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~~- <br />Thssmnrt~c,andattNered:Ie~o~th#s sth dayaf Tanvarv , <br />~~-~-, ~`` ~ ~, tt?rla!•E?arttxutitet: SYsterpteisea, Snc. <br />(hiWafttr ti3~trrtto as iriortor} and trc~inerci~lT~tstiuttai I38nE and'I`ivst ~omtaany <br />(harattaftcr t'efctral to salt <br />aiaxrgagrt3, ivho items nix txt at~'pl~e af-~iness-at 424 tv. Third _ stmt-ate Grand Ism <br />Hall CouWry, t~bt'as#ra: <br />VttR'!'tESSETFt, that far stet ~ hertiteafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowtedgtxi, the tnartgagor <br />doea t-,x, Wit, gtattt, zit, aad convey unt® tl~ rttr~tae, its successors attd assigns, ati of the fol- <br />lawiitst dt~.ptoperty situated and being in Litt Ctwnty a:_ Hall <br />Scott of Nt~a~tas. <br />T.ixt 2hzse. t3}, tsloctt Saven (7l, Unit Oise Continental Gardens,- an Addition to <br />t3ib C#ty of t,rartd Islasui, Hall- Coutsty. Nebraska. <br />a: <br />tg~,lltet with as t~ tt>~ aml appurtenances thtrtto lttlatsging, alt the rents, isssses and prafits thtrtof, artd all <br />eta, ri;isn, mretties. ttattmstt,-oil asttl $ax rights an$ prafita, water. water rights. and water stack: attd ittciuding <br />~ ti~tittg, ptttrttbittg; trfeigeratiria, tigiating, egtnprnent and alt tixturts of every deseriptian lxianging to tht <br />ttsn_rs~aar-rnw ru ht~tfttr-attaneheYi thertto ar zn cnntte€.~tirnt with the prerr:isss herein dc~ribcd aWd iW addition. <br />tttaeto ttte fogo+virsg described prngertits u#sitat are ants shall trt deetntd to bt fixtures amt a part of the realty. ami <br />an a PNniat ~ thrse,earity far the i~ss htrdn stated. (tf ntntt. state "Want'.! None <br />Toluvetted ttt scold ttse s~tunto-the Mortgagee. as htrciW provided: <br />i7te is lavsfue~y seSts~ ated ~ tsf and etas the right to sett atn! cronvey said property; tlwt the <br />sates is fuse itttmc ~ ~ txteQx as hereinabovt recited; anti that Mortgagor ctsvrnants to warratst aWd <br />head the-title afotrasadfhcscta a.~ t.sry part thatof against the claims of all ptrsaWS whamsotvtr. <br />_ is to sReurt the t+syti~nt of a promissory sustt: dated sanuarp 5, 19e~. <br />= is tkee pt~istcipel snwx of i ..~4. f}fld.~ ._. sighed by .._n A. Bich. PresidenC <br />itt b~ttttf of t4l:d-~xttinent Enterp~risEes. Znc. __ __ <br />aMn: as air iseke amr txntes tidy frota tip fo titne be modified. rtnewtd ar exttndexl in writing. <br />fa the cvmt the title to star}':resd ~:+i transftrrtd. ar comc~xed to 6Ee transferred, frx>m the undersigned for any <br />teasoss as by atsy tsadd stsc+iwtr, Yho entire principal sum aad at'Ctited interest shalt at onyx became due arxd <br />payable tit the tltctit>rt of the ha3de~ hett~f. Failiuc to extrtise this aptitro because of transfer. of title as about stated <br />ins sine ittru;taec shnit rinF eat~-:£ute ~ waivtt af; the right to cztrcisc tlee sssne in the event of any sutssegtteni ua~n. <br />t. TGe nwregttluu `:pvetHtntS afira~ as fatttxws: <br />a 1°o tab' pax +ttr ' evideaoed by snit! prutttst~r nod at tl~ times amd in tlu tttattntr <br />~ thtertias prov{. <br />h. Flt pay a;t '.aEtts, aeri4stta« +~tt@x lases, 8r~ +atlser gawerfttrteattal ot: munietpal chatgts, f'ttxta. or <br />itnttaxi~intst•, ft+r wttj~ti tr;avisipn teas its4 4aoca-tna(fc tbCf'Urc. amt vrlN protitptty delivtr ttcr affleia! receipts <br />- --- ttiir0.'f{tF`i$ ttiC SaSil Eit[frf~"Y$CE; - <br />c. TA Wax yiu:h raEoestare nett fdb3 as ttalty t?r slit`firat~eian ttsaittsestaort of saint prsyxrtt'. <br />rM slat fns crt' +wr +rtt by (he Ior-the eu~tltm of aWy rat alt of the irtdcbitdttess <br />ttersi+~ ,k+xrrxt. ,x ttxt~irstutt tr}, sxwrtgt's sate,. r+r ram ~rtfttas. ttr its an> •+ther IitlaatirsW ear Eart>4rttiiWa <br />s filil~t ~ tsct pmt v <br />