<br />
<br />ustrtran.t Covaar.tvrs. eornaaret aril t.ettdsr e:ovenant aril ague as foliowa: " ~ ..-. ~) ~ i t~ ~ ~" `#
<br />t. ~ d aei taeeratt. Borrower stroll promptly Paq caftan due ttx prituipat of aril intt~as[ on the
<br />s+deWednm evie trl' rite Nate. prspsyasettt aril fate tdtarges as provided in the Note, and the prixipal ~ artd inteaai
<br />on an Future ~4efvances sezuted by this Deer! of 'T rain.
<br />2 ~ hr Tr tri Israstsace. Sodsject fO a taw or to a writttdl waiver hY I~adp; Borrower addi~y
<br />to Learttr ra rite der rev installments srf prirrciPad and interest ate payable utterer ttx Note, astir fig Nme u nab is fuB.
<br />a coin (herein "Firadi') erpiaf ta core-t.rtFfth ~' ttte yearly taza ate a~asmettts which may attaht pirority over this
<br />sue` T.~, ~ f'. ~~ cr3 tl~ t ~Zy, i€ may, ~e-t~fE ~ c` -r~-ty ittis ~ for ha~~ 3t~=.
<br />ghat ~-tw~fth ~ yestrlq premium instaltmtetts for tnort~gt irtwrsnce, if any, af3 as reaawtaWy esriroaied iniiialty sari frmtt
<br />titrte da titae by tasdar oe t!r h~ of as~amatts ~d Sills artd reasonable enimata thetwF.
<br />Ttse F sib lie iidit in an in~tirutian the deposits or accounts of which are itxaxed nr gisaraateed hY a Federal err
<br />stag ttgssstry C~ LenelK if Lender is an irtutimt). tender shaft apply the F ire pay said rases, aaa~nents_
<br />iraarrartct pry sail grated ruts. LpaGer !stay toff charge for so hs6ldittg and applying rite Fug, attaigztrsg said accousrt
<br />sx verifyirs; a~ eia'said aaesiments and raffia, uatca Linder pays Harrower interest an ttx Fuate~ and appticabk law
<br />I_rnder b make sttdt s charge.. Borrower and Leader may agrrx in wntsrg at ttte bane of execrniots a this
<br />~~ Tna~ tllat on rite Fiords shaft rte paw to Bartower, and unless stxh agreement is made ar applicable taw
<br />aegtires taxh iateraat to ire paid, Lender shah not be required to pay Borrower :ray interest ex ratirat~s exi tlx Funds- Lextdcr
<br />shaft eve m Bmnatver, witAont charge, an annul atX,aanirng of fire Ftmds slsowing credits oral deters to the Fursdt and ifSe
<br />psaayoaa f~ sstit4t ~ debit ta the F wtu made- The Fmtrht arc pia~d as ad+iit"rooat sectrity for thre sums secured
<br />hY Ilsxd of 'Pty.
<br />It the amount ~ the Funds hdd b7t Lestder, mgaher with the future monthly irntalttaests ~ Ftmds payal~ prior to
<br />the elite dtues esf taus, asiemtatetttt, itasurarsce ptrmiitna and ground reins, shaft exceed the ac4eartt required to pay said fazes.
<br />assts, itaarrance premiums aril ground rents as they fall due. such excess sitafi be_ at borrower's optimt. tittxr
<br />pnrpptiy eepaid to 8exrower or cry to 8orrotrer on maaihiy tease!{tercets of Fuar$. If the artaatxnr at ttst Ftmds
<br />faetd by Larder si+gt[ ttm be sultt to pay tares, assessmmu, iriwrat~e premiums and groiaead rents as they fart dare.
<br />Borrowv sFiall pay to Linder arty auarntm necessary to make up the efiefir,exsey w,thrr. 30 days from the date tswice a ma,ksi
<br />fay €.eadter Ba Bort+aiater tag pnymem tfsueo[.
<br />Upon payaaeat in full o! all sums accused by rho IJterf of Trust. Lender shall prompt3y refund to Borrower grey i=ondro
<br />listd by Lender. If under paragraph Ig heress6 tht Propenv ,s said or the Property ra ataerwrse acquired by Lcisdtr- Letidcr
<br />shad apply, tta farce tttto 7r i$~ to the sate of the Property ~ sts a~luistt~t ay [.€~,#tr- arty Furors 'wet t r
<br />Lender ~ 4tu titer ~ ~ as a credit sgairar the sums sexur~ ity €hts feed of Trust_
<br />3. of layrrssY. Uokss appticsbk taw provtdd athersv:se. a?t payrtrmts r~z5rni hY i.erat~r carder •he
<br />Nate and l ~ 2 heretaf sfutt '.ac ap{et,e6 by Lender first sn psvment of art~tr#s payah3c to Lrndtr try Borrower
<br />r,~r f'='`~. t~ .., i,n....., ~y m, t~ 'vet_....._., to =h- .... -r..,. sh* ~. ~ ;:~..,, ..,._..... a,~l
<br />pritxtpd can +nY Future Advaaees.
