<br />6QOR7TrAGE V ~, ~~ t. ~ ~ w .1. U
<br />MQRTCAC,E I.OAI~I NO. L 23 ~ ~$~
<br />KNORr ALL MEN BY TTiFSE PRFSEN'75: T1t:t t:,ary L. Klein dnd MaYy M, Klein, each iat his aria her
<br />own right and as spot>se of each otlierr >t~o~u.,,.h~aaett«m~w,mao~noteafffir~t.raf
<br />'l~sc~tul and Zt~f 1Q4------------
<br />lot~ w seid raor~or by Tote Egttitabk ~ Lom Atanciatioa dGr~ fafimd. Nebraira,Maatg~e, t 4fHi tlraaafae®dt-a[
<br />acid ASSOCIA770N, Csrtlt"rate No. L 23 rRRgg2 , do hereby genet, convey aad ttaxtg~e ttato tltt >rd A~1tlClA7'llDgg 1$9 ;
<br />deaeaHted real eaters, ritwted in Eiad Country, PTebr>tib:
<br />~ TFS! t lad , L'~L «* T U-=, SE`~F3~P1?? ~~~,
<br />CITY CF ~.Ht3D 7"iTA1tiTD, sfA?.L, i.XJC}"4"PY, _'~'~" ~a~i~.
<br />tuglrtixr arrth ~ t#rr treerrcnts. iserrdrtamcars arvd appurenanzt =braevrz*, ~, ~c...7t:r:~.. :x-.x~;~+~t a:: situ °saos :a.ersay. ad aebdar .
<br />window sharks. blinds, storm artttdorn, arnusp. ixanr~. at, .~assdctx.nrttya;ri piu..-^t+ryt rah: •~.ca ='q`::rg~eat avC r'csauss thrrrio.psempa..state+a.
<br />refrtgtnirxs.ard other futtwn ud rqu:pmra tww :,r hercaftex sracsrd ~...~r :~acu ; .._~-^<c:..?<'. ~+' ~~ vr;: rra6 roars
<br />Arad whereas the seed moxlgagur fun agreed and does bercby attrrr =r•a. *.:r ~:aH€ta~ =.s.s* .:.:` .ru ~aay s:: tsaas and as+rrsasa Srssed =x
<br />asaesrd ttptm sad prerresats and trprsn thu mvrt;age and the traxu4 ter::rn' ,,:ears.; :.~. _, : „x ~a.~-!r 2;af3 `cs•:xxse t4~nr}veat. sa turvah apgrv~wt}
<br />atvtraeca upon [he iyusidr[gs un sad prenmrs vtwterl en ttte ur•.+ : 54~, - .~tyarK ~.- .as.' ~~q,,SCJC-7A7tCY,ti aaa s3 ,scieasr er•~ >nnd
<br />,tiS6()CiA17~t the pvtuxs far sand trrarut:tsCe, and rxcr[ :~ x,rtrai+, pc±=~ g.- ~~-_ -_ :_. ~~_ ~,
<br />In ear of ~fautt to the perfrxmaner vt am vi the aura and c.x,.~'.2ri..:. .: --rs .,,.-_~,~r _, -.ac ^~~;vs acvsrri, ~rsbq_ ~t -startdyes yra~.
<br />rm demand, be rntrEied to immrdutc fxnaessrjn ut the nstnt,~gre; vrr:ncscs. .r- .~ ~-.~_featttx-- -x*re.~. r.»:.s. :^asatis.f a.ar~ less .:+er :fat
<br />:tts7tfvs~er n[f the rant 5, rrrrnues arnf i'tte5tnr `-.~r 6! drrtreu : v ,'bx ^t- ~ - .--*_ ~ ~=_r~t _.~ ~~~s as 5"e °±t:tgatix ~S is±HZd,~ ai~i retE'aan
<br />wtpard: and ttsr nsurtgages shxfi hex tine parorr to appurna any agrrt .~.. agents .~ ^rsy ~sur '..a c.x ~rcp_yr .1a repaarxta~ sod taemaey and rs~rag
<br />the torte and cutkct,stg ttte rents, :csmues arsd sntvttte, sisd :t r.-tay pal ua; -' ;ast: nxs~r sr. rxpernes of rrpautrgg sand x rrtrtsvq and rttssstaty
<br />sx;•nsm;^tuvns axni cxpenacs trxwrsd a:.:erttrsg ami =nanaru~ t:w sa.'~ r.~.; -,. :~~. _~~ s=trr€:~r.~_ c*.ac `etc c~•ffi~, ;f . ?v be
<br />applied tvwu3 thr dts.:hargs of ~ ntrxtgigc sntkbtrdncsa. these r=,s..-a" t"r ,n«..;fz ^ ~> *r c'<~ ~es< a= ~~*7 tea slxa tts ta~e~.a: of srs~
<br />defauh, trrtsprertve of any tcrnpursv;. wurer rtf t#sr ~;e
<br />Thess W.rsen[a, hosrevet, ;ere upon the C-:andttsun. iFat ai the saw; fit:-xg~rs-e ,; „s;; -rpax sa#i iw:; ::r: ,.s s+rssxr ax :trsturxy ai and sfsarss by
<br />pay tricot. pay nsunthiy to said ASStXiATtOti of the was =pearled srz ei>c ~.,~ xt oats'. xrr??y xs .tsxtu anti prsts+:tpN rm read lean, ua as hasafe
<br />the Trentxth day of ruh and rrrrv rtxrnth, unui sod 4uus n {tstty ~.,.;. I~r 3a taz= s ax:~ aaacaxxocaas <.rd sxa+aar vud pemaet uad on fete 14orta~t
