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i•A <br /> y <br /> r~ <br /> <br />USVA-f'milA Position 5 y p <br />Fotm FmHA 42T-1 NB ~ ~ ~~`Lf ~'3, C7 <br />~Re~. s-ss-TV; er,'<a. GsrArC ?~If)R7i'GACE Fob ra~~;~s~ca <br />7Fl1.S ;<A04t'['C:rlG!? is made and entetrd into by ~z.._aik~ :.~k t:.-~:. <br />....._...ard.-m~ife, hip..,c;,! ~..... _ _---~:~.. <br />resting in -_-._..._....--------..._.~------_.....------.--°.--_---.-----°.__.°-- County. I!tebrasha, whtsac post- offrce -address is <br />_.-....- -- ~~..~t._Bmc -~7.-.._...........--.._..........._...-.._._...__..-° --- _..~s__........... , !dehraska:~ ~.._689Q1--- <br />hcrein calkd "'Botmwer," and: <br />WHERI?AS Borrower is indebted co the United States of America, acting thtqugh the Fartneta tfatat-Adtatiiiiatrxtioi[, <br />Unixetf States Lhpartment of Agriruinire. herein called the "Government;' as evidenctd by one qr-motrlirotttisdoty 3oce(s) <br />x aasttmptfgn ag[ermentts', hertin called "piste:` which has been executed by $ottnwer; is~~p-yablt-to~the:ordea~vf-the- <br />Govrnment, authorizes xcelerarion :rof the craire indebtedness a xlte option of flee Governrttent itptrtt atry ti~atslt by <br />31/srrower, and is dexribed xs foibws: - - - - - <br />•lmrani Rote Dt.eDate of Fina! <br />FJFrM of tnttrument PNtcipa! .ltnrwnr ~ Irtierest InstaAmertt <br />S~ 22. 1981_ $4Q, Q4Q.Ofl 1.1 r~ Sartvazy 12 2114. <br />tIE the utterrst rare s leas than . _- ..._ i int farm ~rwnrr; rperannq icon ; .ecurrct in' this instrument, then t e <br />rate may ire chantteu as t?rnvstierl :n the r:.tte.. <br />.q rssi the Hate rvldrrces a Soon to tiorzowrr, and the t„svrrnmrnt, i[ an+ :tmr, may .:sstt?zt the ttatc arsd insure fire pay- <br />ment r}trraut aurxuatt[ ttt the ;:vr:sahdated farm and ;turai i)erriupme.^.t is :. "r :':ttr ti' .+i tits Houstnrt Att o! 3949 ar arty <br /><stltc.* +talu[c ddmtntstrrrd ;,+, rElc (~armtr, Home .i:imfntstrattotl: ~. . <br />nii i[ is tttr purt?ou~ and enters[ .rf •it:s :rtstrutnrnt that, dmonq „feet •it!n~a. at ii tlmcs wilco [he note is heid by the <br />t~UrlCrnm rte. .)f '.tt Lis1' event the L;UVrrnrnrnt .itr5ltld a53l~('it lhlF :n}ttutn ei:t N`r', ttvilt ISSS[trdncr arf the P.att, [hli instrument <br />Tea aiS 3rttiTC pay'rnrni ,it _rsr nE:tr°, :iirt -xhen rite n(zie i5 ;lrf,~ ;r 3n :SicU: tit ISUidCr. tftis lti YtrUrttCR[ Sls a}3 not :!loft pay mtRC <br />,Jt ine natC ..f affil; tt tr5 :nr 3CD( CvldCttC Ca ?n Li C is :'.:::t dS ~:.: 'h.° *- =. t. .,,L .. , _ =-.atl s ~:n+i ttU SC do 1rtdC[n rot}' maftga({@ <br />.er Srt•3rr the viss'rrnmen, a-~,3iri3t ~-c)ss -,sst:frT ~i5 :ttsu Fxi.ce i~sf: {; at; :=i r .rn -.f`ri31`+Eis~Aii {r4 3i UZTirwCr: <br />.4n+i. (Ctis t;tur'.trnen6 alto Srl:rra'}?ilr rr[:<pttirr et.'. a Intetest :.: ::lttaielt' wttl-_h may i`r ~,Tatltrd tU the 3JarrUWCt try <br />the;.uvernnrrne pnrsuanc srl d? L.S.C. y4•i4fla <br />tiUtA. THEt2E Et?RF. i!s :_..rlsldrtattun -,i [tlr Soon. s, an,: d. .i. ~l. t:rnrs u•ircrr ^.he t:atr is hrid in the t;overmnent, or in <br />lift event t.'tr t;vyeifimrat sil+.iud x55tr{,'t {it3 :nstrtia.lrnt v.±th.'ssl( :,: lhi' pasiF'.ci?t :r! chr mate. to seZUrr prompt <br />payment of the Harr an3 any Trnraais anti cstrnsu;nx thrrro! arse: ant- a,z~:emencs:~ntau-teti titrrcin, inciuaingany provision <br />felt the payment ,af an insurance ,tT ,~ri:e~r ~::Itu~,r, it' at ai3 rurtr.s ah:.n tote note is held isv an insured holder, to secure per- <br />iOfT!?dnLf trt }i<srr.:l.v[F-'1 aJirCCITlCtlt !Iris srs tLJ indCfri ens`V and sa R 31aznlICls 21St t;c.vrtnmrnt dytaln3r lash wider itt 1ns11[anCr <br />conttact br rerwm of any deiauk `vv Sarrowcr, and ~,cj in any even[ ar[d at ail times co secure fife prompt payment ai ali <br />a.lvarura utu riper ~ieurrs ma.,c :tv :arc L;crvrrnmrat, wilt cntrrest, as nrrrinaitcr dtscr~tx.;, an.i [ire pcriormanee ai every <br />uxvrnant and agrccrnrnt o`. l5onawcr :untaulyd ilercm at in ..ny ruppirmenkaty a~eenxent, Borrowef does hereby gran[, <br />lsugun, +ei[, ~rsn+xv anti asxtgn, with genrrai warranty, unto the Government ===fte fallowing property situated in the State of <br />hcixas6ia,County,las~ at _-- -. ..._ _.t~±:e:t..._ _.. _--------.----.-. ..--..._.-,.._-.-_._.._._...._-._....__..~~.._.._,.__._'___.: <br />~ 5HCt2[5Ct Th1T'ty-~M,3 ~32~ r '~hlt:S~il.~ A117t8 (9) I~Difi31: ~2I9B ~9j r -d66~' <br />of the 6th P.M,, tial.l C~trrrty, ~r tad ~*iessl:as-~r d~Ct#b~d ~ <br />