<br />Ha11
<br />~~~ [1~-Q2ZS -
<br />Iu C~?~S?~EAATI~JN of the gayer-en* c~ rhp debt na?~e~- t~gr€~~,
<br />Custer Federal Sacaings and L©an ?~ssoeiatior, of Broken Boca, $x~otten -
<br />8ow, Nebraska, a corporation, hereby releases the mortgage
<br />made by .Iarr~s E. Mahan and Dar2en~ N#. ~, - - _
<br />to said Association on the following described property; situated`
<br />in the County o£ Hail and State of ebraska to wit as ~~::
<br />described in the book and on the pages at',elo~r,T
<br />which mortgage is recorded i.n Bcck i? I -- _--_~ ~gag~s aC Page IQ7
<br />of ~i?~ '"2Ci?YC~S Os 3j31i County,
<br />'zebra aka .
<br />I4 WITNESS WHEFtE(3t , C._sster =eler~i. 'a~; i=:=- ,.. ~ ..van Associa-
<br />tion of Broken Bow. 9roker ?ow. `=e^x=a~s;a. .. _... ,..:_ ~~.^, has caused
<br />this release to be signed b~• ~'a^1os ~. Schaper --._ president and
<br />attested by its Secreta_•= and __.~ ~.._ _ __.__U s~~. _ _~ ;~_ ~ reto
<br />affixed Chic .-_*'st dot= :~f .:anua.•y _~z~' .
<br />On this i~rh dd., ~,_ .'anuary , . ~ . _ Q~ ~ _ . -- _ _. _ _:;der-
<br />si fined, a ~otar: ~., _ _ 3-;c _ _.. ,~. ,_ . cat~te
<br />~~arios r. Schaper i'res:ce~ t ;±~ ._~~ _ c. a~~°z:~gs and
<br />uoan Association of :ircker: vo;.. .....r _ _ _ _.y:=~.~ a earrara-
<br />tion, to me known to ~e t~r~~ identicaY: nG:: ~4... ..,,--ua.~ . ~~e £s affixed
<br />to the above release *..^,r sai;3 ~,=_:~ten u~-. __ z, . ~.~.4 ~.~. ,.
<br />Association of Sroke,z ?ow, ~roke:; :;ow, ;~e~r3ska, ~...,~-;aora"lion,
<br />ax'' tiL~ker, and aCknOwifL7f?ec~ :~lle a:'SC`"L:I~;t`':': _. .. :?e =. ,. .- ~,." :;t$r1% act
<br />and deed and the vaiun[:arl act a~ d wee:: ..~ ~,... ,., ,. ~~de~-al
<br />Savings and Loan Associar.i~r :;± .,ro.ce~: rt~V... -:rt :.<. .... :•:Qbraska,
<br />a corporation. I further ~._.it~ f ~';~,~ .~ ... .. ;.. to€~,
<br />corporate seal of said .ssociaY~c~= .
<br />Witness my hand wz~d c*rtic~:~~ ~~:~ - _.. 4~id County,
<br />the day arni year last ai~ove ara tt=~,.
<br />Bf~iML. ~fMM-34+. Nf1.ln:~. _ ~~~_-_A.T_,,.,.~Jt ~ [-~-rc-~1d.n_~s~
<br />ittli{I K~{lE,EA
<br />r~p ,
<br />~-:max ~" ,,?~~'3,,,~ 7,~~ ±`,~..;y-~.~yars ~` _~ax ;'
<br />iiy. c..s.
<br />