~:... x~ rat > rrQV~ltrfrl~rs ~.ta1i~: ~ ~ ~ , !~~ { t ~ 0
<br />.•1 That`dts~:ttttlet w~t:~t4sY the i~~.lla hOr+iriNriore prov#ded: ~ .:.
<br />'Chat rile Ii!Furtgrgor:itr-aim oq!trer of sale{ property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />c-tavey 4he stdife and that-the ttaa~ #s t}er'snd sitar of arty ties-or c~ttiin~ratnctt; arul that R#artgng»r will warrent and=defend: the-
<br />tit.ie to said -,prewn#alts-ar~aeat'.`i1~eci~Rig.~'itd{-=~t~o'ns :Yitbm9oever.~ ~ .
<br />'- ,
<br />_- -
<br />!'~'' Tn po~r,~lmrrra~otiaFy urn r~e aadpoyat6la~ a_H- tgx~ts, ~~:taxas,-apt~ial.aesessmenta, water ehaegea.~e~e9ear•s~a3te: -_
<br />M ;..~ t.m ,r 1. ..y ..L~~ .a.Ja ~ 1 to L
<br />~ t ~~-e-•=r.;~, .... ._ ..--....~ t~=_°~ i-~~ ,~!- ~,.r• ~.-+ir~-' afi ~,a .l-i~t:~etrt€a-~+
<br />- A#atrt xseat, witfl° lire '~, ~#- #o furrier-tr`.~
<br />ga~atq upa» req - isrtginat or auplrtste lean#pts therefor. 'S'he Mortgagor agrees that=;tFt~sre shs~ Iss-artitiRdr~-to..
<br />rack monthly payment rryuirnd_ Iserntnder x»r under the- evidence nt deFK_seeured_hereby an anmunt estimitfer! by the___Moir_r,
<br />to-bn ssg4cienYW ciulbtefl+,e. t~urtytiptee-tn pay. as lhep-lsecnme dtm aii':Ya7tes:essoasmrnts: anal similsr:t'#t8tgea ~v~ga-"tbe?pa+tn9~ "-:
<br />isrEtr-sum-t}tvrvio; any defieic+u~}~ hecmist• ~ the ir~au~teitney rif §tteFi- rddiiinnai -lsayments yCjati" be fint35isvtih` t3ti#dei~jy-'Y--- -".`-
<br />itfoM~ague wit3rthe.Mnrtgager upon demand L~- the '.4iortgagye. Any default under this paragraph shalt Ixe dremed~a-default-in
<br />payritrn$ xs/ taxrva, as~etrsmrrtts; rte similar charge. rer}uired hrrQttnrler: - - - . -
<br />Tlu+ 'ti#urtgagor agrses that there shall also. 41s axidetl fa, eat3t mnnthty payment of principal and inWr+tpt,.required ltes@-
<br />under art amtwnt ~timatcxl lay the !MortKager te> k>e ~ufik;ient. to rt+aksle the '.1ir,rtgager to pay, an -it becomes due, the insurance-
<br />: premium vn any insurance purity «frtiverrtf in the •'.1lnetgagee, .1.nY +Ic's"n;it•ncy t+ecavse n( the inxufficierscy oC-AUCh, Additiutti;{; pay
<br />- rrlsrlfa'ieltall !;p forthwith depncitad Fry the 1#nrtgagor wits the'.finrtgagrr trpnn rfrmand by the \fiortgagee.-IKexY'rt~faatit'unfietthis
<br />ll paragraph shalt he d+,ernvri a. ,lrfavlt iu the t.aymertt rtt insurance prem#atti< tt the ptxtiev or polittien de+,rttgfted err surd edf Ixtttib•- -
<br />&t~: owvnera or all risk pnliciev, and thx* depes•nx err irts;ulfitiert ir, pny eho r•nttre premium, the Mortgagee! may apply the depottit-to
<br />$- 't~Y pmmiums un oaks rertvired-Eo lxr inwrr,d by this mortttaKe- -
<br />E
<br />t
<br />Pavmentx matte by the tt<srtKaKar undr>r the aJtr,vr= isaraKraphs rosy, at the e,ptio» nt rhr- Martgager, be held'''-tier it and
<br />a+mmingfed with Mhrr :~x•h funds ~ ,,, ,w n<i5 f.,r zhc ;+a)~mrnx :rf ~.ur-h stems. and unfit :u applied, such payments nee hereby
<br />ptrtlped as xc~ettr:ty tnr the ;;npaid trxlanre ~.{ ±rhe m,.r!~r:zr imivhirdneke
<br />Tr prxttrn. defiv~r ?. ~. and m:+tntain ins rhr• he-n.•;i: ,,. !-h.• ti!;rtx>ax;er :hrr:nc; thv life ref this mnrtgage rrriginal 7snlicieq and
<br />:enr~walx thereat, defive,rr-J rtt !.•~:.st 'cn :sass ??e~fure th.- „ r~.iti..-r ... :rn :- ~rscl; ;sohrse~.- ensuring against fire sort nthpr insu table
