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ii <br />8 l ---t ~ c l #`~"3 7 <br />Lendtt's written agttetnent or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amoun*. of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided tinder paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Aoy arnotmts disbtn~ by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest ihermn. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secures by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree [o other terms of paymem, such <br />amounts shat! be payable upon notice from Lettder to Borrower rearresting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />f t',.dz of disburser, ~t st try ra22 pa~abTt from time to tierce on otns[anding principal under fhe t~iote tmtess paytttertt of <br />im^rest at Bach rate woad be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shalt bear imetest at the highest ra& <br />perrttinsible under atn•rliphte taw. TVOthing contained in this paragrapfi 7 shalt require Len~r to incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />& Ita~ttlmw: Lendtr mapmake orcause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor re}sled to Lender's <br />fnferesi in the Property. <br />9. CaadrteaaUoa. The proceeds of anv award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, ar part thercaf. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />_ and shalt be paid to Letter. <br />In the event of a Total taking of the Property, the proceeds sha}} be app}'red to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the ezcrss. if arty, paid to Borrower. in rtes event of a partial taking of the Propery. unless Borrawcr and-Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall le applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediateh~ prior to the date of <br />' taking brats to the fair market value of rtes Prnpertc immcdiatety prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the praceedS <br />paid to Borrower. <br />- If the Property is abandoned by Barrawer. nr if. after notice fry Lxnder to Borrrnver that the cottdemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to }.ender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />marled. Lxnder is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds. at i,enders option. either to mtorat}on or repair of the <br />Property nr to the sums secured by this Manaage <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. anv such application of prtceeds to principal shall not extend <br />ur postpone the due date of the monthly installments referred ro in naragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />each installtnems- <br />I6. 1?tarrowrr trot Released. Eaerston ,=t the ::roc for p;nment or mndificat;nn of amortization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted h;' Lender tc atn• ~txetcsor :n interest of Rorrawer shat} not e?perate Po release. in any manner, <br />the tiabi}ity of tax cxrig;na} I;o,-trw~€ .:nd &irrt,wrr'< ,ucctssors :n interese. I-ender shalt not i=t required to commence <br />proxedings against such succtvar ,u reh:sc to extend tame for payment or atheru'isc mcdih' amortization of the sums <br />steurcd f,y this Mortgage M' mason of am~ demand made hs the origins} Borrower and succt~ton in i»terest. <br />t /. Ftaheara®ee by f.eader fiat a Waiver. 4nv ±nri,earancr hs Lxnder in etercising anv right ar retttedy heretmder, or <br />+;therwise afforded Fy appii:able law. +halt not ,t•,e ., wan-er .-_! n, nreciude the rzercise of ;roc such right ur remedy. <br />The prncurrnnent of insurance or the payment ..f rase-.:.,r ~,thcr ?yens ~,r ~harees by [.ender shall not he a waiver of [.enders <br />rght to accticratt the maturity of the mdehtedncss ticetred by this ttort¢aQe. <br />12. Reoe~n Casv4atf-e. .Ail remediev pro,-tdrd r^ this Mortgage ., re distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under this Mengagr ar afforded by taw .x cuutn~..~nd mss hr etrrc~u-d ~nn;:urrcntly, indeptndtnHy nr successively. <br />l3. !~ecemaes aad 4adgtrs Boood; total and Sesrrtd 1.ish}Bh; Captions, ilte crn~tnaots and agreements herein <br />wntafntd shal9 hind, atsd the rights henundtr shalt inure t:= rtes respective utcces,c•rs anv assi¢ns of Lendtr and Borrower. <br />subject to the prorvisions of paragraph i' hereii. ail} c.=ve+tantz anct <,greemenss of Bnrrawer shat} be joint and several. <br />Tltt capttons and hgdings of the paragraphs <=f t^is Mr+rtcattc are r.,r :anventence c,nls' and are not to he used rn <br />interpret ar dtfrne the provtsions hereof. <br />lf. Vetiee, Except far any nonce required tender :rppSicab!c Lau to be oven ,» another manner, fa) any notice to <br />Borrower provided (or in this Mortgage sha!