<br />Bernard L. '"ha<~an*t and Evplvn Thc>~pscan, husbansi and wife, he3n
<br />called Grantors, in consideration of ~g _ , receipt of
<br />which is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants and coniteys unto the
<br />CITY ;)t' GRAND ISLAND, fiE$RAS14~,
<br />a municipal corporation is Hall. County, .vebraska, herein called Grantee,
<br />a permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to survey, construct,
<br />inspect, waintain, repair, replace, extend, remove and operate thereon,
<br />overhead and underground public utilities, including but not limited
<br />ta, electric utility lines, telephone lines, cable t.v. lines, and all
<br />outer appurtenances eonnei:ted therewith, in, upon, above, along,
<br />across, underneath and tF.rougiT .~ tract of i3nd twenty i,20~ feet in
<br />width in ttza~ parcel ~f 7and known as ':'havenet :ce Fcnd Tract in the
<br />2dorthwest iJuarter q.;~t ^r e,•tiorl ~-~.renty-seven i2;j, TwnsiTip Eleven
<br />(il) 'karth, :tans;e: ..~ne t?j ,.~:,_ -.~ ~;Te nth , ._.., -...__ ,..... , , e+ebrasRa,
<br />~ .,.,rc ,-art,~uari, ues:.ihed .__ +,~Ci~?ws:
<br />:, tra,~*_ ~~t l.~nci inr ...'*n „}} 'eet ~>n ~ it^.er amide
<br />„f a line *rem the ;tortheriv Iiae to the sauiherly
<br />effete ,f sale -,'havenet ire ?and ~°ract, and aarailal
<br />ta, and ~=is'ht i;undred ,.ig;hts-Five xnd +ive-ten*_hs
<br />:$$5.±) feet East ~,± [:he :;est ;ioe ~~: 5aid ~e-*ion.
<br />331d tract <'x`Rta4ning '1. i :ls'reS, :Jaffe or if.',S, as
<br />steuwn cfn drawing dated _~, i. E tT$, marked EriTibit ., ,
<br />;ttta,~hed :,~:.et4 and =.:=_arc?nrated herein by rezerentie,
<br />toy,cthEr with the rail-~:i.ry; rfghts, nvEei~-~: unrestricted "ingress :and
<br />agresr :ender and acr=~sa such lands roc the purpose of exercising the
<br />rights herein ,ranted: -. o- c:tear and keep clear ui trees, racts,
<br />brush, and cater :thstrnctiuns frota the surface :~f such tract, except
<br />abstructicns provided far in the fuli:~ring paragraph,
<br />i`tTe Grantors car themselves, their ',eirs, devisees, executers,
<br />administratcrs, .:;rantees and assigns hereby :°avenant thai no huiiding
<br />ar structure sham br erected .~. ^ermitted on said tract Without
<br />untaining tiTe a,prztval of the Director of .iffier:- 1)oerations, provided
<br />that the Gxant:trs reserre tFe right t9 ^i-:ace, ~_->nstruct, and maintain
<br />granaed iss+~ts, concrete driveways or parking ices, fences, pales, or
<br />ocher si~;lar obstructions, not including trees, hushes, hed}les~, gar
<br />cCfier us-dergrctwttT =n the ar4a :if sl:rtT c~aaement, tP the ~naintenan:-e,
<br />