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<br /> 80-007478
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<br /> K.lwtrctcht Z:sr.•f~~u~rr^; rn+,vra; grad L;d~r cc►•~z►a~r+t ;arid .agree aer fatimwa:
<br /> I. ftym,=t 1-14 rlnrllxatt and Atatered„ R*rMww t amp prcav&, f*f" whxv 4w the ptittelpaal of aad intettrtst on ft
<br /> i ac4cbtrxiatca~ e*it#eru 4 y t.k' c itia7,e, pr%!lAfW'0-'73 SW late chat-M." prta'rider-d in the Note, asad the ptknraltal a send inbrrt:st
<br /> tea amy Fe!ure Advvt eel sc-trrtd h' this :'de tPgC
<br /> ~'i-" fee Tare-- w-6 ?abamvcr, Subject, to appfkablc 1W or 1,1 a vt:ritt= vra er by Lender. BoemvW shah Ivy
<br /> to Lender Cm the tiny mor7th;r inu4-11me:tLs Of pruttiPW araci iittixext err im rsble.und> r the Note. ut;til .lye Note it paid irtt fml,
<br /> P sum f`rt.re n "Fumes") vlua) to '-n.-_ tWtlhh of the }nearly taxes srA t csw-nents whicb may attain prkrity serer this
<br /> t f o.'t&,xr , , xraa ground mms ton the Prta etiytf any. Ff
<br /> plus +C+natvrl.,ta "af l easy premium instxilsnrnts, for haztard inxuraracY.,
<br /> pr.rr,. orrr-tvvelfth of y'.111 ° S=ri m-'Una instalta:renta;or mortfmgt intunArace, if any. all vs -rease"Isly emirnane+d initially and fr.,t"
<br /> a r rric to tirrit ?re T,endcr an tar. ^asis of asso;s;rents and bills and r sonadtlw evirnstrs thereof.
<br /> The F anti all be Md in an in5ri1ut;m the delta.-tsi•ts or ac amm,3 of which are insured or gwa-antered br a Federal or
<br /> stoi-c ag-mc) tree?udsn;~ Its der if i crt;er is srzc. an rxss.`::lution). Lettder shall apply the Fords to pay raid tat-es. agues =wens,
<br /> irnuratsatc prat, ,erns itrid vouz4 :rnt,, t.cnaer tnay nct chore fer so ho".ding and applying the Futsds„ an4fyxing said account,
<br /> a:• ve ?fying arse ct mpi'ling 7 4id a%semincrts and lairs, unk-w• Lersder pays Rommear ar vreat an tit: Funds and upplic'ahle law
<br /> M±ermtts Lmdet to make sued a thargr.. Bcrrowcr rand Under aney agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br /> Mo:tgag- thm, interest nn low: Ful-,41 shall he yaid to Borrower, semi unless zunh agreement is made or Applicable law
<br /> rrWtires suo_h interes: to be raid, Lender thltall not iv rog6tcd to pray Rorrcrvw any interest or rarungs cn the Futa-IL Lender
<br /> shall 67vc to Borrower. w^i:lrx~rtt charge:, an aaastual acC►xsming of the Funds shewitrq reedits and debwx to the l:ttmb and the
<br /> pur-pog for xhich each rkbr't to t.ht Funds -.sa wade. Tb_- Funds arc pkdgcs± 9ia Additiotul uecurity for the ,turns saecumd
<br /> by this Ma t{Catsc,
<br /> cif they amou;t; of the. Funds held by Len&r. r~agethcr with t.hc '!,"heft' monthly snstAlrnents of Funds payable prior to
<br /> ,.he dut da,ws ref :as.es, ssvrctMcnis, insurance premiums and grouttd rent,<,:hail es':ca # Am arrm.unt required to pay said :yes,
<br /> amszssmert:s, it=s.sram.r prerr:itinis and grc e-d rents as Vvy fall due. such excess :hall Sic,. at Cher cruet's option, either
<br /> picmpt;y rtnsie'i tow Borrower or crr&ted to Borrower on monthly cnstAIlrnents of Funds. if the amount of tf,* Futxh
<br /> P.6d by Lev,.d":r shall not be suf~kient Ti; pay tax,-s, rsxessrrients, insursrsce premiums and ground rents as, they fall due,
<br /> Borrower sht,ll pay to ;.erOrr any ar ;cunt net=sa;ry to make up the deficiency rr'gHn 30 dais cram the datr notice is frAiled
<br /> by Lender to Borrower rrgimung Nymcnr i1crcr,..
