'TffAC 1lRA!EtRtCdArlSOt°t • Fi71tT1'FIBit C7F~f1[t1YAN`CSd iiNE1 A13Rfi8#i:
<br />.~
<br />,, _ ~ ~ -..~`~~E~ ~ ~ J~
<br />TFta&~~" ~ svsif;: t~ ttse in~'ra°i>Iwaeoe~; ~.
<br />That tst'1G1`nr4:';a. tStctnamer of said PrOftsrty in tee itlritplb' aisd has gotrd right and lawful aatharitY ta,sett~attd~
<br />aanvey thr a.t(,rfb,eaii:ttu'd t3te ataneiafaee: atxt clear of any {ten vr~ena`anhragar; and that-Q1+fi»'tgagae wilt warrant andYrlefrrut'tlte
<br />title to said prefwtttrx-- afiatetR t}ie cfirit+is uf' ati IveYt+ttr vrhtertaeit+rer: _- , - -
<br />'t"a i»e siffi'At!~s'!tlYwh[~iv dire anti iiaytihlc aFFiettesal razes: spatter iakex, special-_aaAt!swttente; water rh8rgea,-sewn ~rv~
<br />ia![ drargex- atut'rtP4i~r t4asra aml c4ia*Rt'a against said Ptrrlperty snit alt- faxes- tPVirrl art ti>A diArt aerureri hetetsy,-and to [urni?th ttw
<br />Marg. ut~~ ~nsat. with tite.oridgirul or dupliettte receipts therefor. 't9c« Mortgagor agrees tltet<Nfetr nltidt tieetfrleA to--
<br />aaeh snonthlY t~YnKnt rc•r)uin~t[ ilrirrktnrietr nr -tinder- ilia evidettre-af cds=h#- sactireri hwralsy an amrmnt-astsmate~-hy tfae Mortgagor
<br />tit Ore, tata€rrt't Ea~aya4le flip 'Jtrirtga8r"-' tt± pay. as they tte~*trte stue. ati twstta; rteTdir; acid Qimitar etiarirN'apon-1hePram;. -. _
<br />ite!g-'ssibjeet'iher+~ta: ~nS- ttrftetency !~•natt~ of the inwfriciprscy r3f Gin-h at#dltiatcai p8rtiserttrs ,shalt lie- fntthwth' do{sctiied Ly ttte. -
<br />:l4art;jagnr witty thn 4icriKagee utatn. rlartsatsri f,y zhe ~4nNgagee. A.n}^ €lefauit under thiF paragraph sltali ha rteemPrl-a defaultin
<br />i}a_gr'h+'Rt [~' tatteM, asseasmeitta, n,r similar chargtat rw}utrett fwreuadrtr - ..
<br />'f'he M+rrtgagmr agree?e that their. xhall slaw, ttr aetdeA t[, astir manthlY payment ref principal and interest rcgffit'at3; here...
