<br />~.~-U(~~}~ IO
<br />Lt~ Catoracawrs t8tsrrorver a~ Ltsstlet covenant and agree as fallorva:
<br />1. PaSt~aM ®( tilt tlalettesi. Borrower tthalt promptly Pay when due rite principal of sad interest on the
<br />tse t~ Nr~ Prepavmrat oral late charges ae provided in the Noa, and the principal of and interest
<br />ost any )fie t4dva0oea< by this ~~+~~
<br />i, ~ss~ trr '[arse ~ Eirwee. to apptrafpte law or to a writaea waiver bq Lertttier, Sorrosver shall P$Y
<br />Oo Loader tm..ffie day iat~lmenta of principal and interest ate pagabk under the Note, uttdt tiu Nae is paid in frill,
<br />a- "tea "Ft~t'°) et}ttd to tae-nttt of the yeuty taxes and asttts which may attain Priority. over this
<br />,-sad. gratmd rat on the ~7'- if atty. plus ottatrteifth of yearly ptxmittm ittstaBmenu for hazard insurance,
<br />yaely vitas ' fet naettgss~e irtsurancs, if any, alf as ne~onahty astirttated irritiatiy and from
<br />dose to tftaze by Lmier as the of a:»xrseaet and tsfk and tt~sonabk tntitnatea thers+of,
<br />7be i ~ isa beki is as imritntion the tfepmits es accoutua of which are iasurrd or guaranteed bP a Federal or
<br />attafte allrncy (isCiv~ng I.ceder mf I.etsda is such an imtitution). Lett shalt apply the Fonda to pay said taxes, assessmenu,
<br />intttst[idr plea and gsnmld toms. Let€der may trot tdtarge for so hailing a~ applying the Funds, analysing said account,
<br />or ~ and taping aid ase~atu aced bilk, unkas Deader pays Borrower interest on the Funds attd appticabie taw
<br />persaiu lam' sit ttts8te latch a charge. Borrower and gender may agtx in writing at the tithe of execution of this
<br />~Lga~ that. itetlreat oa the Fwtds shall be paid its Bosrowtr, awl unless such agmmeat is madC or appiiwbb law
<br />tmeh itttereu to be paid, Lststtta ahail nest be required m pay borrower any inierest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />~ gtr &v Scartutiter, wsthratt charge, as attnwl atxouating of the Fatxis showing crtdiu and debit; m the Ftmd,t and the
<br />parpae f~.ttrhich each drat m the Fund: was trade. The Fttt~s are pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />~~-
<br />'u` si'a2 atttotmt of the Fttrtdt hem by Leader, togedser with the fulcra tnonthly installauttu of Funds payable prior to
<br />Lha thte daua of trots, . iasnrmnce premiutm attd ground tetra, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />. ittratrattce pttstttitems and ground rents as ttmey fall due. such exckss shat! be. at Borrower's option, either
<br />proaptiq ~ to Botrtswer or crediud w Borrower oa monthly instmimems of Funds. if the amount of the Fund:
<br />hold raj t.mder shag not be sulBri~ to pay taxes, assevmerits, insurance pretniurrts and ground rents as they fall due,
<br />BotTOtvtr shall pay to Leer say at>sment neceswn~ to make up the deficiency within 3d days tram the date notice is mailed
<br />bq I.mder to Borrottxr wing payment tbermt.
<br />f~Pt~ Pik ip fait of aB str~ secured by this Mort¢aac. Lear droll promptly refimd to Borrower any Fonda
<br />heh# by Lmtder. 1f under paragraph I g tseteot the Prr>perty is sold of the Ptopertr is othtrwise atqurrtd by Leader, Lender
<br />[Kali apply, ~ laser that[ tmmediarety prmr to the sale nt the Property or its acgttisiuon by Lang. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the tkat of appdcatian as a crtdii agaatsat the sans secured by this 'tdortgage.