<br />n 1s,
<br />£ur3atxbt, razsualth!s, and crntingerl::xe» as Lhe :AertKagee =»ay rt~gvire, in r:n antnant egvat its the inr~fp~btpdnt~ secttted by this-
<br />Mortgrtge. and in enmpanis-: s:•,^.>rt::+hif to r};r- \•i„rt:;asr~c- .<-... ,.~« ;+uvri,'e clau~> :n favor e•t and in J+xm acceptable to the Mnrtga-
<br />gec. fa the event an<• trr;)ery nr+t reexeu•.=.t ,,....r S«>fcsr*. !,. _ -` <t.>: -•s.ivrnn«,tt- rho .'+1nrtKagee may ismcure insumner un.ihe
<br />tmprovetnrnY.s. pay ttse ,srem.rxm r.hrref ... •nri ~.s.k "xm ~-.- 5 _ .._. mmediaxx•ta -'sue :end pawabte w-iih inYcrest at-Yhe rate set
<br />forth in said tx+te vole tsant :,nd wail is nr=evrpd 1,+• ihts -r+ur!ya>»r.. rJ-'alit; r.-r Sri zhF nsn. ;af ttir hlurt~agnr to furnish _>xuch renewals
<br />r~ a~ 3>e-ern rr~virt~l •.r iaxiure «.. Tta nv :-ten:. -.r +;=.ce,r± -+- ,anti€•. - ... :rt th. =g:tion c+f the 3'f€srtgagee, c~un;_3ffvte a rJetault
<br />under the rarmx Ott ?hue mU-rt-ga¢r- The :#~G~:Prv _rf -u,•h ;~„i.-;:•~ r.:cal? :n ?to =4Fna r=f .tafault. ~-nnstittrte an ascignmrnt of the un-
<br />rarneai ptrlnium-
<br />.inv ,++xmx rc*s•etv,rd t:v 'he 11urt~aKrw t~v rear..; ,r{ ;,.... ,sr :ia!na;;e incur+=,': .xKa,x?et may tae n+lained by the Mortgagee
<br />and at>pii+•ti teswarrt the ;sa,•ment ~,t 'n•..ieht Er.•rr=i.: =.~r•t: ra=rt. ~4r. .at the *•t+tr.,n :,£ 'hr '4inrtKaKee, such sums rxiher wholly or in
<br />part may tx paid over to ?h+= Mrrrt#:ar,r,r ice Fr -cs ~ Vic, =•na:r .:. - 1di;cs;=_ r - ~r.ifd"new lnxildings sn their place car fnc any
<br />.~ihx=r pur}sv>Ee car r$„f+`t -at k(ar't<;rs E„ ?1xe *.ta, re r,t:s-r- -.«~;ta .. ':i7xN• ,r .:.,n -.,• t:,r :n:srfKagr far the full ame,vnt net-v reel hrre~
<br />by beturr- such payment .-err '.rxrk mace
<br />T:3 ixrc>irststty repair, restrrrr . , r«•tnsiirl :rot- ru=i,lt rc- ~-r ,a-ernx•ni nuw~ .,-,r ha•reatter «,r. the premr_veg which may tse-
<br />tnirtr damaged rxr drstro5'?d: to peep t:tsrf p:::m;.u-s ;sx zr ..- ..-=:nri; I::.:.n :sr..} .epxi:r .find free-. fr<,m any mechanics hen ur other lien-ar
<br />r-tait» r,f Sirn nest r•xpresrcly sutxrrdutatr>{t trs the he*n t:r-r„nE. r„ _ .r. -.ufTr-rl -x•rmst un}~ ,ttttawfvl ust:::f ,:r an= nvssance to exist esn
<br />said ;srvprrty nor to {srr»xtt =w•ast •m satd prem*awy. -~..,. - , ~.to ;tot .~rher a::t :vher*=ht~ the property hereby conveyed shad Fser.•ome
<br />tt~ vattxatste, unr to rlimttur:Xi •,r tmy`saxr ,tx e~atur• t+~• :+n ;' .+ei ,:t .,,,t:,,,,,~,u rrs =ut r~. ,-,:mis!~ ~.. eth ail r+vtusrrtrsents «rf Eaw with respect
<br />t+r the morycaged premxsrs arui ttsr vxe therw+f
<br />Thai should ??se {rrrmrsr,s •*r Wit, kart tt.- n~,i ~* '.s;s.-:a .. tan.,rk:-.! ',Y . s . : ;+nl ;•ublic !mpn vrme<nt „r c:undrmnaeton
<br />proceeding, cu under ttlr rtgtst =:i t-tnixx»t drunatn, ,,r ,u any „trier mnnru-r- rt,.. 4,>rrgaK:v- +hati !se ,•ntitted to ati c»mprtpatittns,
<br />awards, uttf any attar pay mint r,r rebel rixeretur. ami thatl tw Qtrtitk .l.:+f sts =.ptivts, to c<<rttmenra-ap~nar in arrt proancufe in its-
<br />:rwn flame any action ar prescxwJrxstt. =,r .., ntakr :eny r=sx»fsr,~:mrve „r =.ettle-mint :rt r,;rsneYton x-~ith .vch taking ur rlartlage. All such