} he g,vcn by ma;;ink arch nonce by ~crttfted mail addresced to Harrower at <br />rht Property ,~ddnss or at such .Kher addrr<s ,s Borrower :nai~ des:ttnatt by notice t.. Lender as provided herein. and <br />th} any ntHirx ra Ixttdtr shall he gtvcn by certtfxd mint- ~eturr> receipt requester}, to [xnder's address stated hereto or to <br />such ottrer addttss as Lender may desirtnate by notice t,+ Borrower as provided herein. :iuy native pmvideel for in this <br />Mortgage shall Ile dtetttaf to ha,-e been zts•en to Harrower .,r i e^.dt€ --shen grF•er, in the manner designated 'nertin. <br />!S. Uaitarm M~rl;~e: Corernioe law: StverahRrts. I~tis corm of mortgage combines uniform covenants (or national <br />use and rwn-uniform ccvenants with limited variattom by r,u,sdict:nn to consrttt;e a uniform securit}• instrument covering <br />real property. ~T7tts Mortgage .steal} !~ governed hY ;Ile !aw ,, the turisdietion .a which tine Property is located. In the <br />event rhea any ¢rovtsion or clause of this Mangano .'r the Vr=te .cnttliets with applicable law, such conflict shall oat a$ect <br />other provisions of this Mortgage of the Vote wh,ch :ctrl he eaves eflect wtthout the conflicting prevision, and fo this <br />end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Vote are do land ±n tr uverahlt. <br />li. Borrower's Copt. Borrav:+er +hatt he furnished .. cnniormed copy rf the Vote :end of this Mortgage at the time <br />of execution ar after recordation }ttrtaf. <br />17. Traarfer of the Property: Astsamprian. t( at? t,r am psrt of the Prapetty or an interest therein is sold or transferred <br />by Borrower wtt}tirut Lender's prior written consent, cxciudfng tat the creation of a lien at encumbrance subordinate to <br />this Mortgage, th) the :nation of :. purchase mane. ~e•eurtto :merest f:,r household appliances. !cI a transfer by dcvist. <br />descent ar by operation of law upon the drattt .,i ~ mutt tenant or ~~. the gram of any 'teasehoid interest of three years or Icss <br />cwt containing an option to purchase, Lrrxier may, at Lend;(, o¢tnc+n. declare Qii the sums secured by this Mortgage to he <br />+mmediattly dt~ a:td payable. f_cnder ,ha}} have uatred such upunn rn .,ccelrratt :f, prior to the ,ale or transfer. Lender <br />and the prrsm w whom the Property i; to be road nr transferred reach agreement in uritm¢ that rite credit of such person <br />is satisfactory to [.cndtr and that the interest payahlt nn the ,gun, ,reared by this Mortgage sha#1 be at such rate as Lendtr <br />strati request- If I-ender has watvtd the eptton to a;:srierate provxicd in Ihi, paragraph '7, and if Horrawe(s sttcctssar in <br />interpt has executed a written assumptton agreement accrpied in uriimg by Lender. I.tnder shah re}eax Borrower from a}I <br />obligatituts under this Mcmgagt and late h}att. <br />Tf Ltndee exercises such o¢tton to accelerate, tender shall mail &srrower notice n( acceleration in accordatxe with <br />paragraph la hereof. StHrh nutlet shalt provide .. periz,d u! n„t lee than .n clay°s from the dart ttra not}re is mailed within <br />whrelr Borrower may ¢ay Eltt sums d~tattd due. ' `; Harfawrr t.tits •,+ pay wch sums poor to tht evpiratian of web prriud, <br />Lender may, without further trwrce ar detnattd on ITarrawer.:nvokc any r •tnedies permitted by paragraph t R httsttf. <br />kow.t3RtrtutAt CovFtsAnis. Eiorrawer and t_endtr further cnvrnattt and agree as inilnws~ <br />Id .taadaafioat Brrardira. [zutetpt a pwrtdtd is patagraptr t? hereof, upon ttmrower s breach of say roveaaa! or <br />ter~reriwl of fitorrowsr ie thla Marp;tige. iacldLgR tlx eeavenanta to pay wArn dtK aef some steered by fhi6 MrrrlgaRe, <br />I•oder prior b atQipaWa rhall rru8 tutire ro Ilrrrawn as prorMed in paraRropk 14 hereof spircifyirltR: (I) the breach; <br />t11lhr sodas ~ m rate sees breathe f31 a dale, ant less tlup 3t1 days tram the daft the .notice is mailed to Borrower. <br />by wTiiti wah ftreacY start he rprrk aa1 (i1 thin failure to rtae attcfi breach oa tx before t~ lode spsrilied fw the aodcr <br />~ r ~ ~ sf the stray. serrrei by this Aiora•gq ft. ia~rrciaswr hr jadicW pt and salt of tbe Proprvip. <br />~oodtae sitaY t'uihef ir8as® ^arran+er of the rtslrl m regeiffie ~itr rrrriEratira sad the right to ssserl }a the foreciosaez <br />PIeL Ms aaaraYtsateaia de#aok w ary athu defeaee of ti{orrower fo areeieratiao aad fortciarare, If the Hrtarh <br />];x eat saaoi to sx itrlaae tier da/t sptesiRed ~ the twaite, lender n lxader'a opting atop declare aN of tide same roosted to <br />dttt ~ to lee ~ 4or artd psyabk wlipoet frathtr dearratd sad out Farerh»e ht tn$iciat praeeee~t. l.tpder <br />t~srB-ito to ral-i/s! fw srteh print ~ expetrses elf fareetasote, iwctaMag. tint aal tirrdted ta, caret of detnmRadar>' <br />+niiWlee. rieirarlr apsf tiAtt reparar. <br />I0. Mtn+wp`a Iftf~t ra Rahrrtafr. 4txwithstattdtng fttukr's v:celtraurtrt r.f the +ttma aec:ured try rltis MartgaRr. <br />tlnrrasret s7rit! have the riglN to bare anv ¢raceedtnles t,rgpa 'rr, } ender rn cnforcr tarts ti nrtgagt disc,mhutxd at any trine <br />