<br />I'v~4J1~T~AGE ~s1-. ut;~ ;~~
<br />-`his tttortgagt made and rntered intn this 7th day of January ~.
<br />14 gl by and between pqc Inveat~ettts
<br />thereinafter referred to ac mortgagor) and Cnmtttercial Nationat $ank and Trttst Company
<br />refetmi to as
<br />tttcW'tgagee3, who maintains an o€fict andpEace o€ bu~ittess at 42S' W. Third sttroet in Grand Islapd,
<br />}4att County, tVtbraska,
<br />WESNESSErtt, ttta[ tot the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is htreby acknowledged, the mtM~or
<br />don htxtby mortgage, seA, grant, assign, attd convey unto the mortgagx, its successors and assigns, ail of tht fob
<br />towing described property situated attd bang in the County of Hall
<br />Start of':sfeb:aska.
<br />Lat Fifty-&ix t55) in C~istle Estates Subdivision, Haii County, PJebrnska.
<br />togettnre rxith art the trrtemcnts and ap~rrtrnarcrs thttrtex tsetrmgine, art ttrr ants, iirues and profits thereof, and aiI
<br />rastmenrs, rights, royakies. mitxrat, ott and gas rights and profits. water, water rights, and water seock, and including
<br />all orating, plumbing, refrigeration. tieftnng, ~ut;+ntent and art ti+tturrs of evrry doscriptinn belonging to the
<br />ttsartgagtsr ttox i>r hers#trr sttachrd 't~.cto er u~d 3 rtxtnz~~t!<srt watt ,,,e protttises herein dest,itsed and in addition
<br />thereto thr ftrtiowtng dost:itxs# prof±entcs Khtch ars anti sttatt he dremrd !a t?e fixture ant! a part of the reahy, and
<br />art a portion of thr security ft?t .he indebtedness harm }cared- t tf ncanr, =tatr "none"? hone
<br />To t~vr and to hold the same unto tits Mortgagor. as herrin txrcrstded:
<br />The mortga¢ar is tanfuEty seixeri and tstassrssett of and ttas thr right to sett and convey said property; that the
<br />Same is free from art rtecttmbrances except as herctnabovc rrritetl: and that Mortgagor covenants w warrant and
<br />dt#enti the titer a#txesaid thereto and evrr} part therrof agatnst the ctatms of art persons whomsoever.
<br />This instrument is given to set-strr tix r~yment ctf a premtssory ns~tr dated s adrtuarv 7. 198I
<br />in ttx ptittcipai sum of 5~53~Qf1t3.04 _~ -.__. signed txy _Wi.iiiam R_ Catnptx:li, t3ob Wheeler
<br />_~~
<br />in bsiwlf o[ ______._.____.._e C'YlC Fnvestments_. _..___._-------- S Sataes L. +:.annon
<br />also, as stub note of netts may from tinsr to ttmr ix rtttxtiIiod, ronewed or extended in writing.
<br />In the r?ami the ts•,k to mid rent estato is trans€erred_ er contracted to bx transferred, from the uttderstgned for any
<br />reastut or by arty te~thod whatsatvrr, the entire prsarpal sum and accrued inttrrst shall at once brcomt dur and
<br />i?sysble at tfst eiestiott of the border herettt. Failure to rxetcise this option tmcause eE transfer of title as alwvc stated
<br />is tree it~tanct shall trot ctntstitute a waiver of tha rtghE to rxercisc the same in the even[ of any st:bsrquent transfer.
<br />1. The tn~gagor co+snanu and agrees as fi~ttaws:
<br />a. TO ~paAptty tray the ittSlt:tttedtttss evidenced by said prorttissory notr at the titnes and in the manner
<br />t#tttein f~.ici~tl.
<br />6, Ta! fray art tatter. at!sesstnertis, water ratrc, and otttrr tzovcnzttttontat nr municipal ::barges. teen. ~~r
<br />iSM~lt'tSifiorLt. Tor svhtch prasixan has n<» t}rett mado ttrrointxeforo, ,end watt promf:ity deriver !rte tit tic!at retr!pts
<br />therefor ttt ttto cant ttwrtgagro-
<br />~< ~~ t~Y stub ex~ and fees as may ?+e ittcurtYd to tttr ;,rott^atenn artd :ttaimenattcr .,f sait7 prc,verty,
<br />utct~ th¢ fae± ttf am attt+rney etnptcyed b< the ttenatgagts f.+r thr iutkctu+r. rxf i+m to alt of thr ind+rhtcttnrs.
<br />nrt>c~ ~RStcd, s 4ruea cns~ro tsc nrtxt~yee's ak. car cussrx t*rsu-eettings. ;n i!t in} e:t!>y~r litci<att.9n ur rr~xt~cd:,:~
<br />affcztittft saizi p:crtxtrs
<br />