- ~ ~--
<br />~r~ ~
<br />f M(NR'tGAGB i.OAN NO. L 2'3 r,$91
<br />it ~.t ]~At 8Y THP.S~ PR~ENfS: Teat Willia[a D. Grange atx3 Maty C. Granger each in his and
<br />her r~1 rit~t and as spc~ae ts£ each at.her,
<br />Mtsrtgugor, vrlrether ~ to true, ee a of tha s~ of
<br />..r~s3~Y yo,~lOQ ~AO[1.AR5
<br />lamed w still mnrtga~r by 7`he F.4tatabk Baeld"etg and l.we Amraatwn of Grand lslmd, l8eltraska, MtxrgaEee, trpnn 600 Berea of:mdt of
<br />~d A3~ICtAt, CtxtiBuse No. L 23 r 892 . do haroM grant, mttwy and mortgage tuna the slid AS40CIATIt7Tl the &t0owktg
<br />Aaacri6ad rose elate, sltutQed ih 1]aB Couety, Ifebtmlta:
<br />LS71 FI\iE. f 5) r HAV I.iE' A 7~fs 22~tP FDOTt~iC tTt' oS F~.CTr SI2S7ATII) CST THE t'.AS'L SLUE OE' TiI~
<br />Nl~'Y` PDRTY~? C7F FfE7x~"'TIIt i.AlCl:r AttID BEING A Pa4R'i (~' TIC EAST HALF OF THE 90U1TiHit:'ST ~
<br />~(E~7~) f~' Iii 'lf~~ (i3) r 'CXt83S[iIP rf.):~VFN (11) RXS1YLYir tcAl3C~ NIIdE (9) r IN BAIL
<br />W+a+¢ ++p
<br />kgstbar tWth ~ the tenenertts, l~redttaatatis asd ~ [heteunlo bekntging, tttsictdirtg ittaClted door mveretga, afl rvtndow acrans,
<br />atiad~t shatlm, bii[sds, storm ttrindttsvs, awmtr~s, traaat~, au 4nntiifronrng, and pltunlring and water egtupmnt aril aeoetaoriea [hereto. pttatps, sttwes,
<br />rt~iigs:aiora.~ other iixtord aad egtuptnettt tarn ar hereaftsr attst3tsd to x resod in canrtectton with ~ real estate.
<br />Aed avflLdpa else coil tuorigsgot Fran agreed and stoq hereby agrse tha[ the tmtrt~agcu shall and will pay all taxes a~ asm~teats levied or
<br />aleeed tgtae stt~ peertmn amt repose this mortgage ami the lmnd seruxed therctry before tIu same shill ttemtrx delinquent, to fttrrtidt apyrosed
<br />h[$u~cye ~up~n the basM5s;y cm seed prett~ea ssteataX! in the ssrnt tti 4 60 r 000 • X13 payahk to said ~SSflC1A770N aril to deliver to said
<br />ASSQ['i~'dliYle the pssiuus for sad ieaursttm: coil tnt to cetmrmt €tt psrmtt any writs nn or aiattm sttuf pret~:s;
<br />le use of dsfmdt ut the perfarrmptr of arty of tltc tsrrm and ctruditiona of this mcrtgygs er the hand sesatitd hort!by; tha rtsont~e dull.
<br />tin detnutd. be srttrtled to utntseefiaat ptssa~an ttf the rtautga{sd psetmaes oral rein trxsrtrpgr+r hereby sssegm, trutsfers aril rots tint to the
<br />mnrtgaeeo sn rho rents, rsvattsd and tntxtme to be desired frwt the mor[gsged pteaaues durrttg such tuns as the tttwtgge tttttebtttdrteasball retreat
<br />'mod: alai eta tnurt~ee sWN Aare tlx pourer to apptunt anY agent tx agents tt rnaY desire for the ptscpose al rttptsatug sad prertmea aril tenting -
<br />tha ssDSe coil tRUtg else ruts. tevtmaaa ,coil ittcvmr, and rt trey pay cent trt said tttcsrlrie all expeaea of t> srid preadars ttrd tuasary
<br />. t~ sxpteues rtts+uxdl in rt'ettt~ aid tttttattg~ the scone atsd rxf :<stittg ssntah therefrom: the bats»ee remainiag, if arty, td be
<br />toward sltr dish stf seed trnxt :tsddnm: tt~se rr$hts <af the ±ittnt).G~ may be ezernsd at my rum dttrirtg the rxilatts of strtjt
<br />trreapadire of any tamporuy waTa of the same.
