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'17i~`G- EtCtATt:/-C;[iR P`U)l±t'!`HER CfElYENIttdTB AittD AGRE£9: 47 ~ ~"~~ ~~ ~ ~ V tG <br />r That Hes Aboettp®ar will .pay the ir~ks0aritteaa s heretnlseforr prtn!+tled. <br />TFat ~ fdEetor-ii- ~ 9r :rf said ptxrperty in fre simple and. has goad rigit and lataful authority !a sel! aruf <br />sanvey the asate. urd t~aA ehr a is ftiK and s9ear nt any lien or etteum6rareca: and that Mortgagor wilt warraiiti a»d rtefrnd. the <br />titke to said -prat5tiisecet-a#taurot th'e-t4;iuNta a~'ettl'. er. ~ _ <br />~•: -~ ;_,. -.:,~ly',~..~r~i~ a gsyt~efe a#k ~arra~ Stlttes~e~_taxes. special assesn«tsentx, watrr charges, Sewer serv- <br />icw rhsrgwc, daft et32tes ats.t rftargrs agnirsst e,skrk f~. and akk texrslrvirx# an the debt secured. hereby. and to furnish the <br />>'. upon tsegtteat, with then origii:al rer dupiscitte recei.pta thererr3r. _z~ 3iartaaaar agr~w tl:~ tihsr2 skt3?.. ~-a~ -',~- --,'.-. <br />each montktkY flayerirnt rrquirev! herrtender rr under the e~vtdence of iebt set•ured hereby an amount estimatrrk by the Mortgagee <br />ter he siit3@a•iet~i tss taiabrr tl~ I~fortsso:PF°-ta pry, as that tx~,me deer. ~k taixr~, aagesxrnenfs. lend ::imilar_t~targt~ upon_tha Arens. <br />iaea-`~-i;,<•retrs, eery tir8i',aney hrcau=.r- of Lhs+ msutfieie^nc r:f =ucls arfdititenisT pnymenfa shaft-he fdrthwitir" rkeptiafit+.rf iw the - <br />. miortgsgor witSi -the '2+`,stgaRr*r ',}eren demon<1 by r..he hfurtaa~s.. Arty t1r#auit uttder thin paxaeraflh »hall be deemcvi a +lefault in <br />psstriers[-c>( taxer. aseeaariieats, ar +imGlar charges rra}uireri-lu!nrundes. - _ - <br />'k'kte ft4wrt~aR=x ngrrrs that tksere shttki akv~ tsr added to ,=txth m.enthty l:avment. of firincipal :and- interertt required hats- - <br />undrr an arnrvont rxtinaatrd b;. the 3Sor#gagr_e tt+ ise ,ttithcierxt err .~nible ih,• Margaryee to pry. as it lsecamFa due, She inau ranee <br />premium vn any irswratsi`r:+ ix,hc.:- :fe•4ivered to the `tiirartt;a{fer. -any rltCs..tens•p" h,•,rn;ea,t :,i the insutfiricnCy of sut;h additional pert' <br />tnettti? sha1F be forthwith afrflnr,:red Px. film ~•#cctK'aRr,r w.tth 't4:e `-irrtaa„n*• ,sore-^ demand-tn the-4kartgaRee- :Any rkefault-under thin <br />pttragraph ~ha1l ter ie+mwt ;a -3 fa i1t ir: the {xavm nt - f insvnnrr pmmnrnss IF iha }x cy r policies rteprASikmd aiv each n.§ !some.-. <br />aesnrm nr all rink ;x fn•tw:. ;tri the rlr tnrws tr .i t+• ~nvuthr ,r r,, t„ tsu, =hr :•rttire z.n: msurrr, the A2ortgaRee may apply the depaaA to <br />}.raq pre•nttumx an axake rrrluired in he Intiesrwf hr thts m,srtt{a>~c <br />Poi-mmntr maaie 1,v ±ha= 4t„rC~a~vr srxrtrvr e'n-;ilaar,. °:-trsyrxltf„s a;qs .it thr• .*p:ion of the ttort~,aRer, tx field by tt and <br />:-rarminAlret '•a:tts .sthrr .,u.•?, ar-..,'.., - r =t_ -- r. ,tn,k, t"r +1:,~ .. ; ! .ri i,. :frr.r,.:,a~l ::net srs :ap{,Iied. -urh payrnenfs are herefty <br />,per-+'iRa~3 ea •wcur,ty star 'ho .: n,=„su; isadsine~a -•f i -r ;n~ata~r:+- ,rtirf,t~,n.,-~ <br />r :, ;>-=x~nra. ,ir={s"e„r ^-~ z_~s;l :r+rttntarr, fr,r -.n , rt. ;zt ~., r,.- '-i.+r+~-a~y~ :i... „the ?sfe ,>t Lhic mortaa~e .,rifrma) pnloctrs and <br />renewat>ti rre<s{, :trtr~,. r,'r.l st ;s-.'