<br />
<br />_:.. _> -
<br />?CA 79 : it~
<br />Ift,.. tt-cot REAL ESTATE MGF2TGAGE
<br />(dpemEetd: To Secure Present acrd Future Obligations and Advances)
<br />Date January 5, 1981
<br />€Aei-Rub-hill Holsteins, lnc. ,Mortgagor(s),
<br />~ HaTI county, _ Nebraska , In I
<br />~ of dpr aderarxw of the prtntdpaf stem, plus adarancea fm the purchase of Class B atotkand/or parfldpatlon '•
<br />emrtttleaQss t# the Morhyttgae as required by Mortgagee's bylaws arM by dMerminstlon by the hloetgagae's Board of
<br />dhactora tastler sak! bylaws, pttratrart to fedora[ taw, ` to stepport She outstanding indebtedrteaa, retttrad in the note hare- I
<br />inalEat desertbed asul kt canNdarstton of tutus advances made by ~Nortgpgga t dMartgsgor(s) or any a1 them as herein-
<br />s~sr provl~d, hereby mortgsgea and conveys to Ci nU 1 S f d Wodudian ~
<br />Crvdit AwottNlon, whew prirl~tpai aff:~ is of uran 5 an .Nebraska.
<br />. ROMrtgegee. Me toltowing-daseHbed real property in Nat I County, Nebraska, wbjeet to ofl,
<br />gsw, and mineral rttiht owned by paatpas other than Mortgagor(s); ezlsting easomeMs of retard; rasarvaHorts In United
<br />St~aa and Stale pa4snkr: and lha rtghta of the publtc,tn all highways:
<br />SW~ and ~ ~ SE~a i3-12N 9 W 6th P.M. arrd SE~x (Except a portion of the NEt;SE particularly t
<br />described as follows: 3eginninq at the Northeast corner of said NE, SE', and running Wt=_st
<br />along the North sine of said NE;; SE; a distance of 660.20 feel, thence a deflecting angle
<br />left 734 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds and running 929.42 feet Southeasterly to a point on
<br />thrt East tine of said NE, SE ;, thence a deflecting angle left 134 degrees 45 minutes 20
<br />seconds and running Horth 660.02 feet to the point of beginning containing 5.00 acres, more;
<br />or less, the Easterly 33 feet of which being Haii County Road right of way.) Section 2
<br />Tat~tship 72 N Range 70 k of the 6th P.~1., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />eantabtinq 355 acres, tno-e or less, atcording to Goyemmant wryer; togatttar with alt of Me right, tltle, and
<br />int/rest of Net Mortgagor(s) in said propreny now owned, or hmMter acquired, and lncludtng alt bulldinga and itnproye-
<br />ment nor on, ar heraatier placed upon, said rem property: including atso wit wafer, irrtgation, and dratnage rigtris. ;
<br />C
<br />t'hia mortgage b gMn to stieure: i
<br />January 5, 1481
<br />(:j A iromfwory,~}ota dated ggWan try Mortgagor(sy to Mortgagee, in the
<br />Mee Hun red Thirty Thnii~~nd and Nn%T(1ft_________ ________
<br />prkteipM sum of - ,t( --- -0OLLARS. I
<br />plus adtumcas for the purchase tN Class B stack or participation cartititates of the Mortgsgoe as roquirrtd by Mort- i
<br />gslpa's bytawa and by thttrttrirtatton by the Mortgagee's 8aard of latreeton under said bylaws. puntraM to terhtrat
<br />taw, to srapport Nre autshrtding indebtedness. payable with inieresi atcardtng to the terms at said note and any irtslru-
<br />Nnent takarr to rethtanettrg, eattndMg, or renewing aatd indeehrOness or grey part thereof;
<br />(b) Arry fttttpe advance(s), with interest, whdefe may eta made from time to time by Mortgagee, of its option, to Mort-
<br />gagor(s), of arty of them or ttteir succetwrs in tftte, for any purpose. lnetudng, but not limited io, iMtfai and future
<br />advances tar the purehaw at Clatsa B stark andtor partfdpatton certlittates of tM Mortgagee ss required by Mort-
<br />gage+ s trytavrs and by determinaaort by the Mortgagee's Beard of Directors under said trytswa, pursuant to federal
<br />taw, ~ auppart ttte oulstanding irtdebledrresa. in any amoant or amount. pmvided, however, that such tusure and
<br />additional ~~~ rte sa 1 t;rr total prirrctpal amounts outstanrhng at any one time shaft not eaceed
<br />gee atatr ot4 I1On an4 IYO1 i t1{1-- --------------°----------COLLARS. i
<br />plus said aWraneas tea purchase of Class 8 stock or participation certifftates of the Mortgagee to support the indebt-
<br />edrtees, artd provided trrrthar the future advance(s) so made shalt tpt payatde in attardMfte with the terms al apro-
<br />miaaor~ :tea or notes whid+ may rte rattan to evidence such sdvante(s) w.ny part ttrereol. (The optional advance(a)
<br />leetain atrtltorized siati rte considered eddtdanaf to the adrartceis) hereirratter authartz+td to ba made by the Mort-
<br />gsgae far Me pratattlon of the securtty or Mortgagee's #nterest therein.)