<br />3. Ag~9aYaw ef' [fprasap. Unless agpiicable Saw provides otherwise. art paytttenu received by Leader under itae
<br />No3e aax# p~aray{raphs l and 2 beroof shall be aPpited by Leisder first :n paytneut of atnounu Payable to Leader by Borrower
<br />ttttttler paragraph 2 hereof, than to tntetcat payable on the tine, then to the principal of the No[e. and then to interest and
<br />pritlapal sin arty Future Advances.
<br />4. Liao, Bomswer shall pay all taxes, assessments and .titer charges. filar and tmprnitiens attnbvtabk to
<br />the Property which tray attain a priority over this Mortgage, and k:sehotd payments ar ground rents, if airy, in the manner
<br />pvovidad il7I~N puagraph 2 hereof or. tf no[ pstti :n such manner. by Borrower making payment. wtlP91 due, directlq to the
<br />Faye ttsrecf. Borrower tdudi promptly furnssh to Leader ail ttottces at amoitnis dot under this Paragraph. a~ in the etrcnt
<br />!#orloRM shall make paymmn dtraetay, Borrower shad promptly tumtxh :o Lender receipts evidencing such payrrtenu.
<br />$orrowar shall proasptty discharge any :men whteir has prtortry ,:vr. [firs Mortgage: provided, that Borrower shalt not be
<br />negtZirad to diacharga anp staclt iktt so tong as Borrower shall agree :a wratang to t_he paytnent ct the obligation secured by
<br />ssa3t lien in a ttsamta acceptable to t.tsder, or sltatl m good Earth ccrntcst such itch ny, or defend eaforcatunt of such lien i4
<br />frgal rrttictt operate w ptsveat the eniorccrrsent of the t:cn ar fn[fenum of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />3. irlAlq. Borrower shall keEp tt4e .mprs~s-castor; nc~rw. ecrsirng :x tsereatttr erected on the Prapcrty rnsurtd
<br />agaia~ lose by fire, hazards i>Kiuded wra$an ttsc teriri "estetaied cc>.erxig,t a.~d ,uch otter har'a• rds as t.endc: may ra;uire
<br />aetl to snefi atttasttnts anal for such perms as Leader may r~urre: prrtk-tdtd. that Lettefer shad =,tcst rtquire Thai the amount of
<br />atxh covcraye excsat ihae attxrsatit of coveraage required t3 tray t~ sums sa:ured sty thtx Mortgage.
<br />ThC iaatuaasx carstu provi~rg rise iarsuaace shalt ht . hoxit try ftixrower subyec: eo approval by l.endcr, provided,
<br />that such approval shttB oot be unt~ontixty witlxliehl. ,311 ptrmius€s cm itsasarastce paiictes shall tx paid to the manner
<br />provaied tinder pares Z httrwf or, sf [tot pall zo such +++~~~_. try H. rrewtr maltrng paytaent, wtxtt 4tx, dirsrtly to the
<br />iatte$raocr txrrra.
<br />:18 poliems and tarp ilsa~eof shalt be to forest accepiabk to Lender oral shall tnc:lude a standard mortgage
<br />t~tsr ~ favor ~ ate d f aes~apt_ahla tr_r Linder, Lcttdtr ±hatl boor ~ right to hold the pofictcs and renewals thereof.
<br />agd Bttrrpwar shy prefy furnaah to t_mdar art renevaai ttotuxs and aft re«tpu of paid paeatiums. In the evcm of tens.
<br />t~ SliaA J~ promp4t ttetYar to the tttatuaartx canter atxd Lender. Lerdu may make prooa of Sou >t not mad[ promptly
<br />trq Borrower.
