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<br />8I--~~('~~~r3:t <br />>w~ <br />MOltTGACE C.OAN rw. L 23,990 <br />KtY01YA[.LMt~l6Y'!`FtESEi'RFS€>V~:'1`intt 3t5t1 Fl. ~ajict~Y and Lynn E. 7.ajicek, ei~d'i in ~ i~ ktr~r <br />c~~t: r#..~ t ~~ a~ ~.~ of e,~t~t c~~~~, <br />, trlrether tree rn mare, in stoatidtadim d tltttaad_ <br />Fipt'~kyc arm Nol100 D <br />loetsed to raid >fartgagot by'f hs Pgsrit>,bb t arse [~sn Anou.tion of cratta Itimd, rbbttpt., Mort, etpa~t 8U0 >~s ertmdc9f <br />raid A~OCIAYI(3N, CertiYtmEe No. L 23,890 , ao hereby gent, mtt+sy+ turd ssmngage onto the raid A~OCIATit?N tine fts9owiu~ <br />tlaterebmd tea! etgatc, sittnted sn tiaN County, Nehrssta: <br />THE EASi~Ytd,Y ONE-HALrF (F.-t) OF LC7t (h~tE {1) AW Tf~ FAS2r~LY S7~{TY-SIX (~6? +~'~EP ~ ~ <br />D1~2THEftI.Y .THIRTY-EIC~PP AND i~i2 TE3aTHS (N38.43 Ff~T OF Lt7T THt2EE (3j , BIUCl{ SIX (fi) , <br />~.r.~.ra:~ Ai)DITI€~J 'I13 WEST Lr+t+Ri, AN AtX)ITI~7 'IC? 'I~ CITY OF Qi~T~ID ZSIrAND, HALL CSXIIJPY, <br />N~AASi{A <br />together whit alt the terxesents, hereditasvevts xvd appuneretns;e: thereunto hctutsgnsg, tnctudsttg attached flout arvetio~s, all window taeatn, <br />window shades, bSitda, storm windows, awnings. heating, art cundttiontnx, and plumbing aril wa[er equipment and acceatries thereto, p»ttgta,atocea, <br />reftigetatara, road other Cuttues and cquipmeat tww ur hereafter attached to ur usett ur .unrrcctrun wnh sad teat cute. <br />Asid whereas tree sad mortgagor has ageed xvd does heteetY agree chat tttc :nortgaRor shall and will pay all uxd and naEatmnt7 levied a <br />atreaed ttpwt std prevvfes and upon this mongage and tits Frond stcurcd tixreby txtore the Serra shalt tzecattm deWxtissent; to fttrtuah approved <br />iawaance tMson the huildtngs sin sad premtxs situated zn €he :um cf S $0 000.00 twYabk €u soul ASSOCIA'IIO?V oral to d~-'ter to raid <br />ASS{7ClATiON the polirxs for sairi itetsusnce: amt not fu commit ar permn any waste sea ur about sand presnifes: <br />In taste of default m the performance of any of the terms and wmittums sr3 thu rxert;age ur tan bond secured hereby, the mortgtdee shall, <br />on daxmvd, be entitled to immediate pvsaesswn of the mangegcd premrscs oral the rncatgagur hcrcby aaaigtts, tratt~ers and seta owr to the <br />rttort~ee ail the rents, revrnrm end entxrmt to tx dtnveil from the itaz€tgaged prtmnes duruzg such ttirre ss the nurrtgtge indebtrxismss stud remain <br />rertptid; and the txartgsffiec Stull have the power to atWoutt any agent of attcnts tt nay Snuc for !tie purpose of repuri~ szid premixi and renting <br />the same and crziksYitsg tttt rrnts, reventscs artd ercome, arxl tt xmy pap out .il satd sriccznx atl expensaa of repairing said prnrttiaea std reecassvty <br />cusintw+ata and experues itecutred rn renting oral rtunagtnx Flit aortae arxt of coikcttitg rentals ttxtefmm; the tsatsntx retrtaining, if atry, to be <br />applini reeved the dixtutg a[ sans mura~e tndebtedsuss: thex rsgitts ut ttrz rrnrrtgagee may be excreted at any titste during the existstta of etch <br />.k tuft, irttspecirx of any temporary waises of the same, <br />These Freaents, twxrcwr, are upon the C ursditnzn, That rf [€xe sod Mortgagor shalt repay saxt Iwo on rn txiorc the tmttuity of said shard by <br />psyrsnras; lety nx»ithiy to said AS',S(XIATIf3tV .rf the win spes:deed rn Flee Nand secured hcrcby as interest avd prmnpal on sad loan, sYn or betels <br />tie Twentieth day of each amt every month, whit said luarr u fuSiv peal, lay ai! taxes aril asmssnmma kvmd agwut said premuea road on this Motlgedr <br />road cite Bond securcrl thereby, ttcloee deite~e.crscy: f urnssh apptoretl rrpwatxX utxrn taw busktusgs ucrearte rn tip sum of S able <br />to stud ASSOClAT10N: repay !u seat ASS~U('iATIt3M upon Semssxd set matey ay ;t pax? !ur sxxtr taxes. asseasttecats sssd8i~atxX wOstOh interest ii <br />the maximum legal rate thereon from Sale of paysttent all of whtsJ€ Murtpter.r hcrevy xyjecs w pay. ptrtnst nsr watte un sod ptemues; keep std comply <br />wnh all rim agoeomnta and arrsdiiwru of the Nand for S d0, 000 UQhrs .Say gtxen by ties seat Mo:tgapzr to stud ASSOCiA71tiN, asd comply <br />whit sit the requiremm~ts ul rite CanAdutron and t3y-Laws of said A55(X'tATt()ai, thin these presents tluII ber:ome nuN and rod, utiserwise they <br />slob rer~rrt m tuft force and trsay be ioreciastd at the UpUUn ui the uw3 -tam'{iC'tA'fl(3n ,fret tatlwo for tftree munt}ts to mdte any of said <br />ptytnants ar be three months nz attars rn tttakrsig said mszrsehtY payrre€ttx, ,rr to etep arzd ~umpSy with the agreements arsd amdittvru ut aid Frond: <br />oral hiattgagut ogees to haw a reccrvcr appusnted futthsvsth +n atrch iureGptswc ~c:..vJugs. <br />tf there a say cttasyt xn uwaetshrp art itm rent estate rnurtpgs:d tmrcu:, h7 ink ur uthetwtte, thmt the coon renstvdttg indebtednea hereby <br />smrrsmd ahdl. at the .rptiuss ai T}rc [gorubk Buildgeg end t.,wre .Atw.:utxm ui Gratxt Isiatid, Ve~tuta, tmanae umsedntdy due std payable withoat <br />Fsnthes rsuxe, asst rho amouai :emavsurg drre uvs~r sass hsard, ~ any .;iher txraet for say additstreal advaasas made thaesreder, >~ from the <br />dam of exncme of aid npts:n. beat interest at tam rmsurreusre ~ rate, amt thn rrartt(,7ge vuy then be fotecloued to taNe6y the amount dm tin aid <br />hated, ctrl any sghes band fax additpsul, together with tIi sure patd by soot The Fgtuttsbk road Lem Aaociatitsn of Gtaed !Flood, <br />'Vetttaska for ussvtenae, taxes and saesmrvrvts, aszd absvr:ttrsg extemwst ~hatgra. »sth inunsx eheratr, from date of payment at ttR rttaxirnttst <br />kgd tort. <br />As ovidat m the Btralci soctucd herobp, whsle thu rtentgage :cmwss ur affect the murtgtget may ixtealter xivaua additional sutra to tlta <br />tmiwss of sas- Boort. rhea aatgins;+r s~ xstuxs to rntcreu. whs~h sums Shari izs wr€ttrn t}te sceustty of ittn mottle ttte same as the fttudo uridmFlY <br />,~sx~t~ade:t_ the total amuuat of ptaszpatt dttbt nut to cx~sta at any teme the urigtml amrwns of tads tssottgag. <br />~ ^'4S's St}Y =,>~r t,3dCltk;r}, A.€7.,t_~rSl <br />. ,JUi ~ t .~.~~.,.,_,,.._~.....~__-__~_- <br />_ G x~~ y, is ~ [ <br />... .f i.~• GI• 4ii~ - <br />STA7'@ OF KkilkA.xKA, ~ r. 6tt taut S tkt Say of Jattu,~.ty t9 81 , bdote tsa, <br />CSPt3t~fLY f3F BALL <br />the trvtietaigmst, s ;Votary Yobtic itt road for and t otmty, pusaapd-ysstns <br />.Dot M, 23jir~c s Lynn E. 2ajic~is, each iz3 his azid her arrt right ~~r`~~tt~f <br />roc to Qs tilt rdtastitsl pwttsr ~ wtwse mane ~ 32~ afftsruf to rite abcrae iattrtmtctir as tetongegotg amt t21ep sttvettlty - <br />tart raid strattotrasnt to ba~ ~~~~ vaiuntap act std treed. - --~, <br />/}l <br />NtT#iFSb toy toad Final tVwuut Soa4 the state sioretarl. l' ,` ,r f <br />Yh+ C:rmnsflitelsrri artiwet ~ """l'. <br />f ~ rt-t "~ht r -are Nelwai+t ¢- <br />., ,. , <br />