
<br />t;~-~~~jq$ ~r¢aw€er is itsdtbted ra tht L3nited Stetea of Amsrica, aetin~ thmu¢h the Farmers Hame Admsnistration,
<br />13nurd Siatst Uetnent aF Agrs'culrure, herein called tier `Y",avernmrnt," as rvi:lcnced by attt err matt pmmiuory nere(sl
<br />or assten}prtlbti 3,~recmerst~s}, l+ettia ~ikd "Hate;' which has txcn rxncutcd by Barrawet, is payable to the ardor of the
<br />13itretnmrnt, authorizes arcdmtian of the mtirr irtdebtedttess at rhr option of the Government upon any dsfault by
<br />Ebsrawtr, atsd b dbscr~ed as follows: in.nra( Rtrtr the there of Final
<br />t~e`af fttthsnrrarts Pt'inci~( ~inreatrr + tnrerert tarsraltst>3+tf
<br />3arti 3,d, I981 $3~t45tl.tMl ],2$ jmmwrv ~¢r 2f11$.
<br />- If dse iatesest rate ss less xltan .------.._._... ~ (err !arm =.,wnrrzt:tp ~.3r uprrannq iaani si ucurrd by thu znstrvanrnt, then the
<br />rare tear 1>s elsatr~,e+l as provided in the Hate..
<br />.+kttd the rr+ute evidences a faatt za Aut-uwct..urel =.hr t•.,vrrrment. a: aHV tune, tnar ustgn the e:ute anti insars the pay-
<br />mcnt thZrrevf pursuant txt the C~ ans<rfi,iatrd f=arm and Murat 15c:rizlpznrnt ~a+.;..-,t Titir ti' -.,t the tiawinK Act of f UA9 ru auy
<br />atlrzr statute adtrs.nis3eted by rite i'atmers liamr Admmtstrsu._,r_:
<br />3ted it ;: eltr purQr=sr :net restores ti thss =n t-zzsr,rnt that. >Htz:H~ -t e r,enES .+i all trnera svizrn rhr note is held by the
<br />Gavernarent, err in tlss rvsrt *itr Chrvet-umcnt ~ su=ti =sst~, ,zz +ntz.- tnrnt .s, rzr trance •,! the, nafr, eht; -•zstrurnent
<br />- i s :', r5 .. t:t'Urnent 3ti3ii Hat sssure aytn4nt
<br />saal! t€rutr payment of ti:e :rare: ~xt when zhr .~•tc ss ere a ., p
<br />of tier tygtt ur acac6 t~ the .tern rvai~rxcai €}trtegv. i>ut a t^t~+ =.c ..,z „s `rir, than tesnstitu tr an iudentniig~ mortitzgc
<br />[es ysertte tit (iavernrsznt aµaitsst :arts uzWrr -tn ±na<rr sut:r ~mtr~e sn r.:rrta >.i any drtauit by tSarruwsr;
<br />Attd tlrrs errarrjsment iiau arti,urrtt hire <t€xaprurr ~.>! anv .ntrrr~st saeFze ~te sat-+stair which ntaY be htranterl to the fsutruwer !ay
<br />rite flavsxr+rH~nt parausnt to iZ 4` ti t:. Qt 3vt~a _
<br />Nf'fik, T,li~liFl13Rf . tH . ,astietat~t>r, :,a t,r c zr . _ ~_ rerx w1s<z, rhr ncrrr zs iteiJ i>y itze tiovrtntrtsnt, ut tH
<br />taz event the Guvrrttmer:t s'rtcrr:l,S sss~w ti:tz ate ~tt,zn aihr,~s ..ra» nor •ri tree }vYmern „! site Harr, to secure prtxnpt
<br />paytnsrrt at the Hatt and as~+ z*ncwa+s n,i rwt nsix r ~,ert n 5 .as- yrrcmr is a ~ntauud tbzresn, rnciudinguny pravuian
<br />far th< payment st att tnnRSt.rr+.e ,.~r ~ - - r,-a.kys. . - .: =3 zr~~ ~-~'- ~ °~ - hem ?'y ~ ~surr~i tarfder. to ae4we pe*•
<br />farnsanfe +ai $artvwer-r arjrrriraGnt s -:tn =.., mairntntft ..nu x.av.- + atztel ++ :hr t;Sy3~eiatnznt agaerzst tats unrist ttt insurance
<br />- :aatcact by taaWfl t>f rsy dst`aulr by fTatrawtr, am: c, in any event amt at ail torus trz eecure the pratttpt paytrunt of ail
<br />adsasrs+ea at}.3 caparr.iiiutes x,ss+~r :~y seer i.:»vsrr+trnent, wit=::==tc..tt, ac .c,-ssa.itz:::rt~rtt;r:a. new ti,e pr•;utrnarate t„ every
<br />cr~vaaaat and agta:raant :.if tSwtawcr .,-artt4rnci facrss~ cx u, ary xupirismst+t,szp a~resttrrnt, isaxrrrxzs :3ass herei>y grant,
<br />baraairna. refl. C.:a9vet aa..i .Wgtt. wtriz ysaztai maninty, unto sae (~avcrtzrrtrnt aitc f=>llawrng pre>prrty stxuatrd to rite State ut
<br />htebraska,i'.twnty!icsj of _ ... -_ - .. __ ._..- __.... ....-.---.----_
<br />~tt3tea'Iy SLY t~?} Feet 4f IvtS~ Seven t7} and Eight t8} , in Blrock
<br />P+ouc ta3r Brett and 3ok~ones Additi+ost to 4ioad Rives.
<br />
<br />a
<br />
<br />