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r <br />TFf& TytaarrcACr'~id ~L#KE'f~It3R txYVEblAtil'II's ArfD A[iR£S8: ~ ~ ~ (~ (} 0 ~ ~} 1 ~ .. <br />Thas.tlte;ttt®as~r•ri~t Pas the iadeAt6rdetwa a,t haarinEetoie.'ptwided: <br />That fife Mortgrifrrr tr !~ dil~nee of said- PrrsprrtY in fee simple -aad teas e~ righE and lawful authority to sell attd - " <br />x .u~... +r.~ 3~t4ese artrl.r~er ~ qty 1_en o. e.ttt3retbrance; amd that Mortgagor will warrant .and-~fetrd rtes;-... `.,~: <br />erta're:Y °u`te . a-a:........•- .._ -.-- - - -- - - - - <br />title to said ptrmia~-s agairraL the -rlaittfs.of al$-peraans'tpp~ever. ~ _.._ <br />-- <br />To Ptt^J'-(tXttne«Ha6+tg-wben:rt~ a~ T~Y~~~--gtaere~rattaxes•, specia}"laxea..apeeial esyessmenta, water charges mower Merv- - <br />icr c-barges- and egtte* tatter and charges against said ptoprzrty, and all ta3xs levied on the dart secured hereby, atul Eo furnish the, , <br />Moztgagre, upon tegtratt, wt'Eh.t}te origirrat or duVTiemte rrrnipts therefor. The Aiortgagnr agues that-there-attaH he`sil}leit ttr'-~-. ..-.. <br />each manEhi+~ payment regttitcai herruitdes or- under the rcitTrrrcr rf rirttt secured iwrebY an amount estitaated by the Mot4gagee- - <br />to be ~tEftcient,tu raahlc ttt€t Aidti~tege~ to Pay, as they Tre«sme tfue, atf ttaea. aaaasamer+ta. amf similar-charfea ul~~t P~~ .- _-, <br />ices-8iatrract~thereto; atry defiCi~ttci' tvi~use of t[sr insufftcirncy cif such additiana} payments shalt fte fdrffiwittt drpas€ted' by the <br />Mortgagor with the \^lortgaKre spun tirrrtattrf (ay the Mortgagee_ any default under this paragraph shaft he rlremed a tlefa_alt in <br />payritent trf taxes, asee~tmeets. nz aimiiar chargers requirrr} twreunder_ - - - _ <br />T'he \{ortsagor agrees that there chaff aTSn tee addcaT tat each mnnth#y paytnent of principal and interraE required here-. <br />urttTrr an amtwnt xstimater# by the :strrrtgagee t=. tx~ strfficierst to enable. itsr MurtKaKrt^ to pay, as ik trecomr. due. Ehe insurattee <br />premium .m any rnauratrcF Policy t1e1}vereti to the ~trrrtgager .4ny deficiency trecauze rf the inruRtciertcY of such attditiottai pey- <br />rrtenta shalt f>p fnrihw#ih depns}itd by the MortgaBar wifts Ehr Vtortgagec upon deman<f t,y the Mortgai;re. Any defeat! utrder this <br />+Patagraph sEiall txr rkrmxd a default to thx Paymxni +~€ in:nranre premdums [f the- Policy ar pulia'ies rleprsaited are sxich~a;, home•- <br />awners ne alt risk tx>:icir*s. and the clrfx>aith ars• iru u}fieie?tf 4o pa. tfie rnti r.~ premrum, the Mnrtga£ee may apply the dettnsit to <br />pay premiums nn risks required to lrc rnau rid by this rrmasrtgaKe <br />f>ay-ment+ made Fly the Murycag„r under the abrw'e Para Sr t:bs easy, at the ,.priori of the Mortgagee, tx held by it and <br />cranmingie+f w-ith ottser :arts funds nr iia •rwn fxxnc}s for Ehe F%ayment .rf ?urh it.~ms. un.l until cr; at {=trt~rl, such Paymrnfa are hereby <br />P¢eKtQed as eeurtfy (ur the unpaid balance ,rf ttse ms:rtga;:e indrE;trdnesrs <br />To Prrx^rtre. detivrr to, asvi maintair, tnr 'h<~ 1:~•ae=tit ~.,? th.