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f"" <br />t <br />~+ ~~~~t~~~a Maur amt sxrrut<J tnrx i~jtdt Jny ,«r July, 19~ ^ t, <br />by ttmts brt.vern 3`~1mAYYA J. XAfLissestdt3 <br />putty of Ihr Itrei pn ri, <br />- tssf liRfO ~y~ ~,~~ .. t!ariy uf-th<s<t r.t {nrrt-. <br />.._.... - ~ rl of the Srst rt, tar anal qn etsrtscgttPtr"stmt ell i a ~3~.. ~.. ... _ t <br />r WCl7VF$4!ti`t'+.. tsar ttta aakq t~ y t~ e <br />._ $~:TO._2ErL7dlrl~ -lmui ~9 __, ... r>vt.:.Ana, paid ny aala party nt the <br />-- pq past fist neriq# tsgttrtnal is hereiry aeitrltnviaJged, has granter}, imr~alne<I. sn1J atcrt ettnaeyed, -aruq by- tha.r txr~rnts; <br />- _ - -ttaea-~Tasbq. «gfati;{kgn tfeiq` ash convey, tmta w!«i grar'ty +d thn asc and part. the gnktuwkng dracrlbcet mat pmquriy sihtnte 1n !hr <br />. [:tasty ~ As74 atni Slate rd Nctrraska, trrwgq: <br />IfAL ~ t 7 Ptftleti 9nbditisiAa <br />ta~etgter w1Si1 aqt tlx tenemrida, 4feredttamenle anJ appueieaa ncca to rho same beWitgutg, roll all rhr carafe. tifl<, r{nwrr <br />tl~ gtrsmestead, cgatma sad tlemanda trhaWtarer W !ha uttt party nl the brat gram vt, in nr to an id,prrntisra nr ant part, <br />tE~raot; and aatd Party n/ the Ant paR tbea hatrlry trovcnam• first wW {tarty of the first part fa lawttiliy aei:rd of satJ prrnt- <br />tata. tha! aaW gtremtsn ere hse from tacumbnncc and that ward party of the drat part wilt warrant and defend the title to snot <br />pnraEaaa aggaittat the gavlW chtkma and demwnda W ati petaorm whomsoever, <br />q+'lFOVIOED ALSi'AYE. andlbose presents are opan these anndltl[.w: <br />1;$b$, rW party o/ i1M t4rat part ttaa eexeeutad aaat deitvered to the said party nt the errond part <br />prtwWaaery sate JWeT. t ~f ~ 7w <br />and wbrrtuf, t~ yargY ~ 4tta Atat gsBrt hss sl;rr<d d> keep ihn Intthrtngs, I( nny, span .npi prcnrtsrx, htsut-rd ,^ xnsm• ~um- <br />pttnY ire e!.mgranlaw approve) by aaW party +d rhr srrrnnt pn ei- f nr thn tuft ie!rrt!!!teir tcrtur ., ~:t u+xt h Ys by firs and a~rn.lnt,w ,nta~:th <br />eztentled cnvrnKa sat! tSeRver to pbf party of ttte sera,rn! part toe paltry .rr poiirtrs cnntutsunK rt etnnttanY mnri ~:t>;s rt:,tt..r :c~;t7s <br />itlria ILSa Faye to still party at the sr<rrruf pwrt• nr aast>Cna, anJ hna a{;rrrd F4 ry.y ae{ lox.-. _::,.f n~srssn:ent.+ :tFn u+;.l ::1,.1 ;•+•',+,~ <br />ilea tnattrre the aafna, by tiw, becatna :Ntesttqurrt, wort has aRrrr,f thaE it sa td party -,t th.• rt rat paM .f,n•y nr+t {+r, a~!.:,• soch <br />una, r!r gatia to pay atS taxes as alorrxtJ, then said party r,t rhr +rronr3 ;cart. ur hnh}rr hereof, mn}' {,:tt' uarh tuaurtnrr <br />tSt!t L36ti1. nr ettSee[ or t.ttem, artC tqi arrtattnU w PaW by aatd patty err :he sn:unJ {met stwfi tmnr snirreal at SFr rn:,• .+t r.+u+• <br />~- ~~•+>• ~ ~ t~ dRSa ~t q+rymrnl, ar!d Lhta mt+rlgaRe stcatl starvl as yactrrrty thrrMnT, an[I aA i.l suu, rn:ry Lr <br />adgpr} amaWtl W tM ntortgttge debt, ar1t1 rhr same error teed na n +tart ±hern,f, Nnw_ if ttu• sntd {+nrty of ehr ti~a i+.ut <br />shalt weft attd trskY p-Y 9e tarts! Ire be prW ilie sanl .,rm r,f to awry to .s {cl n<.t< mrntitnfrei, with ,utrrr.+l th,~rr~nr nr-~-•+r,l~ <br />tltt( to tlm' ir. nru sm! rRaft nt Ykq weds srtJ sq+aii k<rp an l.4 tnni.hnFy rnsnrr~l nr „f<+rrinhi, nrrt !.bolt k.