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<br /> cov�naTO ��� :�,f i�,1.�.�► `'"`
<br /> i4•;.r
<br /> pa�milio�Gond��roccivon�troni @orrowor or ioi 13orrowcr'o bunolit wLl hpbe�pllad fiist to miy erriaunta Qormw�r avlos on thotcocurod ditlt ���
<br /> exciuelvo of Interea4 0�principal,cocond to intereot,and thon to princlp:l.li pnrtial n�cpoy�:�cnt o4 tiw cccured dabt or.curo for ony roaeon,It wl!1 ��.':
<br /> nai roduce or oxcuse any ar,hodulal pny�aent unttl tha eecu►ed dsbt la pald In tutl. ��_•
<br /> �.CIYm�Ap�Ntist Titi�.Borrower wlil pay eN texu,sseessmente,nnd nther charpea ettributable to the property vriian due end val9 dcRa�td Ntlo --
<br /> daf niso whl he8o�trowar mry havi opelnat ryer�tiespwho�pplV/ebor or e�ateriala to i�mprove oi melnteln Bhe property.���dn eny rf{�htn,cti:rne nt ,
<br /> 3. IMUr�nc�. Borrower will k��p the properqr Insund undu ta�rn� �ccept�bts to Lend�r st Borrower��Oxpe�RO !�d fOf LQI1�1Nt N bP(18111. All —`
<br /> Insuunce policiae sheil Inr.tude u et�ncierd mnYrt{yape clauee Sn fevor af Lender,Lander will bs narned�s laso p�Ye�or aa the Inwred an�np tuah
<br /> a t thw tcurid dibt+If 1.��ndir reA�{ee�marfFj�e Iniurinci�8orroweridriii tolmslntdn iuCh in�urance for as lonples 6ahKla ieq�►�i{aa�ronerty �'
<br /> 4,prp�rry,Borrow�r wlll ke�p th�prope►hi In pnoA coMltlon end m�kt eil r�p�ln rertonably neeet�aty. r"
<br /> �=
<br /> 6.E�p�n�N.Borrovwi�pn�o to p�y�11 Lendn'�oxpsnt�a Includlnp mROnebb�ttorn�y�'f�e�,If Dorrowu bnik�rny cownents In thi�dud �_
<br /> of tru�t iN in my obll�rtlon ncund Ay thl�dsed o}iruot. �orrowo wlll pey thyu�mnunt�to lend�r n provldeA In Covmmt 8 of thb dud o}
<br /> truet, :
<br /> e, ��os�•alKity MN�tat�.U�i�e��Hnrrowa lu�t obtMin�Leixl�r'�wriuen co�.ant Borrotler�:Iil not m�ke or pennit �ry ch�ngei to�nV P��or �_
<br /> wcurity IntRr��t�. florrow�► wlll p�rform �II o! kiorrowu'��bllp�tlons undu eny ptlo� mortpa�a, deed of truet or other ucurltU �flrs�m�nt, _
<br /> Inchdlnp Ewrnw�r'�cowmnn to m�k�p�ymento wMn du�.
<br /> �, A�M�rwnMt of Rent��nd holk�.Bt�+row�r ��olpnr to L�nd�r iM rents md prollt�o}th�property.Unteu BorrawAr ar�d L�ndv,s heve s0 a�d
<br /> OIhN1Yre In wrlt{np, �orrowo rmy aoll�ot end r�t�ln the nnt��w lonp n BArrow�r I� not In detault.If 8orrawir dafnulte, Lender, Len�nr'�
<br /> �Q�nt, o�� court�ppolnttd ncelv�r m�y t�k� pot�e�efnn end nitn�p�th�propoty�nd colt�ct the ronto.Any►ontn L�nder colloote ah�'1 bn
<br /> �ppiwd tw�t to th� �oet�of m�n�pin ttse Droperty, Im;tudln Court cos4��nd uttorn�ys (�e�, commissiona to rontel e enta, and eny otlinr
<br /> MCIH�fY f111Nt�d�xp�11�0�.Th�remnYnlr���mount of rent�wRl th�n�pply to p�ymrnt�on tM tacured dobt e�providpd In�vornnt 1.
<br /> �,lNS�hoW�t Cundamidu+n�1 PI��UnR Re�Mopm�nt�.Borrowu N�r��i to compty with tho provft�!one af eny�ns�If thit de�d af trut�t Ip on f
<br /> undu the oo Iwnwnt by liwi or ripi II stlani of tM c r�0idomin�lum a plinnid u�ft 4�vilupmini nt,Borrow�r will pertorm ell of sorr�wer'r d��tio�
<br /> �. Autt�a�ity ol L�e to Pwfatm for Eatow�t.If Bwro••vu f�ll�to�4am �ny of Burrower's dutl�� undn thl�d�ed of truot, L�nder mAy
<br /> OMKU tbtl 011t'ths�p'rOp�ttY I{diiCOMIhII�OdtO►f1Ut carrled on In i roaionrsbti�minner,Lender msy da whAtever�t�necenary ior prn o taLender'e
<br /> ;;.a„l;;1^:eree!Ir.tM r+rrtp�!►ty.'rh�s me�Inalude core►Dl�tin�th�consuuction.
