., r:
<br />© ` 1~'y i -
<br />Z.j ~ ~~ ~ ~ i} , ~ e'~ _ _-
<br />f{i} 'Fo tLSe the Iona evidenced 6y the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />{1} Ta pay when dtu all razes, liens, judgmtnta, enctunbrances, and assessments lawfu-y attaching to or assessed
<br />t the property, iree}uding all charges and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and' water staelc
<br />penzeiiug to or reasonably necessary to dte use of tfte real propcrey deu;zibtd abuse, u:d all taxes xttd asaesa[ttettts levjsd
<br />won ~ mar'T~c ar the no±t ar any irulebtetlness berths Secured or aa~ittat any legal holder htre4if or Qf the )late as of
<br />said isadebtedncss under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Gosernatent without demand receipts i:siebettcmg
<br />such paymtna,
<br />t$1 To beep the teogerty insured as rcqulrtd by and un+ltr insurance policies appmeed 6y the Govmtmznt and ~'szs
<br />request, to delivsr etch policies to the Govemmettc.
<br />19) Te maintain imprasementa u good repair and make repeats required by the Governmeoz; operate the-pragtrty in a
<br />and husharxlmattlilte manner; comply with such futn conservation ppractices sad farm and home: management plant-as
<br />the Government from time to time may presvxibe: and not to abandon dte property, or cause or permit waste, leastning;trr
<br />impairment of the secutitc cavezed hereby or, without the written consent of the Gavertunent, cut remove, or lease anp
<br />timber, grarel: oil, gas, coal, or other minerals except u may be necessary far ardisraty damtstic putpoaes.
<br />(lOj To comply wick all laws, ordiaancea, anal regttUtaons afFecting the property.
<br />r I1; To pad or taim6wtse dre Government for expenses reasonably tteceasaty ox incieleata! to the protection of the lien
<br />and griericy ltesro; and so tilt enforcement ~f nr the campiia_nce with tine provisions hereof and of dte Wort sad any wpglt.
<br />ttrentary apjeetttcnt wleedrtr btfare or after default?, including; but not (united to costs of evidence of tide to and survey of
<br />the property. casts of recotdwg this and other instrumrncs, attorneys fees, trusteei fees, court casts, acrd expenses of
<br />advesriri'°S+ se[liug. and canvtping the property.
<br />£2'• Aieither der pmpercv nor any partian thereof ar interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold, tranafetred, or
<br />tr~vtttbeted, svlvatar•1y or ni~tet+rise, wishout the written conwtt of Fitt Gosernment. The Government shall hest the soh
<br />an+. exclusive righu ax mortgtagee nrrevtn.er, including uus net '.imitetf to r`r,e Faster to p~'ant consents, partial rxleasts,
<br />stthordinatians, astd satisfaction, and na insured holder shall have any right, tide ar interest in or to the litre or any hene$ts
<br />ltrteof.
<br />' 23' At :il rtasanable tunes the fovernment anti tts agents may inspect rhr propem' to ascertain whadrer the covenants
<br />and a~temtnts e:rntannrd herein of m env suppiernentaz'v agrrtmeat are er.ng Fezfa.^.ned.
<br />` li'.~ The t *avtrnment na, 'a' ezTtad ar defer The ntdturtt- -~.. and -ene.-d<- :nd res..`tedaie The pa.-menrs an, the debt
<br />evtdtnerd by t;nr acre ar am' :ncitbttriness !n the i_;4svt;nmen*- ,rc:tred bs• chin :rsttutrcrt, b- reie:se env parts who is
<br />liable uadtz the nuts ar ?or rhr debt from :iahutrv r. r; the case-nrnent, a ,•eleuc nFrr;:ons c,f rhr pmFtrrr znd atbartiinate
<br />LS Liert. aaG -v wa:~ anF 3ttttz ~.:t .ts ;ie~tts untitr !.^:ts tn_tsumrnt..anv a, ci ail rhea can dnti w:l? ;>t ~~art wsthaut af7rctins;
<br />Cht urn ar tlrc prianty ~~st rhea instrument at Norrowe~r',. ~ss env =ether parrv~'s Pia6ility ;a the C;avernment Yar parmert of the
<br />net; ar debt secured , Cana Instrument ~aniezs the c„IOrrnment us.-; o!he--.use ~n ~.vr:tin~. HC)WI~'ER, dn~ tarbearance by
<br />die Gcrrtrnment-whether ~rnrt ~u ~4iten-an exrrcastnk any r.q{tt ~.>~ ~enc~dc ~indrr _hu :rstnuncn t, -Ir ,rlherwtse rffazded by
<br />apFliClbl6 taw. Shall oat be a warnr':t°. i.i ~; eCi Leas: The iS2tCiSC ;t .ant' Se:tih ri'S'tlt J: remC31",
<br />yltj - {{ di atl9 Tlmt lL Sitali apptlr T(3 titC (xUVt rnnrP..' `na[ $t'RtiWYT inaV he ,4nl:t `„'){rtatn d ..ld tCam a pTUltaCtlan
<br />ctdit auacta[tan, a Federal land bani, car aTlter Tespansable caaptrattve or azivatc credit satrrre, at teassanafsfe rites and terms
<br />Ear louts Fter suntfar purposes noel p_ ertacis ~:! :.me. A.I^.~~wtr wcii.:tp=rr. rh, e;t,vcrnmrnr'=- reyvest. apatc ter and a:.cept such
<br />loan nn sufli.`nrnt amount to Fav the Hurt anL env uedtbttdnas _.. _ ± ::crt^s- a.^>t t.v pa+ it, ea • azt.tte nttessuv to be
<br />Furebasaa to a _oopr:-at.rt 'ancfinK s,~-t mac' =a <or~ncc+:tan a+~€:. ,,.c5 leer- M
<br />I tr: Uttastit letrtunuez shall consrtutt .ir+.a:slt untie. env csttter teen c3t::tt..IL sndez any- personal prupern' ~.u ocher.