. .'.• :-n>^ ~~+~{r€s h,• , i} ~ t~ .. , "e<-•i: ,. i c~te-:. ,naurmR ac;ainet lire arxr! ,>ther tnsarahle <br />hazards. raauattit°~ and .~:ntingeshic, rvs>r the 34ortaatRei' ma!- r~ is3sre. sa :sn nissoue+.t .tGna! to the indebtednc-ss scs•urod by this <br />3q;;r[$ar:e .snrS m ;'utt:}..-~r.t..., ...«r - • : .'.i• , ..:,a~'=• .. : ~ '.a. -t.. t:*a. - -+'.';,r .,f :end in form acceptable t<, the.Nnrtga- <br />gee• i•,s "t *-'+?nt •tr - ~ 1 c - '. ~-.f - srt t: t..- '~4c+r%~aKee may lfnxvrr inxurance nn the <br />.mnr,W+-tnr .ta ;isy rh - , .*^r^:.3n..n . -• r .sst.. ..,:r „ n. -.'~..x ... ~,. ?::zt, rstsr3 rtacats}r• .+~ith mtrrrstt at thr race cet <br />P+-rtr: to 5:e,,. x•te tni i c,aa+". :x,,. -,::tf' ' ='ur••,. ' 'h•. E z n>2 .t the 'iferiRae,x to t:;rnt.+h vurh :t-s:ruals <br />as :rte 4«retn :~~ss reri .,x asi e.. -.> ~i :, f .. .. 's-. s' -t ~i r 41 -rtaR-+•. -. r. ts.titr ., ae4ault <br />nnder vhe ter:aavr •1 thsa :rs.-rtYaK• lh„~ ce- <.t .-, -.. ~ . .. -, +=str -, -.. to+ir _s,4trt Jet :rn axvynment of fihe nn" <br />earned {swmtura. <br />a n~' a:,rr-'3 rs..r•c+r•s ~ , ~ ~-i -.r .:.a,tr+• -. : t.`«,;: ..t :<.,.. .r i..,:h., ,-:-,;::•t+. ,£ts .~t :naY tse n-tarn.•rl by thr ~1 c,rtgaRee <br />arcs' x{:plu.,P ?.r+.~ard :hd :.ern.<r,. T.t •..r t-r,t '.r ,!. •; ,-. ,. r.-.s _rr ...:. (?.`t• Lt.;rt; aR.~e. such -ttm. rether whrell>° s,r ere <br />y>.art !clay tss• ; ar,f ..r ,., .. t..-r -{,a . .. .. . _ .,... . .. ... _ ;z-_i,t r.s•w hsnldtnK± rn th.v }ifas r- «r f+nr any <br />x-: er : ur}xnse e.:r , },yrsr , :.+t,.s..«-c .. :.s -.. -d:-. r?~. r.,,.. .... , , - r ... .!.<,si„4Ke f.:t the felt srt...ur.t --r•cu rs=rr here- <br />t;Y `r.1:.ra girt? ;esYmrrst .+rr ! x. ,s:a.-r <br />= grrxny~`k' rriztar- r<°as~-n• --, .h=se..f ... -, .... a- .-. , . - .-.rxa, ? ,n ~.r - r -aft.•r .m the tram i- -. w•hsc-h mn> `te- <br />ttirc ,.arr:+y{w', err ~: tr=y-c e.i ... ... _ ,se s r.- c,+«, ., .~~.i ,. o. .si . .r .x r,r: ;e.. t. re,srt .tnY mr•charss~v hr•n ,;r .,iher Iren a[ <br />ciatm •>t t:•e»re ro•t vspr sns}v •., t rE• ,rst,•r .e -f{. _ , t - ar.i S - „r nr ens nvince era .•xtst on <br />.easti {rrrrtx:rty nor tc. tK~riri .asz:. •m ;.race .~ « ...v . - ~ k~_. s<-t snrr h, th. ,r.: r-•rris 3nrebs .•.rorveYetf •ihail become <br />Fes!a •dattiat3fe~ nrr tr. :limtr:?~s ::>= myair .. . ss~ ~~". ar. .- - ...., ,.- ~-. - .,1,. .-s[h .xt.` ~sviutre.ment~ .t iav+ wrth raspeCt <br />t+r the-m%=rutaaed lrrein°.t?es sari 'tine ssr ,[±rre~.f <br />`!'tsar stxsuir: thr 9•rennv>x .. .,a-, rsvrz Es;..t.-.,t 1. -.v.... .sn~, ar,:.-^ :. _ .,.+ -,. .s,.. ,s.h;x. nrr> ~omrrxt or ,-„nd.rmnannr. <br />proce~irsg. =`r utxler f`x .t; t+t - -:, - -.. .,. t z .-.e - a„~ -wait !,e _nt!t!±ai to a#1 . ~mpers8attonx. <br />awards. ar-rt atsx °>ttxr },arrnrr t .:.; +ei,e# - .~ r~ t.;r a.= =3.a1; ~.' «€ttitlt'rt :rt irs +>}rit +n. -xx r mmr-rtee. aptxaar :n and prriantuta to its <br />~:xwtt rtatr> Yns ascti!ats nr {srxc~iinX. ••r te. n;tais« .anc ,-,n:7;n:mt.<e .,r sette,rarns r:. rs,nnnnten wsrh ,ufh iakonK c,r rlamaRr. AI! +uch <br />, awards. +#ICrtta rialst ui Ae'--tors sis.". niErsve~rtn atr 'se•Mixy asaianrd to Ihr xi~urkaa$re, who rrsaY'. alter drrlucttnlti <br />ttestB +~ ita.eape?nsce. re.