<br />
<br />MARGUERITE W. LYSINGER, an unremarried widow, in her
<br />own right and by the authority to sell the fee simple
<br />interest in the fz~ilowing-described pre~:ises, arantea
<br />in Paragraph V. of the Last Will and Testament of Herbert
<br />E. Lysinger, deceased, GRANTOR,
<br />in consideration of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,OOO.c~O)--=_________
<br />received from GRAbTTEE,
<br />?tAPID CARBONIC, ING., a Nebraska corporation,
<br />conveys to GRANTEE, the following described real estate (as defined
<br />in Neb. P,2v. Stat. 7b-?01}:
<br />Part of Lot Eleven {11}, in Stehr's Subdivision located in
<br />the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (WSW#} of Section
<br />Eleven (11}, To•,.mship Eleven (lI} North, Range Nine (9),
<br />West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, and partic-
<br />ularly described as
<br />Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said Lot Eleven (11)
<br />in said Subdivision, and running Southwesterly along the
<br />Northerly Line of said Lot Eleven {11) a distance of One
<br />Hundred Seventy-Five and Five Tenths (175.5) Feet, more or
<br />less; from this point, running in a Southeasterly direction
<br />along and upon the Westerly line of said Lot Eleven (11), for
<br />a distance of One Hundred Fifty-Two and Fifty-Five Hundredths
<br />{152.55} Feet, more or less; running thence in a Northeasterly
<br />direction a distance of One Hundred Ninety-Six and Eight Tenths
<br />(146.8} Feet, more or less, and to the Easterly line of said
<br />Lot Eleven (11}; thence in a Northwesterly direction along and
<br />uran the Easterly line of said Lot Eleven {11), for a distance
<br />of One Hundred Sixty-Seven %i.67} foot, mare or less, and to
<br />the point of beginning,
<br />RESERVING :P.OM the above-described premises, however, the right for
<br />common use for vehicular and pedestrian traffic over a portion of the
<br />above-described premises, ~~:hich reserved access and egress common rights
<br />ar for the benefit of that portion of Lot Twelve {1"?) in Stehr's Subdi-
<br />vision owned by the Grantor, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the Northeast Goxner of said Lot Twelve (17_)
<br />and running thence Southwesterly along and u;:on the Northerly
<br />line thereof, a distance of One Hundred Twenty (12O) Feet; running
<br />thence Southerly to ~he South line of said Lot Twelve (12)
<br />to a point which is Fifty (5O} F2et Easterly from the South-
<br />westerly c.~rner of said Lot Twelve (1'2), running thence East-
<br />erly along and upon the South line of said Lot Twelve (22),
<br />a distance of One Hundred Eighty-One (L81) Feet to the South-
<br />east corner of said Lot Twelve (12}, and running thence
<br />Northwesterly along and upon the Easterly line of said Lot
<br />Twelve (1?}, a distant: of Two Hundred Thirty {230) Feet to
<br />the point of beginnings
<br />owned by the Crantor and in p~~rpe:tuity. Sueh reserved portion of the
<br />premises otherwise hereby Conveyed is more particularly described a~
<br />f oI Lows :
<br />A Tract in part of i.nt Eleven (LL}, in Stehr's SubdiviaQxi
<br />Located in the West :irl; cf the Southwest Quarter {W~SW~)
<br />of 5ectior. Eleven (1.1 } , Tow.:sniN Elegy en ( Il ) North, Re[ng~
<br />Nine (9), West ~` :.he bth P.M. , in .aa'_1 Gounty, iiebras#ca., €~t_
<br />particularly described as follows: -- --
<br />v.. ~~ , KFi OOGti!+A
<br />i
<br />t
<br />r
<br />~ l hs„
<br />~ t .. _..... _......... ~~_,....-......
<br />