<br />c~airtprraastiut. atdatda.:tartsagcs. rittFtt tt actKxn amt pnx-retls are t-=ret,a- axaignrKf to the Martgaf~, who may, after .deducting
<br />ttiarefrors sit ita~nparwa. relent aaY nt+ateys w rrtrtved. fxy at. r:r atxpty the same t=n any ice,. secured har+dry. The Mort-
<br />to m stu:~ turther asignsttmts ref any r-smprnwrttssu, xwarrta. dama;tztr. artd rights eft action seed proceeds as the
<br />crtr may ~
<br />2'hat in asset vi tadurr W prrfsnm any of fix rkYVanants i,ert-tn. eiss• ~tnrigacrr may des ern ttw Mort;sagar's behalf rverythitrg
<br />roe cavts~tLed: tittst rhr ~' rasrg alert do any aa-t at may deem ,.tYrssary ±n pratrrt the hen thetc»f: that the ttiortRettnr well
<br />reQagr ti8eit a say- raaRtYa {sold ar- daburaed tsy t,§r 3furt~agew fear any ref tlfe atwve purpoxa, slid <iteh rtt071lYa togatlier with
<br />#atttt+est tllarearl~ at the rate protr#tled in said meta: shall lrcezxrnr so mw-h <uldiYirxnal indtdrtardnen hereby setuted and- troy tle in-
<br />ed is srgy decree tat+echxairlg illis trtorP,gage stet Fx+ paid sirt. of the errors- rsr proceer~ caf ~ ref raid. prl+atirra -if not: uilterwire
<br />paid: tltit tt sFlail tort tx nWigatury uprsst the :atnrtgagaw m tnynirr solo the ~atidity of any lien. eruvmhraners, or claim in ad-
<br />vaait>Ngl-taartys ar staa+~ sot{titniaed, Iwrk naihiag. heteia~ c~xrtmiaed shale be twrettrued as requiring the MurtBttpre tn-ildvarrea any
<br />nowrp~-~-anff aet~t-}mspeas ~ W da any act hermradrtc; stuff that Mnrtgsges stroll xuat locate aaY peretxntii Gahi#ItYi.seeuae of aa}!-
<br />tttisC~ ii tsigp tie to amt ttl do haaexarias.
<br />.. lea tltc ast~,Y ~ t~ daiattlt `uy r~,gatr in rite paytr~3rt r:f arty i-tst~;.--nt: ~- r~q=fircr!, by ttta *Scsta -~ur~rS ftrr~by. or
<br />in tFar ~ ~ tlss atrllsatia.rs in this ttt~rtgags car in the rants seeertY$ theretby, the Mimes- shall be entitled to drriare the
<br />t~fb scatted hereby due slut prystar wtihwat natitx, arld the ~#ortgagrr stiaii Ere emitted st=#taaptitm, witFlnut notitx. either Ety itael[
<br />+st by a r~tsei+sr[ to fie apptrit+tedFly. tMr +.vaurt ttierruf. rrrkl without regard'to the ttuacy of--any-secur#tY for' itte }ndtdiiedires se•
<br />eute$. . ffi-eater ugsrl aad late ,T '.J"a- rntsrtgageal prrnrna:.t. and to rnilrtt -arxl -receive rhr ~~iea~: Ivinrmr as~.-jtmflta-.
<br />t;' etpd:~apais tka-sstttat:len cnaFe trf i:tleratianaiul c^ellta~iomm, vpna the-irldelrtttdtusre xec+trrd tx}+,~_this Vie=- -rem'.
<br />tome used Mt~s-litintt hereby-atolta- A#nuttite;;ee-as furNtrr siteurity for the gayttkent rrt all #i~sdehtadneist sbCart+Ei~'ttrfritbg..:
<br />'CYre Mertgtlgaa Mall l[m-the prrwrr to appoint aay agent nr •IEents it may rlexi rr for rhr truiTxtae n{- repairing said prerrt•
<br />iarttl.. rattGas ttte eprmea ~_ tlte. rants: rc3eatntas~.aad -irlcarele, arld it tnsy pay rut tsf said inessttt ai! ettpesrses.irletrrnd in rrett-
<br />attr satlmalttpog "the-saeae soul ef-oailartisg fhe rerttais sherrfr»tn 7'hr trslaarw rerrsainirtg. ii say. xhekl he applied I:award rhr -
<br />tiiarhnn~a t!1 tht ita,4eait. 'Ch;s assigarsiettt t~ t» terminate sad bet:trot null seed vnid upon re,trsat+ of this irwrtgappe.
<br />
<br />
<br />