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~, <br />_ ~ gib....... <br />ft: itr tfie evert salt! property is sold- at a j€tdleial farodosure sale or pursuant tot '`power of a sak hereinabove <br />. tuu9 the proe+eats are trot sufficient w pay the teal indebtedness secured by [his it€strumerri aril evadenc- <br />ca# by sail- prcnnisaory note;. the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgement for the amount of [hr <br />trith6rar ttr - <br />7. tit C,~ event tl~ fail to pap any federal; state, or-local-tax assesment, income-tax or ocher tea lien; <br />c €ee az ati~r ~ eh~r~l.agaxast tip Iu'ty the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay <br />drt-same; ,4tty sttttts sa I:tiy the'mortgagee sha~t'be-added to nerd become a port of the prirtcipai amount of the <br />e~ by said tstxe, snbjoct tu, the-same teams attd rnnditions. Cf the mortgagor shall- pay and <br />. tt~ itiiediresa evidenced by said-promissory note, nerd shall pay such s;urrs and-shah dtssharge -att. <br />tatres Itstas and the coats, teas, and etzgserrses of making, enforcing, and executing- this mortgage; then-this <br />mrut shad be canctitat asut surrendtp-ed: <br />8. The cxttts hetxin containett shalt bind antf-the benefits and advatnages shall inure to the respective successors <br />alert assigta of the puYaes hereto. Wttetuver used; the singular number sha1F it~rtudg the plural, the plural- the <br />sly, and tl~ use of arty gemdtr :;hall include aA genders. <br />~, Na waiver of nap covenant herein or of the obligation soured hereby shall at any [ime thereafter be hedtl to be a <br />waivex of the terms hereof or of the Hots secured #tereby. <br />ltt. A jrtda:eal daxse, order, or judgertrertt holding any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or unenfortx- <br />tr~e sttali tent in arty way impair ar preclude the rnforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this <br />irotrutnerrt. <br />11. Any wttitteat notate to be issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall be addressed <br />to the mortaaaoi at ~ 4 Hox 1365 Grand Island tsehra_akw 68802 <br />and arty writtrn notice to be issued to the mortgagee shall <br />be addressed to t~ mortgagee at 424 it. 14tird St.. P, O. F3ox 2006. Grand Island, iZE 68802 <br />Eta W11'IVPS5 WNEkEOF, the metrE$sgor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of <br />iAStrtutiCltt as of tlu day and yeaF afor5aad. <br /> <br />Mid-C4n~tFfl-R~ .Epte~P~l.~erfir. -Inc :. . ......... . <br />'~` ~, <br />Glenn R, tiilson, ,7r`j/~-Se-a/TLeas. <br />€ed ate dtgivsred in tits presence of the following witnesses: <br />(Add Appropriate AcktrowledgementJ <br />ss"CA~'E ~ r=~iE##tlAS4EA ~ 8efots~tse. a ttua)ified l~tary PulaNc, persorralfy ed - <br />~~ ~ <br />knEw;v;a t€? e~_ W he idyl ptrson of persons who signal the foregerang ittstrut>krit aml acknowisdged the eAavtion <br />theirso€ t€t i~c _~._____.,,,,._ votuttta~rtt-net atui ~cd: <br />Vltltttesa my hand anel t~lotariai Seal on ~~.~, 19 ~' _. <br />i1~Mt-liMwiit~r~ f ~ <br />~~~ reap <br />4kstasy tftri7lSt f~-- <br />~~ ,~€ .Is <br />,*'TEt fll~-1+i8~4 ~ Before tote a quatifind tVOtaty Pubi4c, pataonally appeared _ <br />a svrlsorat+nu_ ktrrn. t€t €~ be the a€ut itientacal person who sigt~l she foregoing itatruerten€, attd <br />a~>u~ladlgotik- shg ttepf to ire tdt root€t si~Y att?d daexi as such officex amt the volontAry act and. deexl of <br />En'rrpa;a{igs tad itrr c+~t~tuc sell wan affi7€ed thes'ew by i€s authori€y. <br />W+ittt ttt~y ttaia4 said t~riat, Seal tn€ ...-~ . t 9 __.~. <br />iS1~Ai1.i .._,a_~_________. __. _ _._, <br />Watery t'ublk <br />