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<br />E L S C T H I C E A S E M E N T~~~ ~~~~~~~
<br />Chief Industries, inc., a -elavere corpQrat3oa, tterein.ca.Iled Gr~acas,
<br />in consideration of ~f ~' _ _ receipt ~€ s~taieh fa
<br />hereby acknowledged, hereby grants sad conveys unto the
<br />a municipal corporation in Ball County, Nebraska, herein called Gt.antee,
<br />a permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-wag to survey, consfruet,
<br />inspect, maintain, repair., replace, extend, remove, and operate thereon,.
<br />auerhead and underground electric. utility liaes, pales, anchors, cables,.
<br />terminals, transformers, surface markers, and ether appurtenances connected
<br />therewith, in, upon, above, aieng, stress, underneath and through a tract
<br />of Land located in part of 1.at 13 of 4avman's Subdivision in the West Half
<br />of the ~arthvest Yuarter (~~,:~w~; of Section Twenty-five (25), Township
<br />Eleven 12) tiorth, ?taupe Ten (10)~est ai the bth P.?t., in Ball County,
<br />Nebraska, mare parti~:=ularl~ described as follows:
<br />.he NUrtheri.~~ three tai feet ~.if the Easterly ane-hundred ninety-
<br />four snd tc.~s;-tenths ~19~.~? feet cf said F.vt 13; and the
<br />Souther'-.v sixteen tlb) Feet 6>f said i.at i3; and the Easterly
<br />sixteen (ifi) feet <sf said 1.et all of Navman's Subdivision.
<br />Sail tract «t land .-c~nta:^.in~ ~i.35 acreY more or less as shown
<br />_._ flee pint dat_d i:: ~Sii, aarkeci Exhibit `.a", and attached
<br />bereft: and incorporated herein `~s re+erence,
<br />together :ith the ., _~~vi^.Y rtght~
<br />tnreseri~_ted .n~:ess and e{rrs ,~. ti:d above-described tract of land
<br />.or installati~~n, ~aintenar.•.e, ,?rrati~,. ;xnd remaeal aL such utilities
<br />a;:d au~ rten3aces.
<br />Such rights ~ inp,°retis :,r.d e~,ress ~ha21 include all rigR±s necessary
<br />tar the full and Lampl4te use, u•:cupatian and enJoyment of the easement
<br />herein granted, tncl.udlag the right to excavate and refill ditches and
<br />trenches, te. remavr, clear, and keep ::Tear trees, bushes, hedges,
<br />undergrowth, and ether abstruc:tions interfering with the surveying,
<br />construction, inspection, mainte;nante, repair, replaeement, extension,
<br />reseoval er operation of such utilities. :~o ia~pzovomeats, attucturea~
<br />buildings. €ences, ar other ebseructitrns of soy kipd v#iateoever, ah~l1 bs
<br />allowed in, upon, above, along, acrhsa, ua$ecat~ath,-oz through -that
<br />rasement herein granted.
<br />[,rantot and Grantee agree that C;autor alsa:,2 haven t~~ riy$# t~s g;slta
<br />ever the easement areas and use the eaaa~eat atr+Ba fet.~ PaX~C;ltsg acid €sig'T~M
<br />and egresaa, prcv%d+!d, if Cr>~ate+c needs-tti +tuas-teu~t,,.iaagi~~t, ti~r~aG~fei,
<br />55
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