<br /> I.aMer'�f�ilun to perform wfll not preelusle l•endor from exerali�ing eny of ite other ripht�under the 6trm or thle deed of truat.
<br /> ind wi I A�si�l t,Neii trom�th�td�tiQOf thi p°ylnint until pald In�fuii etf thi�lnt,reitr ti!n�efdhc�on tt,n o curid debt u��W���be due on demrnd
<br /> �p,p�hutt �nd AecMK�fbn• ►f BomnMVr hits to m�ke �ny payment wlwn due or breaky� any covenontt w�dor thla deed of ttuct cr eny
<br /> demind Immadli e psyment ir�id m�V i�ivc�Ai fie p�nwer of,ile and eny other�►emedlef�psrrmlttaA bVy�(xA�a�b I�w irv ot the sacursd deht end
<br />- ��,q�qw�t(or Npye�of Q�fw�1t�f4 ia[��+eby r�queste4 thst cople�of the naticsa of d�}�uit�r�1 sala ba�ent to each p�r�on who Ip�P�nY �
<br /> 11�f�IQ'�/i[iN NNt�ii'vi oiv�.'�I'v:i F..:�S!!.II�S!L�^![.h�fQ�!f. .
<br /> ��,pt�wK ot R�N.It tM Lander Invokea tha pow�r o}oale,the 7PUet�e shail fk�t noord In ttte cf�ice of the nyi�tsr o}deeda ot e�ch cau�iV .
<br /> wher�Sn ths trutt props►tY or some Pan��r pvicel therwf I�sltt�nto6 u notice of d�fault contdninD r�o���tp�othiQupirsoni ai p�re,�cr�bedtby '
<br /> •h�l afw m�ll coplq of tM notisr of c:ufiautt to the Iiorrower,M �r�ch person who Is a party fie� e �t ir� any —
<br /> apphcsble taw. Not I�a thsn one �ttorRh nhar the Trust�e racqrQt�3!•.0 �wtic�of d�f�uit or twc�anontfi�If tM trust prop�rty 1
<br /> ineorpcxrf.vn�city or v{Ilp��nd Is u��d tn[,xmlrp opention�camad��a h�y the tr�ator,tM'�'ru�tes nhvtl qiw publlo noUa of��le to th�p�►son�
<br />_ ��E�n t!�n roinn�r{xe�crlbed bY�ppphua3N law.Truetee,Wlthnut clemand on Borrow�r,�h�ll eN1=ha propNtY st publio�uation to tM hfphe�t
<br /> u bidd�r,11 r�quk�d hy ths F�rm Hnm�s[��d Prote ttnn.Ant,Tructoe ah�ll oitsr the pcoperty In two sn�ar�t�nta�a�requked by applio�bN+I�w•
<br /> L���mtti�il°�neo miy p�ixchi r tl»property���t+,V ai1�V UY P���a ennaunc�re�nt�t th�tlrrrei and Pl�ce of any pnviowry�eh�duHM�aN.
<br /> Upon recefpt of paYm�nt ot ths qice hid,7rust�a�hall dellwr to U�n purohuer Trust��'s d�ed comi�yinC�the property.The r�citlAtr contdnsd In
<br /> Trwtwe's doed�h�ll ba prime f�cie ovidlance of the truth nf the etntmm�ntn contdned lhereln.Teuo�ao sf�all epply the proee�d�o}the��N In th�
<br /> ril�tat�emenf ti�i�ylb?to�ell iumiasiaarsd�by thii dsed of�uuot uend lcl ihetbatincs�It�ny,�N ttw�.p enoni b�qiily intttlid to,iceiva It.f��� ��
<br /> �3,Fa�do�ur�.At Lender's aption,th4a d�sd of tru�t may be toreclotbd In tM menner gtovide by agplio�bl�I�w for fonolo�un oi mortp+qe�
<br /> on r�s!ptopM►tY•
<br /> c��6��i;+�Q=ly��enter 39te�ptap�rty to inrp�at It If Lmder d{vee fiorrow�r notiae L•o4drehand. TM notics muct etate tfx+roaonabw
<br /> 11,CaidMnn�tlw+.Borrower u�!pras to Lender tMproce�de a}�ny eward or ci�irn 1or damsqe��oonneciad►�kt►s condemmtian�ar other takinp
<br /> ific�u►ty aaam�int t�aop�rty.&uufi proc��d�wtll W�pplled u provided In Covmnnnt 1.TRI�a��7pnrt+rnt w subl�at to ths tarms of�ny prior
<br />- 7t.pt�nrsr.By�x�rclslnp eny remed�l aveHebls to l�nder,lende►doe� not pIw up�nV rlphts ta fntx u�e eny ather��msdy.BV not oxucf�Inp
<br /> sny remady upon Borrcw�r'o E+T�u(G lbndet doe�not walve�ny rlpht to later aonsfdw ths ev�nt m ad�itault If It hnpp�ns Yp�in.
