<br />x
<br />~.F.~ '
<br />'~R°~'s~itftr~
<br />,att? ~~~t~a~-v.. ,
<br />dey of
<br />.A ~°x< €SS fE .5...lniiv%c~Rr., .r,-tinvo~ .~t.~ ~t ~
<br />71~1~ !lt7R'~tiFir.i~, A w ~.~~" .
<br />.b.. u.,.•t~gnr. ~X~dAi.iz ~ . ~ ~, ;Y. ANfS ..!
<br />t ' ~~~ - {hen rowit~'r, r~ ~~ ~~. home d
<br />and ezistlo6 under the lawn of The United 3Emtea of
<br />,: sit ,~aeoeiatwn. a corporates orBiII~ herein "I.,mtdar"i.
<br />!.trig, vrhrse~a txidr ~ 2213oasth I,ocnst Street. Gt~tsxi Ielartd, Nebrrteka f
<br />LvxettF,as. grower is indebted to [.coder in the principal sum af... F ~ f-•1"Y, ONlr ,jFiiiJ15Al~1Q.0-:i~. til~dt~EG
<br />AfdG rdGi I uG--"---"'---"-------~°---------- LDollars, which indebtcdnesc is evidenced by Borrower's torte
<br />- - ~ • rovidin [or monthly insta6lmenta of principal attd interest,
<br />dated. .. J.~itlV3ry- 14.,, . L44 { . (hisrein ..Note"}, p g '0 L0........... .
<br />witft tQtc bafarxe of the ittifebtedttt=ss, if not sac?ner paid, due and payable on.....May..1,. <.
<br />TO $ECU0.E to Lender (a t the repayment of the jndebtrdneas evidenced by [he Note, with interest thereon, tiu
<br />pavm$ttt of all other stuns, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of tttib
<br />Mort~ge and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Harrower herein conta~n~~and 21)~
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon, made ro $Orn[ ands onvr~ap[.enderttlu following tiescn'bed prapetty
<br />"Furore Advances"?• Borrower does hereby mortgage, gra g~ of Nebrasi~:
<br />....nA~t.................
<br />located in the Counts' of......... .
<br />LOT :~EYEtd (i i , i b G.Ab'Ei.k'G~D ~iiiG f ~l I S I Otv, NAIL ~~UNTY, NE^PJ!~KA
<br />.... .. .,
<br />.................. . tcits3
<br />which has the address of .... . ..... ... (st.wrl
<br />;:-. ~d30i ....(herein"praprrtyAddress"}:
<br />y,~aras~.~
<br />.... - [Starr. sn0 ZiR Goaa.l .. _
<br />Toctixxaa with all the impravemrnts now or hereafter erected an the property. aaxi a(l
<br />app,;irtenarrcrt:, rents. royalties. mineral. ad and gas rights and profits, water, w~~ and•sttf~SiU~4 fbai'aW, sitaq ba
<br />ftittttres now or }tercafter attached to the property, all of which. inritxling repiatce w~
<br />,t+tenrrsi to be atni remain a part of rite property cavcred by this Martga~: anti al! of the foreBtria~,, r
<br />ptt?perty i ar the Itaseht?Id rotate it thts SMtzrtgagr is Un a tesaeeirold) are harem referred to ab this ` "•
<br />Btxrc~r wvtnAnit that tiorrt>w<r is lawfully €eisrd of the rsiatc hereby rrrrtveycif arxf tp~ iho rit(hf to mort~a
<br />gtawt aad convey the Prupt:rty. that the f rapcrty is arxtuumbrrzsl, aml tt~t BarrowiRr will ~taatr~sr-1 +tad tiib~id
<br />artirratly ibc title to the ['rt>pcrty asaitiwt atl rialtos avid dtYr?atxts..ubjcct to any deciarrtiotu. rasentr+tt*'or
<br />§tstrd in a ~~ rd cxcrplicxts to coverage in ana title incurata€ pe?ttry ittxutittg f-ertdefs inrtrmt in t3te P'r+trpnrty.
<br />°, is r iaa.ir b: 7S rtttrartsirt tN~YeY rtttFlttllf9tt
<br />