- 1i•+rt s:ar:r.• <}ur:n£ rh•= 1rfr ..f !tees m++rtKaKr :,nKinal {>olicias and <br />rr•ttewala t#tereaf, drli;<e rwf at !rat :>'n +a 'c !sc•f.%rr• Eri., <-xt+~ a t +.i ,a<h i - _ ~stsu ~ -rFasnnt (ire .end <ether rnsurable <br />hazards, ea*ualtdrxr, andnsnxingeru'res as the -"-1ut3t^+Krr ntm ~uirv, n 4n amount <~tlwtl ![ the tndebtecireesn secured by this <br />Afurti;aKe. and 'n ~smP'a :+-s - x -!stets t t# ~ f.:rt„ £. - n :: -,ayhhi 1 u:.r n fa -+~r ~+( and cn f,:rm accxptablx fu the 44nriga- <br />qre~.. .n the event ank iacrii[-Y ns. err - 1 ~.~r t t r~ .n ta. ~ =t r, x;r.ra. -n. tF 'vt+.rt£ay+•<' may Procure tnaurance on the <br />ttrtpsoertne~, pay the prmium tF.eeef. r ~nr1 _ r h : um ? SI ~~ t mmrdratri Cur and Pau stets with :nirrxst at the rate ~t <br />forth in card natr uniri Yard and ~f:air ~ u t -n- t~ + r -r rte -art --t 't ~Tc•rt5agr.r to fn rnrsh tuck renewals <br />as a[r he[etn rrquttwf ++r fatf r - p:sv rs h i n x h - ?'r -!. ->t :s ; t . r. - r .,h• ~(ortgaKes-. r,,n+tt[ute a r1.•fault <br />th.a etnrEg~ Tr•r,<Ft,. rc-~t ,:.•i+, ~~+rah (sate. - n<h hri+• nn aesr£nmrnk c( tnr un- <br />un=ler the •_rxtns of K - - .r .Y ,. r„ , <br />earned Premrurrt. <br />Any ,rum. r„i<•r, rc# . ti t ,r `~f rt a- . - F ~ i ! -.. ~ r n. t rnbv f~ tsar .1 by thv iT< rtKaKee <br />and a{>pitrri i.}wactl the teat n- nt ~i th ~ t 'r r t 3 -t r t. _.h ~cc rtQaKrv. ~u.k um- ,ether uhully '•r in <br />part maY tr pau9 rase to !h_ &fartgaKOS E-+ :>. u- -z - rr{.a r -+ r-- § rte. - u~l~ r - F r.idrnk- r fh it [-taco urr Gsr any <br />=st-r_?er t»E~' or ctltSn-t :ter ktefat-f<_>rr,~ t.> .tar ~{r:rtgar,r-+~ urth -„rt .-r tTra-E,ae ,h. ..rr, ..h- . -rtEagc f.-,r rnr .ill yr±..unr ..e .i hxrr,- <br />try before suct+ Paynten[ xvrr texsk i>tacr <br />Tn tsrumpUy repair t-~t.ere -.- ~rl,.wlr} r ru irnq-. •r a~{, t< . :,. raft +n xh r r•rninx ti'h maY f~- <br />cnmx dansaged ar dratnryed. tc tsr..i> .ar. trrrmt*• s cr. „ c.,3 ,-+, rdrt., „ rn.i rrFw:r t.. - -~-~ tr rr - sY n++'t hanrc't !i n r trier teen or <br />efaim crf lira net expaesutFY -3uixrreirnate. t-> tEsr- i.rn here.z} -:.r - - R - ern+t ~t ~awfut -r+e +,( s tn: nor. once t,r axes[ on <br />said Pmtk'rfY turf t<r pxrtnti warts .KS ba} i+remr_.c-- r•,r !...a:, env rrthrr :t.'. u~i erety . i, ~: rl r { rtY h:r F- ~unv Yrl ahail hrrome <br />}tea valuable, rsu~.r !xr d+rruntsls :,r rrn{><itr its t a'sur by ;r art . r . n.r..*. _n ... .... ... .... .,• :rli. r.-qurrrmxnU „t Saw with rrypcct <br />W tt+r rraxtgaKrri prrmtse*a an,t [hr u!u• :lacer..( <br />That sMruki the pert:uses c.r env Fart iEm r«.f hu cairn ,:r •lamaK~d by eearr,a of ans~ Puhhe imProvrment ur cutsttrmnatimt - <br />p[ax-rwdeng. ar unrfer tTw mist of emtn.