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<br /> <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />it„?tu~ ~,~ 1~ Z~I' T~~~~ P?RFS~ATT~. That TRH t~A'i°LFRE C~~~k~CY~ a l+?i3t- <br />for-Profit Carparation, authorized under the Laws of ttze District of <br />Crlutsbia, 18OQ ?~crth Kent Street, Arlington, Virginia, in ce~nsidera- <br />tion of the sum of ONE HUNDR~ SEVENTY SEVEN THOUSAND ($177,000.00} <br />IJ£fLLARS in hand paid, da hereby SELL and CONVEY, unto LAWRENCE LOCKHORN <br />and ETF:E:., LOCI~£Ogu , of Hal? County, State of *?ebraska, the following <br />descried premises situated in Hall County and State of ?~ebraska, to- <br />¢ether with all imprcve~sents an the following described real estate, <br />to-wiC: <br />The SouChwest £~ rter fSt~~} of Section Twenty-ninef29), <br />TawnrI°.ip Twelve North (12N), Range Twelve <br />tdest (22W1 of the 6th Principal ?Keridian, Hall <br />County, Nebraska, EXCEPT the tract described as <br />follows: <br />~ieginning at the Sauthwest comer of said Section <br />29; thence running an the west line of said Section <br />2~ on an assumed bearing of tinrch fer a distance of <br />575.Ot3 feet ~a a point; thence deflecting right and <br />ra.=nning N Sga 3~a' 45" E far a distance of 28I.OO <br />feet tcs a point; thence deflecting right and running <br />S ~.b° OO' l9" E for a distance of 57q.'_2 feet to a <br />paint; thenr_e deflecting right and running South a <br />distance of Ib~i.55 feet to a paint on the South line <br />of said Section 29; thence deflecting right and running <br />an the South Brae of said ~ecti:sr Zy be..ring S FAo 3~:' <br />45" :~ a distance of 7fiX'i.t}G rey.~ °v r_he ~caint of begin- <br />ning, said tract cantainin~; ..~f acres ~c;re or Less, <br />G.§4 acres :mire or less bN~ng Hail ..v~~nty road .ight- <br />oz-way. <br />THIS IS rc ~ IRST €'L`RGHR_SE `.`!ONEv' RE,?? EST.4~'L" 'MQRiGAGE. <br />i'h~ 2I'Lt en lien b2i^g to ^CnV~Y see rr pv 3n abG~it2te title In ten simple. <br />TO ~iAC~E ANI? :{} HOLD the pre^~ises abpve described, ;ai_b all the <br />appurtenances thereto belonging, lento tine said mortgagee anr~ to their <br />heirs Land assigns for+cver, pravi~tesi aldzays, and these premises are <br />upar= t's+~ express canditinn that if the .said mcrtgagtr, its successors, <br />or assigns shall pay or oaus~ tc* be paid to the said mortgagee, their <br />Teirs, ~~rsanal representatives, ar assigns, the principal sctnx of <br />$t77,{}~}O.UU, payable as follows, to-wit: <br />$t ?',{?OO.~ pr _.. ipal ^lus _nter~a~ 1 a per atu_um <br />on the unpaid princir~al~ba:.anct~, payable beginning <br />'~rctt 1, Z9Sl and a ? ike a~!aunt c' principal plus <br />interest czn the same date each year thereafter for <br />ten ye~rS uz?t i % ful; ;~ paid <br />with interest accordi:~g to the ten~.r and effect of the mortgagor's <br />a7'r 3.t ts; r~ ~rt}3f~iSSc'7rY ^~L? ~ari~ag r_~p~ tE` kii. ~;h i'he5e ,fJ TeSentS and <br />sEaal i pay al I tax~~ arza assessments } evied sspcn said real estate , <br />and all ether tars, 'e°ries gnd assesstents levied upon this mortgage <br />4z the Hate which this ssort~F=~~ is given to secure, before the same <br />acs delinquent, thee: presents to be void, otherwise to be <br />a remain in full force. <br />T,? T r?,?R3'Ya~k .a~F'&'*1 il? ?`i:~t ~~ t:ie .~..,~tbager shay f"ii vzr <br />pay such real a.state taxes, the said mortgagee may pay such taxes~rt <br />and tite sum sa advanced shall be immediately repayable b_y said rsart- <br />gage+~; that any such sots sa ads:anced until it is repaid and the en- <br />tire ,paid principal balance if any t,rineipal payment is rat paid <br />~n patyahle shall b€ar interest atlfif per annum until the amount <br />so advanced f:-±r taxes are rep~sid gar, as the case may be, the de- <br />€ault in payment of principal is remedied; this mortgage shall stand <br />as scca~rity far such tax payments and additional interest. (?) That <br />