<br />Locust Inn Partnership, a Nebraska Partnership, herein called the Grantor,
<br />in consideration of Qne Dollar and other valuable consideration, receipt of
<br />which ie hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />a sunicipal corporation ir, Hall County, *Tebraa!ca, herein called Gran±ee, z
<br />permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to construct, survey, inspect,
<br />maintain, repair, replace, extend, remove and ape rate thereon, overhead and
<br />undergrnund public utilties, inc'_uding but mat limited to electric utility
<br />lines, telephone lines, cable fiV lines, and all other appurtenances connected
<br />therewith, in, upon, above, along, across, underneath and through a tract of
<br />land located in pact of the '7orihwest {rsarter of *_he Sauthweat Quarter
<br />{NS7~;SN~S;} of Section Tvency-seven i?7), Township Eleven {11) North, Range Nine
<br />{9? 4Feat of the 6th P.fi., Hall Cauncy, Nebraska, mare particularly described
<br />as fall~+s:
<br />The sautheriy rwenty f~~J) feet of rise westerly two hundred
<br />:arty and e#ght tenths E240.$) feet of the easterly six
<br />hundred sixty and faun tenths {b50.S) feet of the said
<br />?~otthweat t}uarter a€ the Southvest Quarter (It55Rt}, said
<br />tract of Iand conta#ning 0.11 acres, 3are ar Teas, as shave on
<br />the plat dated lf3!"lII£sG, caarked Exhibit "A", sad attacked
<br />hereto and it:carparated herein by reference,
<br />with the right is mace eLectric.ai Line anchors ar anchocs with guy vireo
<br />attached thereto on ;rancor's property, as shove on "Anchor Easement" an the
<br />said attached Exhibit "A", together with the following rights: Unrestricted
<br />ingress and egress across Grantor's property far any *sxrpose necessary is
<br />cannectian with the survey, cansiructiats, i,v~peetian, ?rsainteaance, regain.
<br />replacemennt, extension, removal and operation of such utilities and appur-
<br />tenances.
<br />Grantee shell have full and :osplcte nee, aeeupatian, and enjavmtnt of
<br />the easement and rip,ht-af-way herein granted, including the right to excavate
<br />and refill d"etches and trencises, to rerifave, a#ear, and keep clear trams, roe+ta,
<br />bushes, 'aedgea, undergrowth and ether abstract#ana interfering with the
<br />surveying, ranatructian, #nspeetion, maintenance, repair, replacement. extension,
<br />