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-S2-A--REAL E{17/tTE MORTGAGE-{YMith Tix Ctatap) Eev. 98 <br />_. _....._____....___._.r._._ <br />Huffman and Felton b Wolf, Wettan, We. 6846( <br />( f3NOW eels. MEN BY T1iS.S£ PRESENTS: That Laertcttca G, Crumrine and Lois A. Grumriae, husbac <br />s ~ and tails. and Douglas L. Grta>i~fae and Gpnthia H, Cru>gritta, husband and tdfa <br />~j = in eossidentmn of the sum d <br />td Hail Cotmty, sad State of Nebraska <br />Misty-'Tero 1ltoetsafisd sad t}t3Ji00-----------------------..----.. ------...--1XJLLAtif <br />,} ~ in hand paid, do hertdiy SELL and CGNVEY vnta <br />~~ s'Tta+aart A, t+agnsr and Liada 8. iiagaar, huabaad and wife <br />'~ ~ ~° ^cttntg, 8'~x ~ Gr31Gr~ur, t»~ f~'~tsaiai d~er~ prestises e~aSod <br />~~ ~ in Bali County. and State of Nebraska . to-.r;t: <br />~1 <br />Lot One (Ij in Rrgo Fifth Subdivision, an <br />Ada3tion to Aldo, Hall Couatp, Nebraska <br />The intention being to convey hereby an absntute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO H.1VE A1vD 1'n tH1L:~ the pmmi;,es abcwe described. with alt the appurtenances thereunto belonging, Hato the said <br />i mortgagee(s) aexl to hie, het or their heirs and asairtrrs forever, provided always, and there present are upon the ezpreri <br />ev~iiioa that if the sett esortgagor(sY. his, her of their heirs, ezeatrtors, administrators ar assigns shat! pay or cattee to be <br />tzsfid 6r the said nmrtRagmial ~ hie. het sr their heirs, ezecuton. administrators of nasigns. the principal sum of a 32 =000.00 <br />prvabie o fellows, tv wit: 88,81 shall b! paid on the Zad day of Feb~ary, 1981, and $308.81 <br />',sbaii be paid oa the tad dap of each subasquent m~tth thereafter until the entire pria- <br />cipal stem, etas iaterast, has bean paid in fuli. Frt~ sash payment so paid interest ae <br />1QX ptK aanstm, based oa the unpaid principal sumr ahaii be cotaputed and deducted from <br />the pap®attt, sad the rtamaindar of said payment shall be applied to the direct reduction <br />of the pri~ipal balance, Beginning with the monthly payment due on Jatntarp 2, 2984, <br />ittortgaaars hernia shall have the privilege of paying additional soma an say regular pap- <br />>>tattt date stopping rtes iatt~eat on the aaount so paid. li~rtgagora herein agree to pap <br />the unpaid principal baiaace, with iatereat to date, ita full no later than Jafteery 2, <br />1488. <br />with isterv!st amosdis~ to the tenor seal e$ed of the nxertgrgan writtaa proneissory note <br />bearing even date with these pretest <br />and stern gay all fazes nerd ~aP levied utrotr said ter! estate, and nll other tazsa, levies and asseasmests levied upos this <br />mortgr4e ur the ttoSr -which 4ris mortgage ie green v: setters. before F~ name becasea detirtysent, and keep ttk Breitdings oa <br />nrd Re's itt:aased for the sum of 525,000.00 tot.. if asy, pryatlle to the said mortgagee. then these praceats <br />to tie void, otturwiae to fx sett remmn in toll totes. <br />I'f t$ FLittT'ttER AGFtEE1T 111 That if the sad rrxsrtgasur shat! faiE to pay suds taxes or procure such irtstezasce, the <br />said sarxt~re may pay eua'h tazavs sad pnnvre such insuraetre. and the sum ao rdvasead, with interest at 16~ per <br />r~rt, shaft be repaid by sad mortttraor. and this mort$rgv elute steed am security far the setae. (2) Tha! s faiture M pay asy <br />of said money- either prtrepprl or iMer~¢, when test saerrr becomes due. or a faiinn to oatapty with say of the fotegain8 <br />argeerimereas. shrll cause the whin sum of enunry lrrrren srcvrcd to hnc3umr due asd cotlactilile at osee at the option of the <br />7th day~t Jaswary \ < is 81 <br />is preserxre of <br />,.. <br />~. <br />3 . <br />(,'t4rtj' -~- <br />_. _....._._........._--- - .n~.' `_..t r.C~`,.,i.~1.~li~fl~suc... <br />S~'AT~ O~'~~!- ................... . county ~ .......Hai; .......... <br />futg instrument was ackt~nvledged before me ..:J.8t?M~Y....?$tt ...................19 $~.. . <br />}~ ~t`s4,,and Loia A. Cttcmrine, husband sad wife, and Douglas L, <br />itsa seed Syati:a 1X. Grutatriae, husband and tails <br />,_ - Sigtmtttre of Pet:~en Ta~k~i^ng tickf t <br />B~~IAS111i1`f-NR. _ ~ <br />- Tale Notary Public <br />FFR`A'I'6 t1B_..._,..... ,......- .-.-.-... _....-' ~ Enttaed oat- anmarieat tadaz sad f#bd roc tveazd <br />..,._ .............. .........._...,............,_ ~ in the lieaiater of Z?aed: t768tx of said Cataty tear <br />..., d. ._ .. _..... ts.. .. d . . ...-o'tltydt and..,._ _....... _..,...minatas .._......,_._.,...hi <br />amd rtepw~t$. xis. ....... ..... ..oL..,._ . -._ . --..-... -........ trt pasty..- . _....a ~_ _ .~.,_......, <br />_. __..._._.__......_ .....~....._.___. _ - - __.,. --- -.tern. ~ taaaa. <br />fiy....._ .__ _...._._......._....._..._._ _.. <br />.._~~ <br />} <br />