<br />aad the Band zrr~ttred thzrrby, before dsisrtsluen z. iurrtrst: apprwrc :-us,rarsc< rrpx: =tc ~ uattmts Et'tsrrxrrt ux the soar ur S 4~ r i.~~. ~ payable
<br />to sad AS.SOCIAT'fftfv: repaq tv sad A5SF7CfA1"It)4 opus demxx: as' .:.mry b> et i,.+ iu: ;usr, razes, araa>rmtaaas anal taatraasae ~ mseaaat st
<br />ltte ttgttrrnwn Nsgat r.rr tlncretm fans date «f paytttsnt :!! .,( ah3ih Llcrtgr~= t~:rby ~sces tea flay.,zr~: rat> weans nn s~dprraanR,tesp sod w>spty
<br />with art the agreements artd vrtdttwns of :he Hand ;at 3 .j(}~ 3Q0 ~[; ~'us uy grrsrt ny fns sat+7 -kxsptg~rr tv rani AS'gCICjA11(>a[ti, aed oumyiy
<br />with all ttx teyunemenu of the Consirtutwn xrsd Hy-!ears ut sa, ASStX lA fTtr*.. tfxa abets preaaAta flail bsscstma nail aed rod, utftaasrya they
<br />sP.aif remain in fu6 farce arh: tray be fore~lossd at the upisur, o', thr sand A.SiCrC'f.ATltjtr alter iadura fw throe trttreih! to main say tsf slid
<br />paytratnis ar bs thrss rr tntfts to arrcus m tru:,nyt usd nrvnthty pay mcnts..,r r,r ;issp am: aategMy +auts tifr a~se~asr and r~aA9atana of and ~ar$~
<br />and Mortgag[x agrees to hart a rrsrirra appuroted forthvrtth sn stash :. rrti;zsiire pn;cz~sdnrya-
<br />If there is any dwttgc to awntrship of the real estate mssrtgttged bettor, by sak ut ~~thst,ane. thm the safes rea®tYt~ 6adaiYdaeelt X
<br />tecvssd shall, at tits option of T hs L'gtatabk Hutkiityy aai Loan Asssscratrurt :rf G:adi f afatssf, tiabraaka, baortae ®eardeaaaly daa atr-gtgnt6ia aaAAafR
<br />twther notice, and the atuoun[ remaining due tuukr said bad, artd any :rzher bwad for nay addtrrtaat advuaa ®ada aloaaewiw:aWt. hays tit
<br />dat€ of exa:eitt of sad uptian, btu inzsrrst at tEu mazsmran ft~at rats, and thu osutga~ essay thus isa frsraoeaaad try ~Y t~ra a>~d Qtga-w-a~L
<br />bmd, and any othu boas for addetianai advan,.xs, togethu with a!t sums paa3 by card The Erluitzdsk t and Loan Aratartiea of fataoi=hiri,
<br />Nabraatta for inatrancs, texas and asssaatrtenis, snd ahstrar~trf~ eztevtvaan . hargrrs, wttts tetareat therwn, irons d~a s>t paytettpt g ~a atst(iteltem
<br />rate.
<br />As ovis}td in [tse 8aod secured ftersby, v;hirr this rtxrrtgagr rrrrutns w effect fix rnostgagee may tteswftat adttasrsa additiaarl antra ~ tits
<br />raakera isf said Hand, then asatgns or atscxasurs :n ',ttrxeu. wfucn sums shall x wrth.n the secws[y of then m«tgagta the stone n ~a Isttsda
<br />accwsd ttxreby, the tots[ arouunt at pruuapa! debt nut to rzs~d at any frets flu sxsgsnal urwuni of thsa mxtsys.
<br />~ thin day of J3i111aN, A. D., 19 $1
<br />;~i' ~%
<br />T Ec Klein --
<br />StA E,HRASKA, ~ ~ fart tltu 14th day of Ja[ttzury t s $1 . batam tea.
<br />CpIfNTY OF HALL ~
<br />the undarafgrxd a No Putslic ~ and for acid Comfy,
<br />:.. Klein afxi Mary '~. K12i., r:~,r;;r i7t his and her CTw11 ri~tt artd~ as spree or ~yc~f.r,
<br />wbo az7E puattnaity keovres to
<br />me to bs the deetsty! parertxtg wisoae names arE? affixW to tlm about iaujiµrnettt u irwtigagur 3 and they savetai{y
<br />:ii:nowkd;€d the ~ uratsun;ffistt tv bs ti'ypyr rcduntary at9 and rknf. _ - -
<br />tgTTNESS my iwa# aruf tratarul Seat the slats aforstawf. '~ - ~,- `"
<br />Afy t.'aa eapuss _- .__ -
<br />''''"~~~ ~ ~utaty ~uAlk-_ .
<br />_ ~ __ .. ..-. a.,t.l1
<br />