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<br />~~--~ U(~~J.A~1 <br />`z3.Tbe asrc covenants and agaseo tCtat if ie rlea~ tartl m pay ratrd iadebtedaser or auy part"thereof when <br />a'~",'; oezhsII fsi} to perform any eovenaat oe:~eni of grtrttmeni oc the promtseory note rcenred hereby, the <br />_,,;''"-a ~a;_L_ ,, _ E:araSy -.a<~rau a-Sal: d,.ist2:y'~.-a~~s~ payc.°.E~; acrd co3l~ti'.cle vrit#toat notice: st t're <br />aewliaa of tie mtrrtroQe or aauems, regardless of taa'saritr, aaa~t~e morip~e or his areiptta may befitre or after carte <br />st.~rid pt+~erep without:3pp~raisetnett3 ttbe asart hav wasverl arr# ae.ipnrd to the mwttt~ee a#l ri¢hts of <br />}' <br />f'Ft w ll sale ptrrwaat tee the prorisionr d S~U.S.f:. YflOf ~ r i : ur <br />(ttt p at the option of tree mostgagsse, eiRbar b'y anctios ar by aolieitadon of sealed bids, for the bigie~ and <br />bat iid ooasplyisgwiib the terms oaf rk and tttaaa~ of payaaeat speei6ed is the pnblisltnd itotgce of sale, 5tat <br />airitsft font w,tekr' nodes arC the times tertna and= pits aC arch ea [e, by advrrtiaentent, troll M~ t{tan ester, <br />ataeb ~ rid foer wcaka ig a naewapaper peblisied or distributed in thes rnua!y gte wbkb saw Property <br />r aitataasd, all wlseat malice beiagl beru6y waivad by the tnortgvgttr land rid mertgagese, or any perm on <br />6aleal[ as rid mag bird with the ~psid ioddstedrsess Evidtneed by rid. ante?. Said sale shall be <br />bail at ~ we the property to be rrdd or at tbe-FederaG eouaty, or city rnurthottae for the cottaty in which the <br />is mod. The mortaapoe ao hereby autboriaed to atitecttle for sad aQ bebalf of the mortgagor sad to <br />a to des pm,c6rer u vetch tale s sa6Cimi ooaveyatace of raid property, which conveyance shalt eoatain <br />reafesit r M tke ~ppenisa of the default apon wbiei the execution of the power of rk herein granted <br />"'''` _ . ` ' t -~ hereby eaaatitsttess sad appoint the ~ sag a~ or attorney of the <br />- ` _~ said attorasy is fact ast rid tsoregagar to mane such recitsis acid to e:ecnte said <br />r'»~ <br />ratia9estb a~ ~' and agt±rat tbsu the rexitals r mach shaA be eSectasl to bar all eagnity or <br />~•" ~~t~ 'mil, tbasrer, mad all other ~xemptiaans of ihr roortaaaur, alt oC which arc iterehv <br />"=r'•`®r wa#!Ed end catersyed b tt>e mart er <br />!tii.3 Labs. srty ours app:apriate aet~ }rureurrtt to _Late or F•`«i«ral ~tpttue tither in ntatr ur l~'e,lrral <br />nett at[ etbar~iae fir the disp~saitiott of the property. <br />EC 1is east oaf a eats w hatr~ttbadore prmidad, floe tetr a~ aety pmsoma in poass.etns nm$ez ebe most- <br />gagor shalt than became end be tensasts haiditsg veer and adsali forthwith delicrr pursearinn to the purchaser .t <br />sett rat err be snmouily tlisgosseased, in aaxotdareex with the proviniottr of loot: applicable to tenant. lwldin>F aver. <br />$.*.°. ~ :.o.-ter ~~:z~' s~ ~~,i~a; ::ith a.. ~t~t ~.'. arc i~~~,.'aSe bti ieath +.r ..ihers:=.T. an <br />are grarrted r esmtdative W the rsmrdier for coikction of aaiA indebtedneass pmvided br law. <br />t Tie p: ~ any m9e ~ said praparty iffi ~ with the preeediag. pangraphs atoll be applied $rrt <br />to pay deo asMs a~ eapanKe atf said rest,, ~ aa:pensee itcesrted by tb~a morsga flee for the purpose of prateeting or main- <br />eartae ps~ptt#i, a~ reams attorr~ys =~~ aeeoadly, to pag the .frbtetl;.~ a~utrd herals: atttt ihir.!iv, <br />to pay arty srPls s atseasr m tie peragn ur psrawRa leasllp entitled tbaprarto. <br />S~, Ist tie xt+esn. wgd pgPe1'ty es cold at a ~ faaweitaser rde or p W the power of asar beeeisabove <br />asd Roe proceeds sue ®oL aas~cimx to pay t~ twat ratvred by tbi. i~ttsrment attd evgdetaced try <br />a~ P3` mess, tie will he esstiticd Lo a Taney jud~eat for the amolmt o[ rim de~iciearer saitAost <br />m <br />6. ~ ttra assent ties [ails to pay say Fealeeal, aiaete, ur reseal taz msdsatett6 incotex taz ur other toes <br />ties, bs or other eapetase adsar~d s rite ptx+}YiertY eCsle ~ is hereby wthsrriaed at his option to <br />pay ~e rse. Aay acts ro paid by the mortgagee sledg be added to a~ ioecasee a part ~ the princip:E aneount of the <br />a+gdimead by acid sow, subject to the same terms a~ ems. If the ntnrtgttgor shall gray and <br />tlm Madness eridsced by said prarmpmory awe, ~ ebslt pay rndt seas ated abaft discharge all <br />taatis aed iisaa and dte coast, fesaw asd ~ awititts, enforeiag, sad exeeutiag skis asort~sge, tleen tliia mortgages <br />~ essnaalad oral araaetadaad: <br />"l4es`t t r'lsiisd amd the beds sad advantages efnlf iauez to tl~ rvrpe+'titie atn• <br />coasts ales! awiiprr ed des p +tasi. ebe number dhall include tlm pluses!, the pbseal thes <br />etisipdtia, wrk dto aces a!` ary ~ isc~lede tlt <br />~ T'is tq~,d tlaeem or of ebn aitligtttieaa aesura^d hereby rtes!! aL attv time thereafter he hr#d <br />M io a wi+uv of des Itisstor lstueaot or of the slam ara+ued hereby. <br />1G # . esdsit es ate gvrasarisiaraa +~ p.rrtiwr alt these, iuwrumaet iasald w tssie»- <br />slMaRtitWi ~ ass: way iby"uir os ptaat the eefagsss ~ dte ~ patovirt!eses am of thin <br />` kMlts~dMkl~ae~l5s~itss tsrrgpQar . tla does prersi~iaais of t3ra siag'M a$ <br />ask ary .r:fiMasr nu~sim ~m stn isswad to the neaatgyeso dolt <br />ie ~ ~. tlas ~ sa <br />< ~,...., <br />$aqt / a3.Atrt -aa rh»+~4t <br />