<br />sty 3crr an amtxini e•eiimat.~t try the :+3nrtgager =+, t-rn ~uiRr'irnf t, c-nahle ihr• MrrtKage`r to pay. ax it hetsnrn,s dten, the irtsuraitce
<br />prenvum on any ;n±u ranee },alley :tali+~rrrct fn thr Yfort gsgt-« :lny tiehetencti f:r't^ause f[i ihr insufl3efertcy- trf srtott_ a$dt_ional .lily _
<br />titerrts shall lie fcrthwHfh rletursN«d by tlw ytortRagnr with ihr Martga£f«c ufxtn dexnstuf by thr h'iartgagtw. RnY drfaut#-urtitet this
<br />paragraph xhall Sv ek!ema<{ a iefnult .n the Ftaymrnt of inxtt rarsrn prrmiumx if ihr F~litY nr [xdtcies-iteprsstintl'bm aueis-'tdrFxsMe~-
<br />(ntitfi«rx x al# rusk P•"u it`er°s, anti :he :taf<=+[tt, -sr=~ ,r,+[:ffit~[•nt t+, y;av !h[• ..nit rr• rremtum, thr MrrtgaKer may :tppty the deiwsn to
<br />pay pwmiumx r,n rixka ranuieett Sn l,e inxu nrrl by this mnrtgagn
<br />l'avmertts rnari« by the ti:;rshst;f,r .rntfar ihr :tixn~r y:ara;rat,h> may. at the [,ptr[,n ,.[ ttu- 'vfarigager, tae held by it and
<br />crmrns~te<i wsth .,the- .,u,~~h funria „r .es .wn `•a t.d~. ,r -,.e rssym,rnt :,£ =-uoh itnm3. and ,rnUl zn aPPiirr£, wash payments arw ha reby
<br />}'airrlg~f as srrtzraty for tt:r snPa.~i f•aian€-s= -,i aY:. -rxz,riuagw !r:elebtc•+tne=.r,
<br />Ta pr?x-tlre. ,teir+vr •,. .tn,! mu.rtaret r.„~ :t.[. !.. r,•~iir :•i :hu 'tiort¢:azw cistr!te~ =h+. ttfr [.t ttel+ mnrtyage c.riKfnat pniicies acid
<br />rv=:srwalx therersf, dnfivr r.~': ,. i.~szt «-r..t ... fr, rv :nr sraut.rx „f a:5 ~;uc-h ;snhctrr.. !rxaurfnK vKainxt fire and €.iher ittsurahle
<br />:saratda, t:sxualties, stuff •rnt:ntFenr;.-[ ax. a;h« wit=rtgaRtr -nnY rrr;uirn. in :sn amnunt [~ttel to zhe iredeiKedt~ ~e!etirrd by t}tis -
<br />:~+T:irt€SR2, ant? :n :titrpanet ,.4c:~r;,i:x:^.ir !:. -.,. +.•f.,rf,z,:•r. .+:,?; !:- .. ;,av_-sthit~ ,_iau!:s ;n f,r•~r,e :•" ant ,., fc,:~m acceptable to the ;~iortga-
<br />grr. In the <*vrnl an ~ ,'4![+t.. .+ ... ~. rl :.r: -t .. _ r Its. ~•f ;., ..rlulat,+.n +he ~€f.,srtgaRx=~ trav F»=ure rnsurancP r,n fhe
<br />imprrarrrrcent&. pay ihr ,rr.emietm 't:+-ref+Er .inr3 -!:['tr •.tat; ,rc=mr urnortff3tefe ~!ue one: ;,a;~nt lr w~l[h mii•rw+i ai the ratk ~t
<br />fe+r'.ft in "seed nrrt€-~ wrist t=a,d anJ ;rapt i+• -e~-ar[•d t'.uthi..^.+:rtc;tet' #xriur[, •,n the art ~a !!a+ ~icrt~aior ic: furnish such renewals
<br />ats are heresn rextutreKf +.r ;atinza !:, [saro :soy ~umr :l,S+~sn, rrt °>e .:n!f<•r -.holy. ,,. !.far „pt,[:n ;,! €far ~i<.rtgag«r• [,nstttute a default
<br />un[ier ttte *•°rmv :f [tats •r.:•-!cit... -, ,.., i•°! . r .. !., .... ~. syait ~n 'hr ..+-r, -irfautt ;-ntnt,!elie an rrsx+Knmrnt rsf ihr :m-
<br />narrsect prrmtum.