<br />sreUrity trruvament held 'x :nstued by ;hr 4:asrrnmtnt and <xtru:td ~:r asssemrd ~ac Harrower. rod .iefauft under errs such
<br />at2}Ct XC[arttY n]atrtitrftn[ ~Yl OtiFtt2'3tC i.Ltallnt nCTe[rnc3tt.
<br />f ?'= St'ft.`1tr'I,~ f7EFAC;LT *xc;ar s: !ixe ptrtarmance .r disc itar{te .?I :anti ..,bii~anar. in rho rnstnunent .1t unused by *his
<br />rssrnsmrnt, +>x shcsuki •4;r iurtxs n.urtc.*. as &artawts ,ire ~z x atciarec an ;ncumpttrnt, ar ,hauia env ~:nr ~rf cht parties
<br />nartsed aY 33arravter Ise declared r banierupt, or an :.nsnivtnt ~rr :naic.e an uu;trtrtttnt sot the btncttt .rt trodttors. tlec Gavtrn-
<br />ment, ar its agtuan, wtrlt -sr xithc~:t nutter. rev :icctare €ine ent:zr arnasunt unFatd urtdtz rlrt Watt and env indebttdntss
<br />t3 '-,ts-e -;: ~nn:~v« t€r~ ,~r:.~ea nntn.-ti~tr .iue anti _ av:ae. '-.,, t,e .riei.zn€ v Scxrcw-rr cntvr ana aav :e-asvnablc
<br />tsprn.ses tar rtpau ar maiuzenant.t :,{ and cake gnssess.c.n ~., .:,~°cratr `rt rrn€ t3.e property. ~ ~ upon application by it and
<br />production of rho :nstrtixr[rnt, w~thaut Writer cvuierce dnd =wet. our n,>tttr ~>F beano}; -rt Said application, hart a receiver
<br />apgvatnttd far tilt Fropcrt}', wttis rive ,oust peewees <,t rteetve~s ,n lilt rases, d {a:cc{use thu tnsrumtnt rs provided }terein
<br />,Y- by law. any t <.^.?nett ar. r and al ;;t:^.es :.r~tTS an.. rEntcdaes prvrxStti htzctn yr av Present or future law.
<br />i$; The prtncttds of fareelasva safe sirall }n applied in rite tailawinq order to the payment of d..rnts and expenses
<br />incident to tn{orcitsg or comofrittg;, wash the prcrrsrons hereof. b; any prier liens required by law ~xr a ctsmpetnnx coup !e
<br />be sts paid. °c~ ch,¢ debt esitirnetd ley tier Hare and all andebttdnrss to the t;ovtrnment secured 'ntreby. "d': inferior liens
<br />of raord rryuired by Saw ex a ctritsptttnt c•~urt cc 6r so paid, 't`. at the €:;evermnent's option, -env »thar intltbtedness of
<br />Hortoastr trwinQ to ar metered by the L';ose[tuntnr, amf - #'~ env bafancr to Hv,-rower. At iareciastve =~r :atintr sale of all or any
<br />part of the pprry~ the Goventment and its agents .may bid and~urchasc as a stranger and may pay the Government's share
<br />of else pure ri asa~pr~ste by ere:;iting suer. amswnt pan env .iriiss .mot $urrawer =~wittg to ur msureci 6v ettt Gcrnznment. in the
<br />t~d~ prescrtbCd above.
<br />!19* Boarcwser atgtes that the t':ovtrrtatent well not hr b=~und by env prtsene ar Future Start law. a; providing for
<br />saftutt_stt, appraia:l. homestead or tztmfrtxan of rhr property, : b; prohibiting mamtenancr ai an action for a sUttciencp
<br />setnr ar liminag eftt atnovnt tlttstat ar rite *ime w!thus wnnch sncis action must :,t tlrouftttt, c przxnbtng any other
<br />stazuit of~ lintitataans, td; allowing env ra;tkt of rrdtmpnan r Fosstsstan i=:ilawing arts `.oreclosare salt, c.r ~ r; limning Lhe
<br />rn+adisiatas which tart Gavttntntnt may 6Y rtguiaian vnps:st- incasing t3sc :nreresc rate,; roan wf:az;ct. ss a caoriitian ai
<br />approving a ttstssttt of tae sroFtrt}' €o a new $&rrcxer- 5arawtr _xaressiy waes-es the trtrr`.tt „ ;uch State Taws.
<br />' an=:
<br />&raa~wer hereby Teluryutsitts, waters, and canvzvs ai; rx-?±LS. uttcas -.rt ,.ansummate. -;i .iescret. lower, and curtesq.
<br />
<br />
<br />