<br />, j Tlas mrtr~ags to ba vettat upon tlni paynant in tail with intres! of wit obNgatlvns, prtHerrt or future, secured or to tit
<br />aOCtlrad ham'
<br />Tha Mwt~s), ante each of them, hereby wxranttsl tfiat they era fee owners of the mortgaged real property: that
<br />!tray wih the aria agairrat ail claimants whomsoever; and they reiirrqursh ail rights of homestead in card premises.
<br />,,, ~ and CrJVereant and agrN etriM the Motgageb as t ytlows: ~.
<br />t f t l Ta pay when due ail taaas, iierrs. judgments, or assessments whech may ba lawfully assessed against the property
<br />:, ( harairi moresaged, aced the rental charges upon arty teases assrgrred as additional security for this mortgage.
<br />4Z1 TO aeeure atilt keep mwred buildings end other improvements now on or which may treresNer be placed on seed
<br />~. ~ psmeeisas to xha satislaetian of the Mortgagee. Any puticy evidencing such inwrsnce tthall rte etedorsed with a mortgage !
<br />{ CMntw, approved try and ire favor of Mortgagee, and depaatett with, toss ttrereunder to be payable to, Mortgagee as its
<br />'- i intataat may appear. At the option of Mortgagor{st, and subpect to gerrorat raguWtions ofi the Farm Credit
<br />Adrrra~uation, sums so rateivad try fgortgagee may be used to pay #or roconattuttion of the destroyed improvemant(sl: -
<br />er. if nex aQ applied. nt~r, at tlw opt~,:e at Mortgagee, be appt»tf ae payment of any isrdebtadzmss, matured or unmatured, ~ -
<br />~ sacred by this mortgage.
<br />~ (~! T-o keep alt buildings oattpred and in gaud-..=~~r, and tim ra9rarn from itw Commission of airy acts of removal. !
<br />doestatttiori or impairmsrtt ttrwsot: reef to cut a remove, os permit to tea Cut a removed, any wood or timber from said
<br />. s real irrapartY, wad to tarprrit or permit no waste or impairment of the value of this secunty. to contrnuousty practice
<br />{ atifdtOVad rrtashsrda of farrttieeg on said tends. to prevent erosion and the spread of noRious and dsrneging weeds, and to
<br />1 peeaeew the tsrlilitV of Mee soil.
<br />~, { i4l Ttset sst Bea event Martgagor(sl ferttal to Pay wtwn due any taxes, rental ctwrgas upon anY teases assigned as
<br />aditRiar?sl eec•~aty NT tftrtl ntartgaga, frets, ;ud~vrtents, or assessments liswfulty assessed against the property harem
<br />~, ar fai~j to tstitr6ain irrsurancs ae iwreinbsttrre provided, Mortgages nay makes such payment or provide
<br />arsafe utsttrartaa. and thf amount(s) tt'id therefor siWl bacoerte a part of rtes indebtadtmsa aaeured heroby, due and
<br />tk ps~bit iemnadis~y, attd tdwtt bwr intsaat et apt caner[ rata of tlrs 141artgat)ae at tM lima the Mmtga~a makes such
<br />- -af tieerlrasmt N~rfai r~#aretttal in tiw payment of said W inc~rd wm, er itt the repayment of any adaftranal -
<br />p ~#Apetn+elder!,atafanyinarv~tntharet€n,atthatiAnwtwntttasarnashatihadtro,pewithraspaetta
<br />i ear ~ or aehi4glcr- ttayttf, than, at tfte option of M~ttaMpaa, the entiro indebtatiness secured hereby sheet
<br />~ifaawMa skps+aad ~ir~aiFis, afe~lwkr inppisst.itEtha surreal rat as rtpt Mortgages ore the data M [tea default. and
<br />( 9~e ass{r3ttvnsatl~iaLS~e fpn[otaai ~trsttu3gatpr-ter purpxr any otFprr avaitshfe tagiatremedy. to ttte avant of any
<br />°, { att#iaonlpf Wahlartre~otgta dsd#,.tlwlE~rtyagarisl#grerata}tteatanyexpensernrurradto -
<br />i latafrrrnaor as aiYaMarKx~ tip sttdl. wAattt ~rtgagpe, become apart of the debt secured ireraeby, arrd whet!
<br />twit feidble ttgagetc-_tafitMtts[ eviNt ad +sf-t'twt taxably i5oata-of sexh sctian;
<br />mar, wrtir.-,rs tires-w.eaiw.eGrw.a RaK qK~n sergreeMV.,K Mde.~p.rrr..iirs MrfNrM.w+....,x+n arv.,n,n,nra,~+: W~+aM~+. aer+a
<br />bMw~+ri -.a.~, wee er++r,+. ere.nw+ h wdn,r hw, r wry ,a nw ee..y~., .cram w d.snru N„ r•Kr!ti+ M ewyr».. , ~. a «r«.. aod.+» rs!MC+a.Me+, v..nrt,usr
<br />sue,lapel,g}iaAw.rV{ryESrrwv!=.+aM4,35+4~?t..»asr,5a!~ka.SF~,Yfbc?,er rs-+i<,m»+a-.'~±»brygy,.•LLrt.~. saA S.w:a.»+s nr.rzMwe n;.ewHnn. i'r.,, x.v...
<br />~, } a4M1'4x McRA+WSerA v#AXM Yr., mt +1,e :IMnOpvt4s,r ~,nrifU4+! kN QM'.(.F.' fi 0$yi.f n4 .a,l1 f,,yy i",My 4f •M '4t. M Ia,r,n,hlt w: t pruM•a +n wtaN.+s l..+~r. _
<br />
<br />