<br />Arty umn treat+~rtz F,ti chr aartj:a;[ra !,. tea++•r, -r -.. c sarragr .t,-urr:! .++:autet fnav .,e retamrti f+.' She S4 urtgagte
<br />and apitlie.f 'v+nrarrt ihr ;ws-rnrttt :,i :..r ! to :,-r,-}.<~ -s, uteri ,r ~., - r t.[=n . + .' [• \',..:rr-gaK<*r'. ?ut•h sumo ritht•r wttc3ly t,r in
<br />lvtrt may ix• Patd ., -.,r ~-7t-,r.KaR"r r .-•..• [ ,.~;,a .. .. .. .... . ... .. . '.•eatt!~i f,ew t,u e7€#inKS =n th«tr ;,leer [sr inr any
<br />ntttcr gurla'twe <tr €dtjee. •:at ssfac .:arv `et .. [ .t,-rr~3~--. „lr::,,. atT>f: ., .. :s-n •.: th.• .rs='rreaK.. f[ar ihr fail am4aa; n? =rru rent tsrrr-
<br />lty tt«iarr wash payment[-,n•r *.:[a4k ;tiacr-
<br />T~+ trrrtatptiy rvpasr- rrxt[.r:= ~,r .e-intild an+• ''uu,hnp= .n,F~.,.-r,r :ante :a,.w .r . m;sitrr •,r. tfcr l,rermrw~x whtt-h may he-
<br />cYSma' awn+tirxi ar +tratr+.y~9 t+: hoe-?: uar=# [:tame,+r", :n ,< K. -+uedt u[,-, anti n°t+atr rtn.i tr!v- fr„m xng merharuo`e !i«[t s,r ,dher lien or
<br />alarm [d iierr rxrt rzPr+`*,rszv 3uiwrdu.ata-Yt tes tixc• '.!.rr[ ;Yr:.++.f nr.t t:r >,xi7rr -. ,~-r<rs[t ;rn~~ ,rnf at.•fu£ uxr •+£ •.r any nuisance to €rxist c,n
<br />+xxf prr!}.en}~ n._.r tr. t,«rrn:t w~su ':t: =-v e[i ,,r,-u>:-++,.. :,,. ..- _ t. ,.. kt.: ., ;,n.FSe-rfv t:rr-=kry ef,nv»vrri shad trey--vme
<br />i~ .•zeiuallir.°m'..JC tv rim[nists ?r ;mtxarr zt.k '.at xe hy` stay art ~ s .rn»cm t•, s[t .•.:.,m{rk., +:ih at; rryulrrhn«nts c.f !xw with rs~spect
<br />tt3 ttTY in.trfgaie+i tlr«md.yr+a •il?[f ihr ustr [t,Mre!A£
<br />~~-.~ sFrt3iLti tl:#' ~'£.~#:4 er [~-il.^~ ~•aSt :.F.xr -f -..!- ~sl.!" '-?!i?4a3- ., ,r J.. t! ~'t '.t -, I'UtIF "s t' +Jnt.I n,.r IY[Yfli !%r t:•)nr'Et'm nafiOn
<br />iitrR-~sitt~. •;r umG'r tom- r=gist n. rtnercrnC :ifanarn. ~'r ,n =s .;ihs-? .~xanrwr !,.r ~ac, rt~,xge...hnlt ?u• ~ntstfeai [[r :d{ cvm~nsatronx,
<br />awarr!'a, stet any ++ttn-r raymrnt ,:r ;alit-[ .h..r.=f:;r, s.,,. shxllVhr rn trtl+tti_ at [ts :.Ptt[rn. ? x ramtnrin~r. aplr,rar +n arxt t?rpsnevte in its.
<br />snrtt rtaitte' any atfstm :x , r=xmttntt, :.r t-r :naks- _s , s,rrt; r+w t3s- ::€ <e-t tirr:;r-nt :r ...,,nreinrn wttft +stch taklni r,r darlt+tie. All such
<br />~, sw.trrla. daenaaes" rtgltt rtl aetiutt. atsd praccedx ar« trerasiry arasgrsrst te. the 3frutiaate. who may, afttrr` deslacfing
<br />rAsartama a~ fRtt aapssaie-, release any ravneya nit reersveei tsy tt ::r apittY the xast~- t,n any tndeliteeltinaa xecured hereby. 27tc l4tvrt°
<br />~tm2 ate to mascara xett!s further aasiQnirteafg :,i any n+ratt}zrwwtsrm- awarxfs, :iamages, star nKhts ~H atrfaxt anrl-.prauer"tls ~ Erie
<br />~ ~.