<br />Utz f asd Bmrerwa oaherwcae ag:ra in wnnag, ittstuance proceeds s.4ail be appimef to tsawratiaa ar repair of
<br />the Property ptovttiad such resscxatxrrt of repau as cmrxxettta±ty feasible and the securHy of this Mortgage is
<br />rapt them6y ittspaitmd. if stag eeasw~atson or [epos[ n ntix cconuasicalfy feasit+le or if the securny of this Mortgage would
<br />Ire ice, the ittat pttteeoda s#ull be applmd to the storm sttctared by theses !Ntrrtgagt, wtih the excess, if any, paid
<br />to &srrtrtoetr. b the ' is abando.-.~;# ::-+ Bormwer. or :f Borrc~ner fatFs to respond w Leader within 3fl days from the
<br />lest[ aettece is mailed by Trades[ w Borrtraar that the itmtsrarace c-arrtcr Drills to settle a claim for insutttnce trettefits, Lender
<br />u aid m collect and aPPIY the umasr:nee pn~ees~ at Lcadar's option sit6u to reuoratitm or repair of the Proprxty
<br />of its t6a soma aecttrta# bq ~ .
<br />Uolastt L.ettder and Balnsuwsr otherssix agree to ,riiZFSg, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not e.stend
<br />ig the ttt~ dt~ ~ the nscuatttty ~.s rxfttrrdi to iu puagraphs :and 2. hereof or ebsitge the anwuat of
<br />web If tans~r zph ! t€ !# sits Proprrty rs acqutted by L.eratfet. aU tight, title east itttercat of borrower
<br />is awl m any iaanraaal p~Cia and to atsd to the ptwaYab tbereor nmdtrt~ frsxiti damage to the Property Prior to the sale
<br />~ arapfatttta6 [,hall praa t4 L.mdor to the restart of zhe sums sectttcd by rhrs Mortgage imataiisuly prior to stash sale or
<br />i - ~i r ,d I[R~raels; LessC (: PLatKd titsM Dev~apsae>tts. t3orrowcr
<br />tth[lB ietgt t1u Proptettq is Betod repot sad twrt cuter waatt or permit impairttteM or dekriatation of the Propem
<br />~¢ y r~ tilt ! of qty ssase d t [Mortgage :s on a leasehold. If this Mtrrtgauae rs sin a unit in a
<br />s~ a pt~ed t sleveiopsntps€. Borrower shalt perform all of Borrowei s clligatiamt under the declaration
<br />tx' ~ or gssyd the coeArunirtattra or plantttd unit dtvtatepnteo4 the by-taws and regulations of [he
<br />or mad trait darset2•, and cotwthumr doetttttettes. ff a cottduminittm or ptanntd unit dcve-opteent
<br />rides[ let LpplaYt4d by sad r together wath thrs Mangaga the cnvenattu oral agrttemereu of stxh ntkr
<br />t~ spa sad attad a»smd std sarpptezaeut the cnversants oral agxeatnents of thrs Mortga~ as if the rider
<br />carata:p+us lsst~aw?,
<br />?. L{qs ltd l:Atlu~l '• tf >3nrrovrer faals to pafurtn the ctrvenaau oral agtstemettg contained in rhts
<br />;~„ or ~ ~ is f wt~b trtsaerial[p aliccu Ltntfer's inirreat its,. ttse Property,
<br />fo. irsrolycraey, css9e arrfuscetttrnt, or arrangetilertu or Pratsxt#ist® involving a
<br />taatititwpt st dark[ [!west lmsdta at Lttadtct's optism; tgttm aatists sti Borttrwtr. may matt ttach appaaraneett, duiatne stash
<br />aaA!-: asd 9lite wraa, attlina ar » tt~ to ftt~act Lender's tntetrat. tnk~ltn~litrg. Iwt trot itrttited t0. disburaamertt of
<br />r#alattat+~lta~ a't Earls a~ a utroa tfx Property to aztaka tepri-s. tf t..tadat required ensutgagn ittsurartsxe as a
<br />ctaa~liY9ini of ss~ tLr Ipap ss~rrd try t4tia ~, Bsrrowtr short pay the ~ regttitisd to tnaiatain arch
<br />i it rirdli € tisaa ra €fta t`sa ! itssurgtc~ teemin+aaes xn aeco€$ance wash Botstptaer't and
<br />