,; , ~
<br />r .
<br />-~- -.::
<br />-` ~~ 2Yt-R-MECNANIC'ti LIEN
<br />Lisa rued by:
<br />.Odd+ess_..t~~`.3~.-i'~.'.S~..r. 3rd Street
<br />,a_-- Lincoln, NE 68503
<br />
<br />Hoffman and Felten b Wolt, Welton, Ne. 68461
<br />Januar /¢ P'~ - 81
<br />----------°-"Bru~"'L': ""Ch:ris~eiiso"" d'" ~r~....._._
<br />,pq,,~t,.• -;~tIALITY _CONSTRUCTZ4N ~,
<br />2003- E. ?~wi. 30r Grand T_sl?na, IdE
<br />Account of items furnished in total
<br />amount__of-_58,353. 56__is_ attached hereto
<br />- - - - - - - - - - --------------
<br />marked Exhibit "A and incorporated
<br />herein by__this__reference__is though
<br />---------------- ------ - -
<br />fully--set forth.
<br />--------------- k--°--ir-------------------------------- °-------------
<br />1
<br />--------------- - t------------------°-----------------°---------
<br />4 -_--.~
<br />---- ~ ~
<br />______.~-______~_____yk_________________________________________________
<br />NE9RA$RA 1
<br />Ststs af__...-_...__..._._.-._-.._.~_...
<br />' _ ~lt
<br />,HALL
<br />Amt. -Neal Soderquist, Asst Exec. Secretary of Lincoln Lumber Co.b ~
<br />duty swore, oa his oath says that the foregoing itemiad acroruit of ttrork, labor. skitt------..-.-°.°-°---.------...._..~.........._-•-°
<br />asstsa%atr, aad inaprosenesxts is tans and correct: that saase rrerr dare a!rd f.erJorased and furnisked br the andarsignad
<br />r far thr ~ -_~ualit~ Construction---Co.
<br />- o en oral rt?nninq ac~~aart_-.-._-.-... -
<br />j fvr the, construction residence
<br />---°-- -- ................ ... ..---- --- of .z .- .__. ----.......-_....-------- -..-..-------_...._.._.
<br />ow the following lot, pied or parnt of load. r~is:'--__i,0t_ _ L, Slack 3 , Pleas~lt View Addition ..---
<br />._and Comte. in -Pleasant View -Third Addition to city, of Grand-Island .............-.-.
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />That at !hs tiu+s said roabact r:vs nwdc 2nd labor aad matcriatt iaraishsd and delivered thereundtr ....................---
<br />-$Rj3CE L. CEIRISTE{3S()N _u~s the owner o said eatnsss°
<br />- --.. .i~•tta~- 8~eitte--u--- --fttr-xat~tstxrr rzy b-r a... - ..,- _......__ _ , ( 0'
<br />Qua >..tx Construction Ca. Seas the contractor an said buz ding
<br />and--_actin~ far the owner.
<br />That the dots of flu fist item furnished and dstirxred rims.- August 4 1980 -----°------------- and tht
<br />dots of the loaf item xrtt ... September 20, 1480 ... ..... _ ..............
<br />{ 1$ffraat farther states that said tabor was prrforrted oa, arsd rnateriats Caere furnished for, deliwrsd at, and assd at
<br />acid baitdiag ar preati,tes oa and bstween ties bates specified.
<br />That the pricas rhargsd therrfor ors fay and rsosunaole, Sad that there is now due on said artouat the soot of
<br />Eight -Thousand Three Hundred. Frfty ?'hree and 55(100---------~oUas thoa mid,
<br />r Lincoln Lumber Company _ _ ;dai,ns a tier on the soil prenates far the fop antoaaat of
<br />z
<br />r ,
<br />:o3d osc+:aat, to-zait: Ths sure of $. 8 - 35.,_. ~6--------. together Yuith interest thtreoa at the lsgol rats, _
<br />~~,,~ 2.~th._....dap of...7antxar~-- .... ....... .......... rq...g.f.., and farthn a says rot
<br />,. . $yNC~ LUh18ER COMP~IY _..A Nebraska Cor~or on
<br />._.
<br />[ '~. Neal Soder~uistr sistant Exec Secr lacy
<br />SF.~t~ Snbscribsd :e'w !ay pre~snre and sttmra to before +ns this..- a ... ..............
<br />..,, „!o'er""' -
<br />,_..,_ ;
<br />_~.
<br />{ See mYbmie sick tar ' - V ot~y Public.
<br />;. ~
<br />~ tl~A'f8 Oi?-....._..._-...._..,._._._---........._ ..-....--- ...._...._ t Tntered on numecirul rode: end $ted for record =<
<br />.
<br />:€ i (:y~.y ....-._._...._.._..._.._.____.-__,....,,...._.__._._--.._.. j ~. is the Rt~stea of Deeds t)Nioe of said Camsty the
<br />' --.._.._... _...-._.~ td......._.. ...,_..... _ __........, 151......,.. _, at... _..._.._,._..._...... c'etotlr cud...... .minutia ._ .. ht.,
<br />aad trcordad 6t 'tkok,.._...._... ...._.......-.__nt.. _ .............. .. . ~t ;,aRe.. _.
<br />{ _, - ..__ Rea. ~ 1?etc
<br />By . iRrNuty
<br />