<br />1nt.d,--M~.At- Qa*e~r< ero~TGi+G4-...twtta Tar Guar; ftfr ,g
<br />Nuttmaa aa+t frtran a wort. wsiran, w. tifiN61
<br />K ,~t.t ~[t!:x f3Y 7`tI?.'iE f'ftE~FNTB: That "''xtrr ~l. aackh~~rn and Arlene E. Doekhorn,
<br />„~ . _w F County. srd 3uta td `le c ra s ka , in cottaidentioa o[ the stem of
<br />~--
<br />-x, ~ Ay, ;-_ ~ ,Trrsa :'lt~ridred Sixty-ei h ~ and '1°/- JC °------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />~r#c~
<br />~, . ~„ tW SELL srpci t~Otit~EY unto Brand island Finance Company
<br />,'lore>> Walnut, Grand I~;lartd
<br />~ ?~~ %nunty. Mate of ive~r`33;ia t~fa!t-^°i.*tgd~sri~lr~remiaen~tttated
<br />in ixsll County. std State of ~fabraska . to-wit:
<br />:d~esterlg Thirty Five and Six Tenths Feet (35.6} of Lot Two (2}
<br />and the Easterly: '"bitty Five and Four Tenths Feet (35.x') of Lot
<br />lures 3) in 51ock Thirty Seven 3,) of Russel Wheeler's Addition
<br />to the city of Grand Island, ;iebraska
<br />The FINANCE t~ldRiiE ~ ctuttPtited on my
<br />loan at theagreed rateof 2%parmtxtth (24ai6
<br />~ch~not in ~~ of $1,0 t'~~^~
<br />nxxtih (i$9b per heat} oct tttlt pa[i at the un-
<br />~rW itr ~ ~5,gpp.tim a'l,%Dper
<br />month {t5% per year} on that part of the un-
<br />paid balance exceeding $'S,000.~ but nat in
<br />excess of $T.000..(J0.
<br />S The intrntism being to convey hereby an abaolnUt title m fee simple. including all the rights of homestead aml dower.
<br />I
<br />g ny HAVE .4NB TO HQLB the Premises afxrre described, with all the aPPurte^""""` thereunto belonging, lento the said ~
<br />i rmrrtpageelaJ and to his, her or their heirs and assigns farev-<r, provided always, amf these presents are upon the express ~
<br />condition Yhat if the said mortgagnr(sj, his, her or their heirs, executors, adminiatraturs or aseigm shall pay or cause to be {
<br />1 pad to dte said mortgagee(st, his, her or their heirs, executors. samin;.rrators or assigns, the principal strffi of $ 3, lEQ • no -
<br />e ~
<br />( Payable as foltowa, to wit: •
<br />~IIfT: Ta repay my loan, I Promise to pay you ..-'three inousand Mme Hundred Sixty-eight and C4Il
<br />Dollars (S _ 3 ~ i6 .09 _ ~.
<br />- . _..
<br />._--°---- _ .. -- - °-- Z Bland v`E 68301
<br />~ ycxu a at -- 204 _Nortn 'Xainut S reel,.. ~r~..nd _.. , .. - -- ..__ - __._.. ....... ... -. -_.
<br />_._... _ . .. .. zt -anuar,~ 3, 1981..
<br />with irK+eaast ore the unPaiid Hatarttaa at ilea ram elf GJ...4 __......_ .96 Per annum froth -. ~... ... _- .
<br />tp>aerlr?d is e7pltiPtttaJtt datly cut ittB urtPaid Prt~ t'altnY~ "~ principle and BCGN~ rnterrest shalt b6 PaY-
<br />~ i~t3.'d~,._ each due wJ the nth..------. day of e:aC.tt mattth
<br />t~1e m ..-_~.----.--.... tnsttNmenis of S _ ._. .
<br />ritrrtrnertcirta .. ~'ehruary 9,- , t8._ &i.-... '-
<br />with interest acavrding to the tenor anti effect of the mortgagors writton promissory note bear-rte even date with these Presents j
<br />and shall pay all taxes and assessments leveed upon sad real Mate. and all other taxes, levir~ and assessments Levied upon thin
<br />mortgage ar the note 'whieh this mortgage is gluten to xecute. before thr aatrte becomes delinquent, std keep the baitdings can i
<br />~ said Premises inanrcrf for the sum of 3 -'_s, io$.0~ tar. if arty. Payable to the Bahl tnartgagee, then these gresenta
<br />?~ to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force. 1
<br />l
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED f lJ That d the and mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes or procure such insurance. the i
<br />i said mortgagee tetay pay such Wzrs and Pure such imntranc r: aml the sum so sdvatn-rd, with interest at - --. - per {
<br />tint, shall hr repaid by Baal tm:rtgagur. and Lhis mortgage shalt stand es srcurity for the acme. 52J 'i°hat a failwe to pay arty
<br />of sad m<mey, eithrr printzPel ur mtere+tt, whra the same trecotrxs due, or a failure to ~vrapfy with soy o[ the fo¢egoiog
<br />1 agtrcmentx, shall cause the wM le sum of murtey hetrin aecttred to 6ecume due a~ collectible at once at the option of the ~
<br />- j mortgagee. _ i
<br />1 $igoad tltia ~-^• day of iantLR:^~r t9 '~i
<br />n f v ~..cs4 4' .. /....rs.~~'~---
<br />I ~- .~ _ _ _ .... ... ......_.. _. .
<br />~{ (~... I ~ A.~trt^C~ r 4 .Ewe f t.
<br />STI~TF OF ....... .....................Cefunty Of .... Y....... ....... ........:
<br />'!'~ f i iIIatrutrsrrtt watt acktmwt before ~ ~C ~~ ~~.;• .............19 . ~..'.
<br />tJreBo n8 ~+~ ~ .......... ~ ....... .
<br />~ttr8 of Pearson Taktng ~tt#rWledgIIttlat
<br />~ ! .!G
<br />- ~`itlea
<br />Iiotararf m ntttnisricat ittdax and bled fox hoard ~ -.
<br />'~` is tba ~ Ds+rM O~oa of rid Camty ells S
<br />E
<br />tY # n"e'.~0{'t ill.... satoutaa ..... M., i
<br />;xt id - -
<br />1~t- d Dews .
<br />_:
<br />