<br />tcer ~.ith a!! tenerttertts, hereditaments artd appurtenances beMnging.titereto - - -- - - - _ - - - - -
<br />TCI tiAt~£ A;Vu TC} NflI.D the atxsve described premises with all the privileges atui agptutertances theretanto 66tongrt~ iAplut
<br />ail re:ttt, issues and pmfits thereof unto M<artpagee, i~aever.:And Mortgagor hereisy covtttatsts-that Martgegot is.weII_and trstiy staid-o#
<br />a goad title to the prentists ab:tve conveyed in the law. in f>e simple, and has gaud right and iawfirl authority ta•con~ey tha sates--.
<br />that the tine sa tanveyed ii .seat, trr° and unmcurnbered cx:ept as ~rtharwise hated and that Mortgagor will foreaerwarfentaedde•
<br />~-nd the satne to iiarrgagee aa~tinst al! ;:!aims whats<sever.
<br />This Mnrtgagc s gzvest by 'Acsrzgugen t~~ ,eeure the perfct:nance of each agreement ctmtain«i herein, and tosecure the payment
<br />„# a !.>:in .n zhe atrtaunt ,,f thr 'C tai :sf Paytnents :;howls above, which iaan being evidenced by a promissory note bearing.even ditE
<br />herewith and wfiicls is furthar desc:##sed :bore.
<br />YRfltl1D£i~ ALttiAYS, and ibex pre,ente ore ulxsst the exrressed candttian, that if the Martgag`sts sha!! gay in Ertl! to the-Mtut-
<br />xpr:mtissc~rV n:fte ltezrinz ed~°.n date 4;erelv-izh in the amtxsni se*. tt,rth above, payable in installments accarding to the tee therr.-•
<br />~:~ ta¢etlter :vttit mrerert as >e-- i•~r'h ±ttereits. sod >ha4- F.ay a!! taxeti anti ssse>stnents 4eaied upon said rea! estate beforo the lama-btr'
<br />,:attics deiin;;uant, sat keen t4;e antitiins:- ,rtt .atd ;?retrssc:: Insured i.,r a ,urn e~ua4 tr, the tndehtedttess secured hereby, lass, if any, pay'
<br />able to t'te mid ~i~rE~sgt•e, the€. tt:ese n~sents t!~, he nui! xnd void. ,=ther~se to ire snd tetnain in fuli force.
<br />tHS5 Mt3R'CG~tG)W t5 :tLSU TR !IE , AND C'OYR!tiltE Tt) BE. FROM Tt,NE TO TIME. SECt;R1TY FOR THEPi1YME1flT"
<br />t~ SI:C. H Still OR Sti31S t3F '.#O?tiEY .4S THE 3tORTUAGtiE .`NAY FROif YLM£ TO TIb1E ! :' T'.')€ trL`TtJR£ AI3YANCE TO THE
<br />t,***~*~~.~~~+. i§~***~**.~XCEE'1' FOR ANY ADVANCES THAI' NAY NE ~tAI3E TO PROTECT THfi SCvCit$t2Y IN AC-
<br />{:ORD4M1CE h`ITH TIME T£R.s15 €)F T}I15'xiflRTGAGz
<br />ti
<br />~ti?Gk:~tit;al ~ ~~~> ictt f"~ 2V~l: ?t.= .+„ IK ~ a_- u1 hs zp'r: P97ent ,n32. a p;rit Y.crcah asttt ne:+n>Uiated nCretti.
<br />r,, Iti WITNESS 5k'tIER4:flF, the sold Ms:rtgagnts have execute:; these nresents tF.e day and pear tsrst above wrstten.
<br />~~ , _L_-r ~ j. M~~ --
<br />~~y{yr ~~ ---
<br />{` ~~ ~
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<br />•°'f ~ "- -
<br />_ L~.~_~._ -~s---Mat ttar
<br />ST:CT'E flf ?s31~.BtRA5K~1
<br />ti4
<br />d~ ^.e{ore me, the understrared a tirdan Public, duly
<br />Ctn thh~ .':at nt t.~gt;ctt _ ___ ~--
<br />..+ satt..g~ ;..; 3rt+i :: -.a:d a r -tt~ . -rt.. .:ctx~ra ti :a€tz:. utf}t)il f4. :'"AUGG _~Iv~, Cr~$Q1 _T ~7~13~C,.
<br />tartt~zasiau, c. and ~,
<br />_ i1L5BA'`t47 A.'su) r TTe p • *:>: Ai es HEFt -_.. _.. __. _- _ - --
<br />ta .,~z j~own _,> ''r t4tr €cteni:~at p s- -~ rers~x:= ~+'i,- =.~z~rr ~ ;,~ . att:~ x,c ak exe€i to the ttstegamg instrument sna acinowiedged
<br />the ex~-uoars t'aeteot z=s 3sa isz. ?acz a,r fhet: -.-+iuntzr-i at.! at'a d=`rd. .
<br />Witness tzty hand and'vut3isai bra! ='.te uty and neat last a~~~ke ,v:rtttns ~ ,`
<br />~~~ y ~ ~ , A Y Pt!SL!('
<br />J ~. ~
<br />'.NX eamrrtmtan expires the . ~~ _ day ~'# -~=-=- -
<br />tE t: ,t i. "sl~ff! F? S4 ~F FtER ~iisC7l r4€)''<a Tk'_~'ti5 Atill ~ ONDlTtCi4VS
<br />vs e. c
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