<br /> 11,JokM �nd iwM'M L{�b�it�C�'�aero: 8ucc�swn �nd Asqpn� dound.AII dutl�� w�de�:Tis dewd of tru�t en Jolnt �nd i�wnt. A�y
<br /> Borrow�r who co•�bn� thii af tru�t hc�t doe�not Qo•�Ipn tt» urxlart�1n� d�bt Inat�umen2(d)do��so onlM to pnnt end oonwy ihwt
<br /> 8orrmwa'�Intuset M th�e propeny to ths Truet�e und�r tM t�rm�of thta dNdot t�wt.tn�ddition.�wch a Burrow�r�pree�th�t ti�e L�ndei�nd
<br /> _ ��°���thit Borro ir's�int ir duw(thout reM�stip thit eorrower from ths ams o�thti�s�ed of�troit thU dnod of trust or thr a�ourod
<br /> TM dulM��nd ban�ffU o}thl�d�ei oY�t►v�t eh�ll bind�nd ben�tlt the�ucc�esa�snd�ssiyna o�P.and�r��1d BOlfOW�P.
<br />— 1t,Netle�.Unl�u otherwls�requlred by I�w,eny�otice to Borrower tha11 br ytvc�n by dellvrring fi2 ar ay m�f8np It by artified matl�ddn�sid to
<br /> Borrow�r�t tha pr �ddr�et or anY�other�ddreu ihat Borrow�r h��aIven to l.e+�ddr.klorrowrter will plve eny nutic�to L�nder by cKtlfied
<br /> b��ent tOtLend�r's adr.iteso ifitatr�dton pipi 1 of thlitdid of tru,ttMr�ddru�Nf�l�r►��rtdrr:hae de�ipnu�d.A�ny other notlae to Lsndar rh�fl
<br /> /rny ivN;;�a+�h�ll l»dsemed to hsve been�I��n to Barow�r or Uncf.a7 whsn ylvm in the m�nn�r a2a2od�bovs.
<br /> _ �0,•1't�t�r of tM hop�rty ae�O�•NI InNU�t In th�Ifonnwar,tf afl ur �ny part o}tha propnny or�ny IntKest In it lo nukl or trmuferred
<br /> �mnt If t�M�Bor�oww ti not i�nitu d p�ir,on inrlde b�nefloli!inte etiin ths�rrowerefr lo dtloa Vinif�rb HowieA,�L�1n��mi�not
<br /> d�msncl peyment In tha ehovs tku�tlons If it is prahlMt�d by tode•al lew u of tho dat�of tM�dwd of butt.
<br /> 10.R�eonwy�ne�•When the obllq�tlon��cund by thls daed of trwt hi� bem pild and Lende► hes no futther obll4atlon to meke advancsa
<br /> und�r tM In►trum�nt�or apr��ment�e�cured by thl�de�d of trust,the Truato�shd� upon wrltten rsquo�t by tM L�nd�r,reconv�y tM trust
<br /> �xo .The L�nd�r sh�ll Go!lwr to th�Bo►rower, or to Florrow�r'�successor In Interest,tM tru�t tNad�ntl tM e�ote or ot}Nr�vldYnu of th�
<br /> _ c �tbn so ntiafi�d.Borrowsr sh�tl pay�ny record�tlon cost�.
<br /> . �..._
<br /> A1� Succ���a TnntM. lender, �t Lend�r's optlon,maV remove Trurtee and sppotnt e wcc�eaor i►ustoa pY n►.i� mn"� p wr► °• ••°
<br /> � su�stltution of Vuats�rs r�qulnd 6y aRptic�bl�I�w,end 4hon,by tllln0 tM sub�tltutbn of tru�tw tor ncord Irv tNa oitice o}the t�ql�tcr of do�ds
<br /> — eucceeJ to all fhe Uowir tdutlei euthuriri and tltlo of tha Trustee�amed li�t e deed o4 t�ic in�deof eny�iaCCessoi truotoe.�t the pro�»rtY►�6uN
<br />-;o
<br /> �„
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<br /> � BANK[119fiV8TCM8.INC..BT.ClOUD,MHtl6�0111�0004�1•���11F0l1M�CRMf(��N16/18lB1 _
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