-nt ci,arxasn. -=r .n =:rxr other nwnner, the 'tl.artKaKer ;hall t rntidrd to rnmt>rnsations. <br />awards, atad any rst#kre tsaymrnt c,r rrisr} t}so- r:-;.:rr- an.i steal: he rntatird- :rt :is r,{>Errsn. ts, r;tmmerK'e aPfsear in an+l pnraceute in ire <br />+rvnr rtatrte ar,y aettwt .x Pr+xsrrfing, .,r tax rnai<e stay c-,unprtxruge i r -rttlrtnrnt to t,.ru:r+'ttan wrth -rush takrng ur damage. Ali sash - <br />~~ aarae~r, tfarnaQrs, right a€ seta>n scut PeacecaEs are hete#ry asstgrrrrt En the Aturtgagee, who maY, after deducting <br />ttteedtena aft its aattessaa, rais<taie-any maneya "" rx,xtv+ass by tt r:r app=y tT:r same m any indeit[rtlnesa secured hereby. The A.fort- <br />gaiar agars!! Eo -~.tLtite rtttdt fasthrtr a,ritga~eafa aE aaY ;y~rttpenaataxs. asank+. rta€rtagea, anal rsQfiia n€ settrsn seal prot.-redai as the <br />A~'tiaNa stay ~. - <br />Trutt in case of failure to per€orm any of the rovrrtantr hrrrm. ttx• 't{wtgaRer rrray do on the Mori8a8or'n behalf rvervtTsing <br />stx cov+tttaa4sd: t6aE tba Mortgagee maY aT+t> sfo any act et may .}.rem Weer-:racy trs protect fhx lien theyenf, thaE Yhr Mnrtgagar will <br />t - dsrtupd aria rAtyiays pale! er disTwrsed by tlae \{ot-tgager for any ctf the aMNe Pu rtnww!a, and aerh rssonevs together wtEh <br />iis4eraat tbatxazt'ai the! tste P~i~ in satd note ahafl hecemr ,n much artd}!atrial itrdebtedne~ hereby aeeuecd and- stay- ~ in- <br />elttdvd in any ~"~ €trreClte>hirt8 !tetra mustgaY,e and he Pa.d cut of the rer:tc nr prr><reda ~ sale of astd prrminea }f ~ athervise <br />Paid;; Eh~ it ahdf txd he obttgatorY upon iTu \{aregagee to trtqu+re mEo the validity u( arty hers. the uMgttgatprc to cla~iamm%n sandy <br />vaaoi4g- as aTaare ,atttftotiatd, brit ttatlting barrio co+:tarnet3 aitalt be conatruert as tegttirin8 <br />:ra:laF+sy-,star-~.I~rP!~ ~-d:uanY act herrumier. end tMts b'ltrrytsyfae slralT rwi rncur.wty ts'rwmai iiabftitY h~ause of any- <br />th51tE ~=,~AL da:as oast #r +fe t+etsutdac. <br />fa Ehe event s>f the detautt 6y Msxt~tEgar i.n the paYrr+ea! of any instaftment- as required by tktr Mate secured hreeftY• er <br />Me ~ of the-oWFgtttitw in thin tnort~ ur to the Hate assured thetrhY, the Nartgager ahatl tsa entiUsB to dettarr the <br />deli y }tee star •aA paysWe without taat~. and Ehe hisrtia[an shalt he entitle i st its vptunn, without nsrtice, eittur try itaeN <br />oY 1ty a EgAi'ce: to ~ afKwinted Ley tfpe orrtrrt !-ketwuf, attd wittu>ut rrgartt to the adrttuacy of any Lecurity for the ids ae- , <br />~~~ ~. ~ tae up»~ y i t>,tp ~_t_ rn cef ttu mortgaged Dtemia~r, an+i to avTkct and t,eeeive ttu> rents. isue+s. attd Pralifa <br />tAett++C seat stpQ,E1 the Este: 3sw t>tsata ut ePetatitut acrd E't?TtBE't7ext. tapes the itxbebta+tttesa recurred - by the ntriztga~e - testa, - <br />t~ ~ lca~k,'# t~ Et> the Mar+gaarr ax fvrtiier aareterity fua the. PaYmsmt of aft Tndrbtedttne si!cura+ot heretey <br />'[yn ¢(~{ attar{ have the prntcrr to appptn[ any agent nr aftenta it maY .tenter €rx the PurPase of tryradrirtg raid prem. <br />aaa: tlir aaiata: ~.1At+ t~ota--revenues atsd im-oxrte, and it may Pay out ui satd itxtxne all eapertaes tnettrreaf to rent °. <br />-4llie_satne sad itt au6teetiag the,. rentada ihrrefrtrm. T1te 6alattoe remaining- if any, s:wlt ha apfrfied to+rard tTBE~:-• <br />~ thtt, _+. '_.assigtteatat to G> terminate and 6ecv>rete Holt atal vntd upon release of this maetaatsr- <br /> <br />