<br />'fitesa Precasts, iurrrervr, are upon tha Cotttiititm. ]list d- the sad Martgttpur attall rrpaY stud reran art or beforo the mrturity of slid shares hY
<br />pryttteatt; pry rtstsnthly to sad AS50C1A71(N't of the sitter spacifted m itx Mond sxusod ttersfew as m[ereet and Few as said loco, on or before
<br />the Siorh day of str~[ atsd sm+Y trcwath, uald said fasa is fully patd: pay art taxsa a;&i assemstscnta levied +~ ~ pretniaas aad on this Mart~/e
<br />and tha Bond swateccd thereby, hel+rts ria3anqunxyy. f tunatt nppnrved ittsxuaat.~s report the trttikhags tharatut to the stem off 60 r 000.00 payable
<br />W ttdd.A~xe.4~lATi€lN: rspaY to send AS4#li.:lA'17L~s ~ dessssd 3$ moray by tt pail far audt taass. as~aettta andat~tratsoo arith interest at
<br />the rte legal: rate thsracra form dau of paytttent all of wtuctt ldartpger ttsKSby agrees to pay: pectsut tut wags cut uid paetttiaea:keop attd comply
<br />svitlt aB xl[e aygarua+utks ansi candttitsm of the iimd /~ 9fi0 r 000 00 titsa dry given by the sad Mortgagor to tad ASSOC1A770N, and txmtply
<br />still[ rB the aa~uaf teat C<utlittasttn and 8yLacrs of sad ASSGE'ihT1C?N: them these prosatts shill bacorna trtril coil wrid. othervriae they -_
<br />remain in ftuti ~rtsse arxi nlY bt ftueeioaed at tiio aptecm of the reel A~5(]C:lATtf3lV after fsilme feu three month to tttaks my of fad
<br />paymersta W be thine mtxt[ha tti arrsus to sod trtoathty payonanp_ .tt to keep atttt cvtrtpiy watt the agreemmas aril tpnditiona oC said Betel:
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to hors s rssmat appomeed farthstzit is nx3e fotexlaatus psstecediuge.
<br />tf thora is any tdsatys is avnecaAtp of the rod tmtate ttt»rtgteod herein. by ~k or othersrae, thin the entire rte ittdebtathtms htrreby
<br />tdta>i. at tlee optsm of 7Ae F.gtwyMe Bta~eg and La,m Ataos-.ktiort of Grind fatmd, Nebradta,hatmme itnmadnidy die ad ptayabb without
<br />furtEu aotiesa, ~ the mm+uW remava~ d~ t ~ 6~c~nd, and any other far aey additiram! made thaev~es, from [he
<br />of astexsae of seiti apt[an. bam urW,sal ar the nraaioitgu tagai raa, recd thn rrtttrtgagte troy than be 5xasiaaad to stsisEy the Wouat dire tin oriel
<br />hrsatd, and mY cstEm laced fsu odNtiood adtamges, together with aB sunes pad by slid The P.quitabk Building and Loco Aaaoaiation of Grind Isht4d.
<br />Diitaekt fm et~eiatar+s, tyro aad mitts, aril abwaetinj etticesiwm t tutXea. with interest theteoa, from date of paymwst a: the treximum
<br />~ .
<br />,~ to the Bmtd sataued tterteby, tvhtle this trwrt$ags :sr[eios m si]aet the tnortgagee tray hereafter advaacc additional suit to tree
<br />tfaieta srid lttmd. thwr aesgns ca sttzcettsars to iniarsst, whicft stems tlsall he within the aertuity of tttia rttuxtgage the saute as the ftenda or~inaily
<br />std :hsae3y, the teEal amount ai prup;spe! debt eta: to ax.~sct at aoy t:rtsa the aritttnd atnottttt of this tttrxtgage.
<br />_ - - -- - - _ ~~ s
<br />ai`~atltJt9
<br />3YA2'E Eli ~liA, ~ t7l this I t~22 day of Janilaxy 19 g l , bttfism me.
<br />L`tpklloTi'Y t7F BELL
<br />tiro tmddaigned, a Notary Public in reel fm srid Cotmty pasamailY tame
<br />3wJ0 U. ~ Lam. Cxl:ir in his anCi hear U9i1 rigtl a~~~
<br />aaa to 6a tEe.t3a'eit4el- a`Emta ruadltg ,~ aiilatd to the above inrtrtrsesrrl pt,[,$ctxspgst~ aril kl'~!y mvMV~,'
<br />xiar s : ha ,r ~ act scsd daed.
<br />itaatd arkfisskartri the dltta alrrcnaitl. 'F ~
<br />reateMtttm ~ Al~lAwttc ""-... ' ,.....a.
<br />~lhiwp6 f~ l Ece»aaa
<br />_: ~' - t ~ Bar t e taq
<br />