<br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE S 1~(1 a~ ['~`.~
<br />RAPID CARBONIC, INC., a Nebraska Corporation,
<br />of Hail County, and State of Nebraska, in consideration of the suin of
<br />t:`orty-Three Thousand Dollars ($43,000.00}
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and COi~EY unto
<br />MARGUERITE ~:. 1,YSINGER, life tenant, and SHIRLEY .I~ANPIE
<br />EATHERTON and ?ERALD LYNN LYSINGER, as remaindermen
<br />of Hall County, and State of Nebraska, the fallowing described promises
<br />situated in tall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Part of Lot Eleven (il}, in Stehr's Subdivision located i.n
<br />the [lest ;lalf of the Southwest Quarter (W~SWi) of Section
<br />Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11} North, Range Nine (4),
<br />West of the 6th ?.:~., in Hall County, Nebraska, and partic-
<br />ulariv described as
<br />Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said Lat. Eleven (11)
<br />in said Subdivision, and running Southwesterly along the
<br />Nartherly Line of said Lot Eleven (IL) a distance of One
<br />Hundred Seventy-Five and ~~ive Tenths (175.5) Fept, more or
<br />less; from this point, running in a Southeasterly direction
<br />along and upon the W~=sterly line of said Lot Eleven (11), for
<br />a distantc of One Hundred Fi*tv-Two and Fifty-Five Hundredths
<br />(i5?.55) Meet, more ar Less: running thence in a PJortheasterly
<br />direction a distant` of Cana Hundred Ninety-Si:~ and Eight Tenths
<br />(igS.S) .eet, ^:ore :~ s, and ", the E?stcrly Line of said
<br />Lot Eleven (-13~: thence in a~Narthwesterly direction along and
<br />upon the Easterly line of said Lat Eleven~(I1), for a distance
<br />of One Hundred Sixty-Seven (167} feet, mare ar Less, and to
<br />the paint of beginning,
<br />P,ESERVI;JG FROM the above-described premises, hoc ever, the right t"or
<br />tommc~n use nor vohicuiar and rsdestrian traffio aver a portion of the
<br />above-described premises, which reserved access and egress common rights
<br />are dor the Csenefit of that portion .,f Lat Twelve (12) in Stehr's Subdi-
<br />vision oa-ned by the. Grantor, and more particularly described as follows:
<br />~am^tenci.ng at the Northeast Carney of said Lo*_ Twelve (12)
<br />and running thence Sou*_hwesterly along and upon the Northerly
<br />Line thereof, a distance of One Hundred Twenty (i20) Feet;
<br />running thence Saucherly Co the South line of said Lot Twelve
<br />(12} to a point which is cifty (50} Feet Easterly from the South-
<br />westcriy earner of said Lot Twelve 22), running thence East-
<br />erly along and upon the South Tine of said Lot Twelve (12),
<br />a distane^_ of One Hundred Eighty-rJne (1&1} Feet to the South-
<br />^_ast corner of said Lae Twgive (1~), and running thence North-
<br />westerly along a^d upon the Easterly line of said Lot Twelve
<br />(1?), a distvnt~ of Twa Hundred Thirty (230} ?feet to the
<br />point Cli be~3.lninQy,
<br />owned by Granter and in perpetcity. Such reserved portion of tha
<br />promises otherwise ~ztreby Conveyed is more particularly.dQ~czibeti as
<br />fol2~ws: -
<br />:'~ Irate in part at Lae Eleven (11), in Stehr's S~bdtvf&on
<br />located i.n the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (id~S4T~)
<br />of Section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (ll) ttArth, p
<br />Nine (~), o~~st of the 6th P.M., in Hall Cosmty: A~b9r~aka, ~txd
<br />particulazly described as follows:
<br />