•~•p ,.tl 1.izrw nu,! <br />aarrmanta PaW, tad Aril dilly 6tcw-r. :n.f Ex'rf:rr.n aft the ra her e-,.c•rn..nt+ nmi :.Rrrr,,,~nr_, ner.•,., c..uu.r.,.., t- +-1~,•n ~r.+--. <br />~~tNr to tt! /Mitt aft4i *a8d. ~# it atMrt avn. !p! rrttnw'Y r!t hny part th<t uu(. ur :any tntcrest tirrrrnn, to nW {,nut N~Frn tnr : note <br />ga-dta<t t~ ti itkl 6athStrtRa ttOtii few! iw ttapt }tnns:~cet „a Rt«»cwt W. <u tt the tsars nmt nw.clnrusuCn nantunt +rui p.t ,.+s+~.:. ~~ <br />itfit paid d qr beNr'e tba tiara iM Ymt ber.-nitra by taw daWtquem, ur it au!,t {mrly M the first part shalt •t,r:i :r, keep :i nit <br />parl4rrtt auY covenants laa'eia coatatnai tW INrMtrr hrrrut ahak! hnvn lhr agdintt to dcrin rc Ih«• wMr{r ut s,ni,i tn,l.•bh~•In,~,<v .lur .u,.i <br />Paya~ at any lgmt attar M1¢h Mitwe or driaWi. sad mny rnatn tarn art artkin nk i:tw +.r .•,{arty to rrt mrr She .nnu', :trt! tih^ ..•u. <br />msryearnent # web aetMr sYai9 Era the ungy miter. ul rhr rarrc tar of nn1J rcgx inn rrgweed. <br />Ai+FIA R IS FtlRZ7i1~ PR,OtdIBtstS ANIy ACttEMI)_ ?hat life snW Atwlq;itgnr shalt nu.t will p:ty nt! mars lrrv•~I u{a,n flu.. <br />mDft~ oP tba tga6t teagelA tMrefry, latstbtr with any ,tlhcr to:<a nr atap:nsmenls which ntny be tr~vtr~l ttnJ,•t rhr l..tws ,.f <br />l~alRaiit6. lEea aaJd illlaetgallrs tar tbs teal fodder €.t the seM prtnc[pa! nnt< un acrouat of lhts fnJ<M<[lncsi <br />APtA~T IS Ft7RT4ilSR PRfJVttykp ARO AfREE1a, abet rhr .~d M,.rt v..ra • avrrrrnr and a ~rr~r w~rth cnr;~.r:.~• <br />igNt ate tbt caaC€ttiuae to ~atrwti 1Mr tort r thst ttte Mur[gsttarn ,in srt4 wt~r•anttnu< tu, v~ra sn~ncc uf+v nc~ reef r•-r.n,. <br />l;i".C+a ~•rsrswg sA the °.~erseasl . e dwstiaaa of Ihv n+uttggsatatootr• w te>nr nr tF!+ morrankv rnJ thu card note •.•, ur,-•i he n•t,t. ~+ <br />aaty Rant ihaHM. ~rta ~ at asf tytaa• >,•dtrir :ha artist to rn r![rct aaJ rhr nwir: tar ohrsh tarn m.,rt :>.K.- ,x ~n ..w <br />RlLWtgy« w aI~ tai t nrsias tiatual~a, tRa yndaraiajtrd par}~:+tterw welt ar caavuY she eetf rsl.eta hsretn ,~rsr!tl,rri., e,r en: <br />Pa+t 1baNaf. w itN 6a trW 11tvt r csaat tr FF1at-r itltt to -sni rest rst nir or ear Parr ilu•rro! ar irw,=.• ,.• M-r s,..,etiy <br />oititRy !IN still rtsi~a p. tfa wtrstt sla,eittagt at the undrrrtaer.t, th<n nd ,n say +u<~h events. tFc Aloe!rwgrr .n.y. rt ,,. <br />eta:aat. dreiw tia tayat .alfalsiRai bataess, rad ntere st, al the nuts sccuraJ hereby wm<dtately Mea anJ 1++t+ i<. <br />~ ~r!@~, <br />II0 PRE4$.NCL' OR <br />8't7a7~. FIN AkStBtiABtCA, # <br />sa <br />4.'twrriy ref ~. - <br />r~ara~lafla~._ <br />,,,r t ,, <br />/~1 }} <br />- R/y rrsfaftnrfwetrat sagtirtts~~F~~ !f <br />~~~ ~~ <br />.y rr <br />t2t+ tA1a ca4 '~ ~" da,y nt A. [) f a ~ U <br />balers n;s, a. htatary Pub11r to smf (nr rhr sat.S tart y p<rsuaaily' rnrur rhr ntv+vr <br />u.. J ~. O,.ts <br />who perir,rantiy knr,wn t.r n,~• <br />lv Mt the hb~ntieal-perarra whtrae name yJ~ a8ta<J to rhr aA,vr InrtrtunFret <br />a1 ggrarttnr arW aettanwirJge«i sail tort rttnxrni In tae ../~S/•~P veriuatnry net wire{ rhr<.i. <br />tVtTNta:$B my ban4 tad SVW tha date l.Li store f. <br />~~ <br />/ ~ ~ YM y !"s,hllr <br />l ~ ~/~/L-- ~,,_ <br />