<br />4 [Jett. Bmroa~cr shah pay aft faxes. asse:sarrtcnts acrd r~hr c'-targp ~aa arw' :wpautiarrx attrrbutatair to
<br />the ltoperty vdlich tray attain a prwrtty Duet rhea f3eed of Trust. sett ieasetto{d paymerns ar grouted netts. =f arty. is the
<br />truer pt3svie€~f t paraglt 3 ttreo€ vr, if mart pai.t m soh rnareuer. '.sY ter rrraYrre~ payses~ar, cartes ~. dresa:ifY
<br />ta the thereof. Borrower ahaB [urnuh to L.cexkr a13 norHxs oaf amt':,-.<, .:seder the psragtaph, uiQ es floe
<br />error shell matte payrlmtt t+ectiy, 8orrawer stiatt prrsetprty €urn.sfs tc i_ender tecerpaa rrr;tesnrng sacra payrnerns.
<br />Berrewer ttaalt prompt-y tlauliar~e any rice whxh tru prweny arocr rhea Dead of Trust: proro:drrf, tsar Baes:;wer ;trst# nor `~c
<br />required ta discharge aaty arch bee ao kaeag as Borravrer strait agree rn wrrtrng to t_rc pawtraent of 3ftr abingat,un sceured try
<br />suc$ lien is a manner acttptabk m fender, or shalt rn good fa,ttt sontesi u,e.^. 1_cn ~y, ~~r hSraJ cnfoscemeot sr( s~cta tin ,n.
<br />legat~ which taperaae t0 prevent the cafarcement of the s:ra ut r~arSertitrc <zl .hc PrafrrnY ar any par, thereat
<br />gEaasrd (3ss€rowcs sAatl keep ttte emgrovetrtrn€s ;st~rr ez,~cr:~ ea iota€trt mated G•n €tre Property :rssurcr#
<br />against ~ by Bet, hazards ~lttakd within tare term "uissrkieas cssvar-age" . ss;i weft orlv<r `arax;ts as f,udcr trsay :~r:rr
<br />and re stxh amwau and fix such per,orts as Lemfer may rtqurre: pravrdtxf. ; °.at tauter s„'saatt matt tegsurc :hat ttse ataaa~ant of
<br />"~+. co:~, gc cx first aiaG.tat sR coverage riytrared to pay ehe susm aecared t?y siua iced of Trtss.
<br />lire imwraxe eerier providing the itsstarsnrx shat! tlwe clwsen Sy Borro+rcr urbtect to approval by trsader.:ararrded.
<br />tract a-eh at stsetl seat ire tnuetrwrtshty witldieM- hti premiums as rnsuranu paiicxs slsait lac p~txl in the tresses
<br />prorided t~pttaagfraph 2 hereof oa, d trot paid in sixh tmnner, by Bortvwer rrsrlrirtg paytae~: t- where due. drreftty sa true
<br />tattauaoce castor.
<br />A!! ire policits oast renewals thereof shah iX to tram act-tprat .a :.ert~r ar€d a#aafi ,nc;~ir a d3.tdatd marigage
<br />clause in favrx of find is town atxeptatsle ta Lender Ltrtacr short have the nglti to hoi.i ttte poiic,es arxi eene.ais thereof.
<br />sad Borrower pteamptiy furoiah to Lt:nder all rcnewaf nrtixea sail all t'eccspts of pasd presarurs>;. In the event of foss.
<br />Bortovaer shah give prwrlpt ttatice to rite nuurarice earner acrd L.erader. Linder may make prasrf of €oxs ,f eat erode promptly
<br />~ ~-
<br />Unt~ i.essder aril Borrowu otherwise a;rer in wnung, rnsurartir pnactzais se,xlf be appi¢d za restaratean or report of
<br />the Property damtafed, provided sash rtstoration a repau rs ecuesurrs~sidy teasattk and the security at ttus [)teat of Trout ,s
<br />toot tlaeretry imparted. If each rsslorstitro or agar is rise ecartamicatfy Fras.tstr ss .€ ttx rrxtirrty of ttsas f7ted of "Trust wouM
<br />be impairinl, tlx iraaatartce ptnceeds shah be applied to the cams secured by lfns Ilced of Trust, r:th tftt esecss„ +f any. peril
<br />ta BOrraaVtr. if the Property es attarsdtaned ~` 8orrosver, or if Bwrtrwcr farts to respond €a 1_errdtt walrus 30 days from the
<br />data notice is iotited by lender ta Borrower that the ,nsuraine carrxs offers to setter a 4daaas fu rrssurasace IsetseRt~ t_enrter
<br />is authorized to colteet oaf apply the iowrsssce proceeds ,u Lender i option rrttxr to rtsrarataWS ex rots of the Proptny
<br />a' to ette seems atta'utod ~utJteed of Trust.
