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x. <br />$ ~ -~ <br />by such. owners, certified as to accuracy of survey by a registered <br />land surveyor, and to contain, a dedication of the easesents to the <br />use and benefit of public utiii,ties. In consideration ofd tre accept - <br />anee of tlae plat of said SCtII~I2,~R S1TBDiVI3ZON, t:he Subdividers hereby. <br />eonsgnt and agree Stith the City of Grand Zsland, Nebrasl~a, that Chet' <br />will install or have i.nstailed at their expense the following <br />improvements: <br />1. °vlater. 'she Subdividers agree to connect aII structures <br />in the subdivision to the City water wins serving said subdivisi.an_ <br />2. Sanitary Surer. ,he Subdividers agree to construct such <br />sanitary sewer lines in the subdivision as necessary to serve ail <br />new structures requiring sanitary sewer se mice prier to requesting <br />any raccupancy permits for any suci str~wctures ir, said subdivision, <br />and agree to connect such structures to the Cry's sar.itazy sewer. <br />Suci~i sanitary sewer shall be constructed in accordance witi~ plans <br />and specificatigns approved by the City's Cirector of Public Forks <br />az~d sub;ect to tine City's inspection. <br />~. drainage. The Sub~::~viders a~rte to ~;ra.e the tots of ehe <br />subdivision to for c:n-si`e retention u~ a ten-year deign <br />storm water runc-.ff a5 per criteria acceptable ~~ the :~ranC Island <br />°fhis requir~at shall not apply so lorg~ as 95X <br />t~ubiiC marks part.~,ent. :~L the ropsaty in the subdivisioa <br />rs~ains in grass. <br />w. Sidevalics. The Subdividers, if still the owners of the <br />land in the proposed subdivision, ur :._ t:te 5ubdi~.'=tiers shall ::ave <br />transferred title to tie pr~;pert_-~, then t?~e Earious grantees thereof, <br />will iastall, at their awn expense, ail public sidewalks required <br />by the Grand Island City Code when the ad;acent ;.ot is built upon, <br />and sidewai.ks shall be regulated anti required -w:iti~ the buiiciing <br />perud.t fur each such lot. <br />7. ~Tarratxty. The szndersigzied owners, as 5ubdiviciers, :arrant <br />that they are the oa*ners in fee si:~pie of r e land deserirad anti <br />proposed to be knawn as Sc:~mader 5ubdivisictn, and that <~ abstract <br />of title will be submitted for examination, is necessary; ipcsn <br />sweat tai the City Qf Grand Island. <br />- 2 - <br />~._. <br />