#~ae sac m.znryti sa rerw€:~~et ts~ ¢t ar at+Vty the. -+ame an7r snckeMcdruara .~scr-urnd hereisY. TMe h4ort- <br />-.ta-tom ~tcsis farther a-snignene+ite c,{ .+a!x t-<-ns~ss.a3lton. awxrefit. rtamaitrs. end n{thts of ackian and proce~eaka ~ the .. <br />tnaY regtttt'a <br />'t`ksat iss cssF +d-faikute t*.+;orrfarm oar =_ef the €'rwetxa rt.- i~e retr, rasa 1~tartgaKew tnaY do ten the '.1Sortgagur's lxhalf everything :; <br />no- cswaaeatsd: that t~ sa•4ra'taagae maY slats .i+: ahY as~l st may ..arm aaresaar} t.x t;ratstt tfte lira thereof: that else ftir>rigagar wick <br />terf+ t i$s!attRet~ aEnT bra pasd ar dus6ntar~d hs tite• !Nari~Rr.~ i+x anq of Else• ash parpeMea. and awls enoete~rs~ tn{e4kser with <br />~ t4±xaeors at the rim t?nrvidad in raid note. shw11 ixasrtrte sR tnzn'h arMitioas# indelo#exktxrm h~rrebv aentrer: atxk msv he in- <br />trett iB any d~~ frsr€ctamtig thL: rneert;sae sett! ?,e ca;-d rai=_ ,•i =r€+ rprte .ir pr.-.cer+ta of rile ^_! ~si-3 1?rarrtea~s if rxst- otherwise - <br />}; ii;at ix rkyaal tu~rt btr a~itestory utsort Lhe 3tar4atsaee• t,x .ra.{u:tc ecsiu the saliclsty ,.,f any hen. .=ncumbranr:rn «,r e.18sm.,n ad- . <br />- 3ut #~ea+e--,satharestnd, krett mretsteY herrsa craste#ard s+halk re W^avwtsased as rerd+srrnd the :k~a~rt~ee to advarxce nay <br />msnstgttt- amy otters tsuryo~ ner.tta a4u aaY act hrranaarbrr; zua3 tksak '>irfartgagsrt .hat! nut irteur any fyers+xcsl tiskrikity eseeatate of aay- <br />tt tt" tmnf dsr er <mui ~ tfsi hasseugslwe, <br />Sa klve rernt ~f tlaz tlef~rkt by 44~,rtaor `-_-= the ; ay:r~at of nay install -; ^', as r.siuired tsy the Nrae secure[! hnrrbfr. ar <br />in ihr ieeY'#rststuettee.r,>€ .lee cdsfigatxsrs iri :''-~s axrtgatTe -sr in rise note ?s«rsirarf t#serebY, the \4arlgager' AFsakk hr rntifleei to dreiare the <br />,{ ssattr+exk.ktasrr dew and px€yakrle. wtthr-arse natxxi, and the Noriaagec ahaf'. he. antitfed at its ripiivn. wilkaatt rsrelitx. either 1sy itiertt <br />irr ~ s tsareix'tt isi $x ~pkrointext by fihe ctasirt thereof. a ,e3 +a=sEksnut regard Ya the adequacy of any ssatltftiy for the itsdristedrtesa st- <br />h~rY. t~ r$trr atpw rt arak ts3sr f _>€ the r>r=rtKSgrd pterrtiaeat. seat! trt crrikttet and rereihe tree rrnta, iaeare aad grafifa <br />,»~: . s tiler- Vie. 1 ~' of ±a...-~.+rs aced resl#ac'^EHtn. uprsn fire iesdebtrtnrr.s .eeuzerl Fry tlsie mnrtgsia; acid ~ retsir: <br />iautewsami €+~-~hertdnr. aeaitL3 tct ehs 4tri:tSar<s~ an 1rsr-ikser arc-untY for th+e Payrneot of slk tmdatrtednesF saieareel-htrrtsy. - <br />Ttse feflortlt~er tkutll httnra the pnwrr err appornt arty agent [ar a{Eents it may destrr tar the twrpaae of rrpainng seed prrm- <br />axa. €atq{ tkatt , ~ tkw xrsda- tr+rrntaesi and issrrvne, oral rt may paY oat r>f :raid im"ritrie all eapesmen rnettrred to rent- <br />iaea e~ saute aa~ ~ trikleCtittg the rentals thrrr#ram. The 6alsttcr rematnint{, if arty. shale! lx+ appkitr! toward the <br />.nt rs fc Ierrninatr otter 6eca_xne null amt vend upon reMetae of t u tnerrtttsQe. <br />argF ai tbar , i , 'C'Adi aaailfeamse <br />t~.~ <br /> <br />