<br />1. 7'6e aora>p~ne eoseaspt<asd agrees as foUewsa
<br />e"
<br />~ ~ ~" 17 ~, ~ iadebted+aew evtdaateed by std pttraarsory note a2 the tieass aad in the
<br />aartsetr"thaeaia-
<br />i-: Ss"wilt !~! ~ tea. tassaaots~tq, wt-ar rata. and other naamtal or mttair3pd eh=agea, fitsaa,-aR
<br />~, f~ t has ~ bseataade hereinbefore, atsd will promptly defitrer the alieial teeeipts
<br />the to the sred aattN~ne,
<br />e. tt~e rei11 pal wch expetlsen seed fees as may be incurred in the proration and msintenance of said
<br />property, itteiodaeg the rasa of any sttorttey r^apioyed bq the moNgagec for the twUection of . say or-all of
<br />the iaietaredaes- hereby scored, ar far foreclasare by martgsgee's ale, or court proeeedittgs, or in say"other
<br />~ er prneeadieg sffeeting acid premises. Attorgeys' fed reae~ahiy iIIetttted is any other way shall be
<br />paid b7 the mortgagor.
<br />d. For better security of the indebtedness hereby aecared, upon the, regneat of the mortgagee, its eno
<br />cc'sen or assigaa be shalt esetvte and deliver s snppictnental mortgage or mortgages coreriag tmy additions,
<br />improvements, or betterttlettta made to the property hereinabove described and ail property acquired by
<br />it after the date benxtf (all in form satiafacton- to mortgagee}• Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to cure
<br />any default is the payment of a prier ar inferior encumbrattce oe the property described by this inetrttment,
<br />mortgagor hereby agrces [o peerttit mortgagee to cure auch default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do so:
<br />and such advaa~a shall become part of the indebtedness secured by this inetntment, anbject to the same
<br />terms and eoaditioaa.
<br />e. The rights created by thin conveyance shall remain in foil totes and effect during say postponement
<br />or extension oC the time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or any part thereof
<br />seettretl hexi».
<br />f. lle will ciattinuouslr' maintain haBartl insurance, of such type or types and in auch amounts as the
<br />martttagee may from time to time require alt the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and
<br />oriel psi prtamptly when duo any preminnas therefor. All iawraacce shall be carried in ca®pattiea aeoaptable
<br />m and the policia sad renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee sad have sttae~ed tttetaeta
<br />lase ps7ahle clauses in favor of and is form acceptable to the mortgagee. In etveat of lot, mortgzgtrr will giro
<br />t is wri4iag to ttsae, and mortgages may malts proof of feels if not toads promptly by
<br />~ nweiga~r, andeatd, imasraaeee ~prm7 eyed is hereby authorissd sad dirscted w retake paptaent for such
<br />tom. eht+~_.17 a iaatead of to mortxagor atad ttaortgagre jointly, seed the inatraaes proexeds, or any
<br />part thereof. tnsy be applied b7 mortgagee at its option either to the reductieta of the indebtedness hereby
<br />seeveel rn to the eewwniaa m repair oI the properer dstaaged ar destroyed. In event of foreelosare of this
<br />ttaertg~_ar ettha"trams of tills to aid. property in estiagaishmeat of the indebirrlams secured hereby, aU
<br />~~, title. pad ~ t~ tarertgagor is and to say iosuraare palieaas chnn is force shall pass- to the
<br />pnrcltaseer or mortgagee or, at the option of the mortgagee, may F.r surrendered for a refund.
<br />g, Ne will keep a14 buiidirtge snd whet uuP[tlveatasta cm said property in good repair and eonditiorl;
<br />will permit, commit, or attHer tlo waste, itnpairtttcnt, detcrioratiuu of said property <:=' any part thereof;
<br />in the event of failure of the tIIOrtgag:.r to keep the building: wl said ptrattsse and those erected- on said
<br />pterais~a+, ar ttnpravemeat+ ibsreaII. to ge+ad repair. the mortgagee mat iIIake such repatre as la tde dtacretloa ri
<br />may deem tlecessary for the proper preyervatioa thereof: aad the furl antoant of each and every such payment
<br />ehaU be itttiat_ely dos sad payable and shall be seeureni by the lies of this maxigage.
<br />tx tie trill tort voluntatiiv aresse or permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage
<br />sae fiat or lieres innferior ar eapertar m fire lien of the martgaXe without the written eottaent of the mart-
<br />gaipse: aad further, he wil! lx~ep and taaiettaitl rho sofas fern fratn the claim of all persona supplying labor or
<br />Inateriaie fm carastrtrrtiare of aay and all buildintts or tmptovetaenta stow being erected ar to be erected au
<br />said pt+emiaaa-
<br />i. t1e will curt rest or aaign say part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove.
<br />or~tm.,.t:aliv alter env building without the written cogent of the aiortgaget.
<br />j. All swuds ~ damattea in c~ourteetisa with aa. ceudemwtioo for public use of or injury to arty of [he
<br />property subject to ibis mortgage ate hereby askytned aad shall be paid to mortgagee, w4to may apply the
<br />loco !a pavmeat of the instathttcalae last dtse nedee }aid torte. aad mortgagex is hereby authorizes, is the
<br />ttamc of flee mortgagor, to execute aad delircr .slid acyuitlaates thereof aad to appeal Cram any such awned.
<br />ir. The tagae al}a!! base the rgtht xo iaspret. the mortgaged proataes at say reasotsalrls title.
<br />$, ae~aelt its ass of ehx tgsveasa:s ar eon.fitlorra of 3h~ iIIStrunmat or of the note nr loan agretntent secured
<br />berahp deaf! terminate tits aoryaagora right a posecssioo. nee. aad rzt jovmeIIt of the prepertt". at the optioII of fbe
<br />~rrtgagot. ar his ar~rigrts _it being agreed that thr, mortltagar shall have such right ontil defauUi. Upon any icuch
<br />dtafaah, the mwtgaitee .ball breomr fire arner of a1i ai tbe,renis and profits accrteing after default as ±eeonty
<br />far the istlebsedttms aecetred hrretc, with the right to enter ttpau said. properti for the purpose of caliecRing such
<br />-prate sad pra6L, This irtsiruraeat shall operaWi- as as aasignaleat;of ley :reueta6 oa said ptuperty to that rxtrnt.
<br />