<br />Uoless [.etsdar and ailunvise agree to canting, any such appitcatuan o! proceats ta prrrecipai shaft not txttnd
<br />w pwtptaree the due ets6e of the monthly imtatlrreents retcreed to to paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or cha+ega the amount of
<br />suet, irestatlrreeots. If tinder paragraph 7 b hermf the Property is act}turext by Lender- aiI ngM. «tk amt entreat of Borrower
<br />in and to say insurance ptdicies aril ua and to ttte proceeds thereof tssttitrng from Aamage to the Prt>puty prior ta ltie safe
<br />ex arquisitiaa shah pass to Lender to the extent of the sutras sexured by this Dred at Trust trritrstdratety prtar to such utt or
<br />atquiaition.
<br />i. PreauvaYo~ aai l~katsma¢e of lropatty: I.easeAaids; Caaduttsiwiusm; Pfaad Unit €)avetapseas. Borrower
<br />shalt kceg the Property m good repair grid shall nut commrt waste ar lxrmtt impaumem ar akterisx-!eats of the Progeny
<br />std shall rnmPlY with ttte prrnrisions of any lease if this E of Trust is on a ieasehoid, tf this Deed of Trust is t>n a unit in a
<br />at a planned unit dtretopment, Bwrowu slmt4 pedorm aiE of ~rrowei s obtigatiares under the declaeation
<br />m. cgv~aggrs t~li4g gr giwerning the condominium or pfantted fuser dtvetop_'Iitnt, the by-dews sad rtgsalatit>ns of the
<br />tatdoaoinitttn or pitmced utus skvebpnaent, amt cattuitirent documents. tf a condominium or planned amt drveiopmrnt
<br />rtdtr is etttaeuseel by Borrower ated racearded togdher wnh this Decd of Trust, tht: covenants and agreements of such rider
<br />std Aa itscr,*tpriraEed into and shall arrsrrid oral supptemartt the eo-tenants and :rgretrrtents of this L7eed of Truu as if the rider
<br />wars a put hastrraf.
<br />?• Pltaseetlsa et leaiar'a satealy. If Banower fails to perform tree covenants and agreements contained in this
<br />!]red d Tnpt, ear if any sectors or prosxeriing is commenced which mattrisily affects Lender's interest in the Property,
<br />iadtrditq{, !rap ns% kmitad to, eenitsattt domain, iiasaivrncy, lade rntorcertunt, or urangementa or proceedings involving a
<br />Sr:~ ~ da; `. two iara~r ai Lrttdzr's option, upou notice to Burrower, may tnakc such appearance:, drsburx such
<br />awns scarf taut such action as is necessary to prexect Letactera interest, including, but nut limited to, disbursement of
<br />r~oa@# trtlorney'a L~r std rmtty upon the Property ta make repairs. If Lender required mortgage itesurancc as a
<br />coeatitiWt d ttwkitrg the town secua~ by this Dead of True, Borrower strati pay the premiums required to maintain ,etch
<br />iasitteaCt d ,4'IJeGt un'il strtdt first b the rtequitremestt far such insurance terminates in accordance with ~arrowera and
<br />tetedet's rvtitttn agrtmxsear tar apptitabia law. Borrower shall. pay the atrxrunt of aft triortgsgt insurance premiums in the
<br />p~+!+oad smear pe Z ttcsaof.
<br />As aauotanta di!tbrrrtsd hy~Lander prriatant to this {Hfragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall btcome additiuna!
<br />i of Borrower secuaad ba this Iked of Trtta. Unhesa iorrower amt t_cider egret to Dotter arms of payment, such
<br />~p-y> up~rtatict from i.arrder to Borrower regrxsting paymrm tha.cof, oral shaft bran inlermt from the
<br />~ each trees wsx~f ~ r pataysl+k €rom litae to time on outstanding ptincipnl tarter the Note unless payment of intrrost
<br />~ epptac'a6le taw, in wh,eh avant such tstntaaats shaft bran rnurasi of tilt Rrghtst raft
<br />pia ~ 1sw. Alothing craatainarl in this peragrapti 7 shall require Lender to etecur any upenst ac take
<br />stay fiction AstettnQat.
<br />>L ~ l.eedea Dray males os catase ta 6a +s+ada rcaronable emrm upon and n}specttssns of the Properly. pravrdrd
<br />~ a€ritl g3tea BOttOarar notary prwr i0 any welt ieettpactwn apet:ifymg reaasxwtsk cause thereferr related «, Lcrtdrr-s
<br />uaseralY ~ tits Prapftir
<br />...J
<br />