<br />..~
<br />o~~c~~
<br />~~--...~c,fl~~:
<br />'Cltis made and orttetxdtnte this 2n8 day of ~~~%
<br />19~d;_; by a~ #ietsvetti 1b>$t 6E t:tstnstry 1Realty ts1F Gx'arsd Island. Int:. -
<br />€ftert:~it~fttr reftrreti tti ss m CtscisT I+trt'sottat Ti'tsst Cn>ittg
<br />.~referrod to as
<br />mom); isho ettsitttains ae ofd and pFt~t of ~ittess ai 4.'t~ ~- 7hi ~_ sweet en ("hand Islets!,
<br />Cintttty, f~eistissica.
<br />OY't'i4'tx, that ftx the cnrtsitleratitstt hett7t~ftet stated, rt'ceapt of srhis:tt is Y , tlse
<br />t~s Y ttte, sell, great, assign, and convey traty the mcxtgagee, its sus ansi aH of the f~!-
<br />lo~in8 tkst:rlbtstl Ext~fsrty situated atsd-being in the Ctntnty of Hall
<br />~tatc of lea.
<br />Iota #so {21, 2~a7 {2), 'I'ttzee {31 Setaq Subdivision, its the ait:y of
<br />Gran; Fslatx3, Hall t3ouaty, Nebraska.
<br />tt>~ther with aEi flit tenemet3ia astd a~nsttenaner~ cherctn ~;~xtglste. a[i tirr rents, ixeues and profits thrr~rof, attd all
<br />tstsetaessts, rim, tv±rallies, mineral, oii arssl gas rsghts asxl Srro€its, water, seater riftltts, aitd u`att7 stock, and including
<br />~ t;~ii#~, ~u^s`ts~. ,~rsat~t. iig~,t e~u~t aria auri~tutr4 ci csm~ crilatiun tulonging to the
<br />asortor txnr or hereafter att,tEhett therm ~x ::geal =n .xtnrctxsat with the ~-ttti~, Iterent stescribed and its additiQtt
<br />therxto She fvl}uwiag desenbotf ~r4perties uIt>l*t :ere ~rx3 ;hall t~ ~ctaec:.~s t}r aixtutes and -r Ixert of the realty, a~
<br />are a partmat a} the setttrity for floc t[~ebtedetesa herein ,rased- t if none, ;rate- "rxme"} Laatse
<br />#tf Rikvc iAit tO hold the same uma tl~ Llvttgtegee, as hcrrin ~tarxled;
<br />1'ht mtirtgagtir cs lawfulh +tt2td and ~rtssessest of attd has the reght to ;ell and convey said ;xoperty' Thai the
<br />is ft+oi lebm ag ms-`tstnbrat~'es catct~pt as !trtranalxe+r ra~sted: and that 0~lortgalt~ :'astttsnts to warram and
<br />dNtRd the title af~esaid therein and evm kart therec±f :tgairrst the cl2itrts t>f alt perscxts whomsoever.
<br />This ia~rscsurN is given in seeurc alx lxaysstetft of a protnissury note daeeYl .__~ January 2, L981
<br />iri tlx pritmi~l sate of ~ ~7',iXht.O#t _, stgrted by __. Fred *!. Janisch, i~zesident^_
<br />itt f tsf ___m_~.a._. ~m &y~_!afiKY 11~ ~._.. Zslarsd, _Z~._._A_.~-----___~~.--
<br />a~ct, as + ar tt ~ fre~x t to titter ~ rnadiCs¢,t. reics~ret# of extended its writing,
<br />5t; th+e a the te:le w said tYa{ estato is trat:siet7txi, ex ~csntracted to be transferred, irate the undersigned f~ any
<br />sttast'iaa ar by a tttethad what, rho e`ittirY j9riilC'_~,21 >nm Sttd ar~~rued intuest sha11 at t:nsx becottte dtte atsd
<br />plg ~ slae ehsct~ of the ksolder berets!`. Failure try 'coo t?~~ c~tit~ bes~~ of transfer of tit'R sa iibtss<e stag
<br />~' imt ~"amsti#ute a waiver of flu right tv Geerci~se the same in the event of any subsequent trattsfrr.
<br />1= The ~ trtrtns atsd akrrees as follows:
<br />~~ ~ ~ ~ thr ' evideisettl by said P°rt» rtwe a! the times am3 in the rttanttses
<br />b. 7ct tsay ta*bcsn eststtettts, scatter ratos, aAd zxirer ge>vertsisrentat t~ munieipal ~, Cxnes, oir
<br />. 'ate has ncert ht~ +s+aa# hereittEeforo, grad sviH promptly dtfiver the offal ripts
<br />aht€afor ta> else seat natxt~<
<br />e= "E`o lmy` wed esPets+es at+d ts!as as rosy he iticurrrsl irr the prtnecti~ arut er+airtt¢nanr~r at sail prta~rrty,
<br />f#!D (ate ~ a>~y a~tartt~ ~ t+y the ~ for the Ce~lettiOn csf any of all c"ef the i
<br />'-sit Wired. s+r f€ri+l+ure b tturrtgagoe`s :ate. to <ttt tztoi~sC€1ttags, to itt :~np s~ther 4+tittaticm cx f^~retcecdittg
<br />~tatslt f?tcr+rtt,
<br />