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<br />~. ,aarm~aa~tt~tmsaas4cad~: .. __, .,:.H.:a ..,.d:~.....:. <br />~~ <br />~ ~, ~ , t crlat>zaaud by aaeiaa ~ ~ tlge ~ ud a flee <br />~, ~ ttEil~ $q .all raa4sa„ v~ir t;atea, a~ o~ae ~ °~eaoraar <br />r. lfe wif- pap such expellees aad fees as may be ittsnrred is the protection aad rttaiatettattce of said <br />prapetty, iaxludi~ the fees of say attorney effipfoyed by the mortgagee far the rnlleetioa of say or all of <br />for ~ hereby assured, or far foset:toastrc by .nartga~e'a sere, or smelt prtaceedings, or is aay etbec <br />w pzac~adi~ a$cwiing sasd prxtttdam. Attorneys fees reasatsably ineumd is any other way shall ba <br />gad,by the ®eRtuagctr. <br />~, 1F®r bitter security of the imlrbtatdneae hcrefar secured. neon the regent of the mart~agee, i~ arsa• <br />ecaasrra er assigm, he shall execute, and tlelirer a snpplemrntal mortgage or mortgages covering any additia>g, <br />iffiproretnenta, nr brtttrmenu made to the preprrty hereinafttrve describer) ~ nd all property aegaieed by <br />it after the date hereof ~ all in form aatisfaetorv to mortgagee t . Furthermore, .should mortgagor fail to sere <br />sag drfauk in 4he pacmcttt of a prior or inicrior erramhrance an the pmprrty dexrihtd by this inattvment, <br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure Hoch default, hilt mortgagee in not obligated to da so: <br />and useh ;advances shall ltrcomr parr of the irxdshtrdne=s -ect3rrd by this ins4tvtrrnt, subjee4 to the sates <br />teraw and raatditioms. <br />r. i"he ritt}tL rrraled hq this convsvanee aha11 remain in full fnrcr and effect during any poatpttttetneat <br />or wstereai;sn .xf tftr ttme of payment of the indebtedness evidrared isv said promisscrt' Holt: ,ar ass part Ehet«ef <br />x earrxl hrrrlt.. <br />f. fir will rantinunuei• maintain hxacarrl insuranrr, ~rf Hoch lvpr s.r tt~pes and in xuch amounts au the <br />tnnrtgagre anxf frnr;a ttrstr to ttntr require ern the improvements nnw or hereafter on said property, and <br />gill pay ptc~aptiy rrhea dtte any pt~emitssss thetrfar. All ispaarar~e shall 6e carried is eQmpasin aeseptable <br />to wart apse aad the pofieie amd renewals tleer~ertf shall hr held hp anartgagee and bare attaehetl tleeeeto <br />lass payable claims is Faroe of and iu form aemeptablr ts, rite mortga#{re. In event of lac, mortgagor will give <br />i~.~'-slate a~tiaa in vrritiag 4a star€gags=e, amd r~r4g$ ells. ra°o; r prof of lrxs if rtes leads Prs~ptly l-y <br />marts aad each iararantte oompttny crraceraaad is lxrsatr atrthoriaed a~ directed to make payment f~ sash <br />~° ds.-~sy to ~.,;~~_ :+.~r~-.? of s~ ~_~e~ ~2 .~.a- ;nisrly, .mod t~ ittaara~e nth or any <br />~ tharoaL, may he applied by taortgagae at its option citlter to the reduction of the inde6tedoar hereby <br />reacted oz to the reatotetiaa or repair of the property daauped or rlosttoyed. In eramaft of €areelaanre of this <br />saortgags, or other trassfcr ~ title to said property in extiagaisitment of the ittdeitedneea seemed hereby. all <br />riBbt, tit#e, sail iartetvsE of the 3tr is aad to aap inaatraare po}6cicm than in farms shall peas W the <br />purchaser nr marittagee nr, at the nption of the mnrtgaitee, may he surrenderal for a re(uad. <br />tt. Fle .rill keep all buildiatEp and riper imptoweroeots un .aid property in good repair aad ttoaaditittn: <br />wall permit..-omnert, or sw~rr tw wsaEe. empairrwrmt. -irterecFratirstt of +aid praprrty or any part ihtreaf: <br />en t#se airot of failure of the mostgaagtsr to keep the Isutldinv on raid premisrx aad ihoae erected on aid <br />permi.r•~a. x imprsremtats thrreaa, an grind repair, the mortgag~ee• map make sucfe repairs as in its dearre[i~ it <br />may ,seem trrsrssrf for the proper pre~rrratiaax thrrcnf . anal the foil amount of each and every sash payment <br />:.oaf: ~rn:~ ;lately d€;e an;t , ,4t~tt t~ ,! h. th- li=n of this mortragr. <br />h. Hr aril[ tmt rolnntarifiy create err prrrnit to lu .-rcatrd agairssE the prnpcrty subject to this mortgage <br />any lien car [lens inferenr err superior to the Iten •d this mortgage wiahaut the written roruent of the mort• <br />getter: aad #urtlter, Ile well krwf+ ass:f masntatn she •ame free from the. claim of all persons supplying lobar or <br />eaaterials for roaatrtsctism of any and all lsttildinas or imprtsvements nnw hrinx erected nr to be erected oa <br />said punt. <br />i. fle wii# set runt nr aaaagre mnr part of the rent of said mortgaged propertp or demolish, or remove. <br />or rally alter env Y;3tkdirxg xrithaeut tltr written ennernt r.f the mortgage. <br />j. 4ll a~rrS~ of d~ ht €n teith any csatiaa for public use of or iajttn to any o! the <br />~r~-arty sat to >,i ~xatgage l±erc~y ~ slid shall )x paid to mortgagee, who may apply the <br />t~ {aaytt ~ t iass3llttteats ia.=.a •? ~ tt~ler said noEe, slid mortgagee is hereby ant~rlaad, is tI~ <br />name o$ the rnortsapor, to exaxute aad deli=^r slid asquittarucs thereof aced to appeal from say such award. <br />k. '1'he dtall hayc ills right io inspect the mortgaged prtmxine at asp reaawtable trine. <br />Y f~,~ aswlr of the ca+estatsta tie re»rdiliot» of ihio iantnatttent of a$ Ehs note or Itraa aextt secured <br />~_ 4gem9r+altr i'tfr murtgsgor's rigfti to poaaeasioe, xaae. aad enjavmmt of the property, at the option of the <br />or his asa+itntt #it b>•iag sprataad that the rnortgg~t~at spar! bare a+ttft right until drfaultl. LJl1aa ~y such <br />~,tbe ~ doll tasevct;tre the nwner o$ all of the reacts aad prokUt arcrtuag after defauh u senteity <br />fee flap ~ atsrtu+rsd hereby, with the right to r a said preprtty for the psrlwse of eaJbstiaR such <br />tmgsm ~# pra~ta. T'lsit iaatrtaaseat shall op:rMe assts ~ ~ awy rcatals oa said property to that retest. <br />.'k_~ .._ rye` <br />3 <br />