~_ ~....~.., I
<br />~ E L E C T R I C E A S E M E N T
<br />itaR4-Finch Company, a Delaware corparation, herein called Grantor,
<br />is eame4aeratian Rt gierm .n3e~i~1~~ t~rS~9Q1 , rereigt of which is
<br />harshy aeknowLedged, hereby grants and conveys unto the.
<br />3 muntcil~ial catparation is Hall County, Nebraska, herein called Grantee,
<br />a permanent aad perpetual easement and right-af-way to surveil, canstreat,
<br />- ins~tect, mair_tain, repair, replace, extend, remove, and operate thereon,
<br />underground electric utility lines, cables, terminals, trans,farmers,
<br />surface markarg, and other appurtenances connected therewith, in, upon,
<br />shave, along, across, underneath and through a tract of land Located 1n'
<br />part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE~i,SEk) of
<br />Section Twenty-one {Zi}, Township Eleven {il} ~3arth, Kange Nine (9} west
<br />of the bth P.H., !?all County, Nebraska, mare oazticu2ariy described as
<br />fallow:
<br />A strip a€ Lana sixteen (15} feet in width, the Westerly
<br />line of said strip facing described as follo~rs: Beginning
<br />s at a paint an the EasterL-~ right-of-way Line o£ Eddy Street,
<br />being Live (5} feet South ~jf the Southwwyt corner of Block 1b
<br />of Pleasant Hose Subdivisian, thence Southerly slang the said
<br />Easterly right-af-way tine of Eddy Street, to a point on Che
<br />Southerly line of the tract of ;and described in the Document
<br />~8~3-t3fl575; , ?leLOr.ded In the Hai;. ~QUntp Register of Deeds
<br />t]Efice. Said _ract of :and captaining O.DZ acres more ar
<br />leas ~s shown on the plat daced 11;24tB0, marked E:chibit "~",
<br />• and attached hereto aad in.-orporated herein by reference,
<br />tegether with the €ollowing rights:
<br />IInzestricted ingress and egress to th.~ shave-described tract of
<br />laAd far installation, maintenance, operation and removal o€ such
<br />utilities and appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of ingress aad egress shall include all rights necessary
<br />for the full and complete use, ac_uration and enjoyment of the easement-
<br />-- herein greeted, including the right to excavate and re€ilI ditches and
<br />trenches, eo reaae, clear, and keep clear trees, bushes, hedges,
<br />e~adergrosrth, and other obstructions interfering with the surveying,
<br />canstructian, inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement, extension,
<br />-- tae~+rni or apezatian of such utilities. ?:o imgroyemenis, structures,
<br />Eeffiildiag~, feneus, or other absttuctions of amp kind whatsoever, shall
<br />~a s3i~s~ed in. upfla~, aDave, alisng, acraa.s, nndarneath, or.thraugh the
<br />i
<br />aa~cent 14arein granrod.
<br />