<br />That sn case td fmlure to (ieriutm any tff i}er rvvennnta flat«sn, ihr :Narigaiee may do rm ihr Mortgagor's h«ltatf everyfhsrtg
<br />a€a a*atrwaa~eeA; ittit ftxt !ilttrtgattee tasty elect tta spy set i€ may rfcrm t;r+sr•e..:ierv t;, ItrEte's:t ihr t?en ?he rect. that the Mortgagor wilt
<br />apse rletaatid any mistieys hair= nr diisit+rrsetl by ttw !ifnrfgagrr (r,r isny „t the abate pu rtaases- amf avxrtr moneas trrgrtlier with
<br />at ilre ra3:a pfc'r=t'°s->-"rte-dal! hee°+-~[ -»~t m.~h ~Art~srsrai i hey-rid°;- maY-ha in-
<br />tia~d+d is aaY derrae f[xeaitoaiai this nrt,rtgage amt lie Paid +-ut .:f tree rrtstx t,r Pt..r.wda .d wte erf said prantalea iE tier otherwise
<br />p0id: that it alsall tiaA lea obttgatory u[axn the ~tarfgsiee u, rrwutre mtu the va;tdrtY of any lien. ettcumhrarscea. e:r rlaim to ad-
<br />s taaea~a as'.alaa~ aLti~'tiYi~ iMtt rtet}t3R3 hateiti csttitma6ri s9all ivt ['41t3Krifart of rcyptsta6 the i[$attttagLe. to arlVltitY any
<br />rpgo!gst fat say atartri Purt~' oar to die any set heteunder• attd that Alts*tiaia~ slsrdi rest trxvr aaY feerrtruwi liabi#iry haeat!tae-+t( any.
<br />~a8i& N t-da-vr iii-~ ~ him~s.
<br />la tlsr avast of ilia daGwlt tr} lLiurtgai.,r to tlsr _ mss-twat of say :rtafatlawnt. as re+[uirex! by ihr Hale sacarrzd hereity, ar
<br />is perfr+rmam'.~e [tt ihs t,bitgatsrtn itt Gina rttcertgage ar ;r. =tie asvtw ascatrc+tl kia=r`bY. t}se-f+irtrtrfag:et= aSt~l ttr entit{e•rl to <LeElare the
<br />,.s,yegsasf. h..da~:aad.€wy.. witltaut netise, sad ties ~tartaaliDe elsal! lie ratstir-d at 4ts aptian, wiilurttt. atttcx• eifher" by ifael[
<br />ae ~ a iaariv~r to he appaiated ify th¢ exwrt fherxxt. and +.tttsuut regard to the sdcggaacY €if arty security ftrp flee ~ se-
<br />R#y_,ed ham. W eater u@ stud"tank t ur ttr mnrtgage.l pretrsit~+r, araf to ca€te,et atvd-receive the resits: iswsest star. i!raGis
<br />tiWt+sa[, sad s8)-3F tA~s ...list of tin amt r•rrilsetiea. upon tine irrde~fste![tss+at teecftrad try this rn.,r{ga~; ~a' teat:.
<br />i~.•.aati pert~grEtsirtg-t5eretty asaieaasl to tuts lSEartt[aiea as farther xectiriip fee the payment t,f ail-irtdthfndneels st~urett~fearefN.
<br />`I"he fttartsfagsa.shali ht!xe fhe ps,wrr to aµt+++int any meat nr slants it may desire for the putpewe of repro ritsg satri pretty-.,
<br />MyAt7: raattRi t `f.a. AdigHes +s~tllartini. the rttati; ras`cnues sad inc~urye, atsd tt rosy pay aytt of raid iti{YKa!-all-el[Prs.)}yyerr, trig~FTRy!~ #n rren~-,
<br />iaA g the sari sari t~ ~dlerti~t ',.'=a rontals thst>Ptrane. Ttw l>tda rnmaiteirt>x- it env, aitgd} tie eppiiart t,cwaril ttrur--
<br />~. rrf the rnutf~tie _iatit6Asrlaeas.. 'i"ttis aw6gtutient es fa terminals acid ttsccxne null anti void upon relevule of This martiaia.~.~
<br />~_ .J
<br />
<br />