<br />ASS 1dN~+tENT dF LEASES , RENTS AND PROFITS ~ ~ ~ ~} ~i ;3 ~ ~ ~ ,
<br />IRIS ASSI&;3t~tEtl`£, made this 2nd day of Jancrary , 19 $l. _
<br />by Td~ A?TB ~lTb*1'Ry ?.~,1rT1' t€F f•~AVD ISM
<br />(herein called.- ~a4~rd`'), ra
<br />FIRST FFdiL~RAL SAi7Il~S AI~SD LdAN ASSOCIATZOtd dR T.IriCfJl.lO, t~ving its priacipal P$-of
<br />buetaaas in Lincoln, Nebraska {herein called "First Federal");
<br />N1T:~ESSETH: For value receivee3 and as additional security far the lase here3A~fter
<br />mentioaed, Assignors hereby sell, transfer and assign unto First Federal, its-successors .
<br />and asaigas, all right, title and interest of Assignors in and to the r~nts,_asue$,.
<br />profits, rights and benefits from the property described below:
<br />Lots One (1}, ?~ (2) ,and Three {3), Setag Subdivisloa, iii ehe
<br />City of Grand Island, Halt County, Nebraska.
<br />And to that end Assignors hereby assign and set over unto First Fedetal, its
<br />suceeasots ar assigns, all leases nr subleases of said premises now ;aaade, executed ar
<br />delivered, whether written ar verbal, or to br hereafter made, be the same xritten or
<br />verbal.
<br />And the Assignors da hereby authorize and ?~poaer First =ederal, its successors
<br />or asafgns, without notice and :°ithout regard to e~~- ~u~uacv of the security far the
<br />iudE`ute-'uucr;o 8s4iir2+d i~rcby, i.A ta'n2 3us'sea'siEa:i ~s sale real eHtat~ Gild ehatCeis_, to reAt
<br />and manage the sass, and tea sue for or ntherrise ~~alicct the said rents, issues, prafits,
<br />rights sad benefits, as they shall became -1ue, and hereby ~:irect each and all of the
<br />taAanta of the aforesaid premises to oay such rents .IS ~v now txa due ~?r sHa11 Hereafter
<br />become due to said First Federal, its successors nr ,:sssigns, upon demand Yor payment
<br />thereof dsy First Federal, its successors or :IS!cig~ss. it is~snderstood and agreed, How-
<br />ever, that no such de®and shall be made unless and until tHere Has been a default in the
<br />payment of the indebtedness secured Tzy t*.l~ ~secaf .>f :rust _~nd Financing Statement herein
<br />msntioaed, ar default in the payment of .rev :-rt3ier sums secured br said seed ar Trust ar
<br />Fi~iscing Statement, and, until sucH ,iemand is ode Assignors are authorized to collect,
<br />or cantinas collecting said runts, issues, prafits, rights and benefits; but that such
<br />privilege to collect ar continue coiieeting, as aforesaid by Assignors shall not operate
<br />to perm#t the collection by said Assignara, their successors or assigns, of any installment
<br />of rent in advance s~f the Fate pres+cribad in sold Ieas+: or leases for the payment ChereoF.
<br />First Federal a~ay retain or pay from su..h rents, issues, profits, rights and benefits
<br />c:allectrd by it reasonable fees far manag,nt and rental services readsred by it ar
<br />ttwae Toyed by it, all costa and expenses of ~allection, including reasonable attorney`s
<br />fees. a~i may also use the saw to ;sake goad any such defaults and to pay taxes, insurant:e
<br />premiums, expeaaes of repair and mainterancu .end ali other expenses inuolved in CHe proper
<br />t of said gre~ises, and shall t+gy any surplus then*ea~ining to Assignors.
<br />The terse o€ this Assignment shall be until the `ate ;or any extension ar renewal
<br />tharecr€) of even date HCrt~Jit:1, ~sa.,e, e%eC~~ted and delivered by `PdS+x~ AND CdL'hTRy ftEALTX
<br />OF 63Ih,`ifi laL#,'dII, InC. far tip sum ,~f $ i<5,_Ut_1Q.dC sad
<br />cured by a heed of '!'rust caverin}i said oremiaes and a Financing SCatesseAt caveriag
<br />certain fixtures and equfpi~nt situateL cr,~ .~;;~id premises, shall .`save been fully paid sad
<br />sstia#ieei, oz until the expiration cTf file perfod of redemption, ff any, at which time this
<br />Aaaigi~ertt is to be fully ratified, cascelied and re:teased, and the ra:leasing of said deed
<br />of ?x~t a Fina~ irsy, Stat;lt s'sigl i constitute a releaser -:~reaf .
<br />nli.a Asaignmetst is given as additional sescuriey for the performance ai: each sad s12
<br />of flee oaifgetioAat and c~tvvananta of ttee :dote aild Aeexi of 1'ruat abave~-described for any
<br />eittn~E+:s c+r r~ t #sereo€) .
<br />