<br /> L]pon payrncnt in full of all surns vzcurud by this, Mortgage, L,em3er !ra.all promptly r:f4md to Borrower any Funds
<br /> 1 -lei by Leniirr if undo paragraph 18 her,elf the Prcperty is sold o- t1•se P operty i.; otherwise acqtirccl by 1_endcr, l,trdcr
<br /> alas.>! appl t, no l:at: r than ire ,tcdia tty prior i{4 tits sale of th; Prope;2y or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds hs:id Ey
<br /> Lender at the ti:r:c of :,pplicatyar! as a credit agrinst the sumo s"=uzed by this Mortggagr..
<br /> 3. /implication at Pavmrnte. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all p.~Yments rxsxived by Lender kinder the
<br /> Note and paragr:rphl I and Z hrrco shall be applied by Len: er first in payment of remounts payable ;o l cn&r by Bozrovvsr
<br /> Ln.icr lag=age„rn hcmuf, tber, to interest pav.bte on the Notc, titcxa to the principM of the Note; and then to interest and
<br /> principal r,;t xn<° Future Advanc:.•c.
<br /> 4• Charges, ii lens. Borrower shaia pay all taxes, assessrnen'ms and other charges, limN and impositions attributa'ale to
<br /> ava P,,op^rty which may attain a priority over :hi, Mortgage., aryl lta_schotd rovMer:ts o: -ground rents, if any, in the ntatlner
<br /> pruvidrd tvider laara7r ph 2. hcrcv-)f or, if no! paid in such manner, by Borrower rnakirig payment, whni due. directly ro the
<br /> paves Jc:rr:of. Rona--wcr shah prompd'y furnish to !.ender RV notices of amnurts due :ender this p&ragt=ph, and in the event
<br /> ri,otro.ket shah! make p,:umcnt 1trectly, Borrower shill promptly furnish to Lender receipts eviden--mg aauch payments.
<br /> .Ni- rowcr shall pro,rpt y discharge any lien which has priority over this Mortgage. providt:l. that 1orrower shall not be
<br /> rcq,,ur_J, to discharge x ,)y !.etch lieu :so long as h'.orrowet shall agree to writnig to the payment of the obligation aetured by
<br /> tree :rear in a trannct acrcpt;th'c to Gmd,:r. ar shall r., goM faith contcit such lien hy, or defend e-iforce-nem of ,such lien in.
<br /> ic;cel Froctedinys .which ope r !rs t:rewent the rnfr,rccmcnt of the licil or forfei,ure of the Properly iw siny part thereof.
<br /> k.. Hazard l;.s.scrance. Bertrwer tell ell krtp th%e imprortments now existing or herraftcr erected on the Property insured
<br /> a.gain„t. fees by fire, 'iazards included vvithin t!re t!-: rt ",extended Cover age", and s,"tch other hazards as Lender may require
<br /> .suer in such amounts and fcr such p:-rinds ai i cnJer may require; providedd, that Lender shall not require: that the amount of
<br /> such ::avenge exG;ed tha! amount es rave trlp•'required to pay the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br /> The insuranct carrier providing the imummm stall be chosen by Borrower subject is approval by Lender; provided,
<br /> that such approve: shall not Lac. reztrt :;.sonaibly withheld. All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in the manner
<br /> r: rovided under parag.aph 2 ht roof or., if riot ?laid in such manner, by Borrower :-raking payment, when dtrs, dirrrtly to the
<br /> 1t)5!,•,anee erarriex.
<br /> All ins.;rnnce pc4ic.ies rend ce:ttwzis Oermf shall be in form acceTstable to Lender and s atll :rwludc a standard mortgage
<br /> w;aase i fzv,:)r of c.nd in farm ati_;.ptcrble io Lade- Lerdsr shall have the riyh to hold the ,fir irc':C9 and renewals thereof.
<br /> and Borrower sha!1 promptly furnish io Lcndcr all renewal notices and all receipts of paid prenti,urns_ in the event of loss,
<br /> I3;rr` n vet a!y,ll give prompt n0ticr to the insurance.:arrier arx3 Lender, Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly
<br /> J
<br /> by "xtozrrysvcr. c!
<br /> Carries [sour and Earrcmcr Otherwise agree in wri.ing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repair of
<br /> he Propcvy damagcd, provides. such restoration Or repair is economically feasible and the era„-unity of this Mortgage
<br /> net thereby im*ree- If each restoration or repair is not economically f^tsible or if cups ';ecurity of this ;Mortgage old
<br /> he impair;^d, the insur:uace proceeds :shall be applied to tree sums scc:jmd ,oy this Mortgage, rri!h the .
<br /> co £a:rrw•er. If the Fr..l.:.:ty is abandoned bt• Borrower, or if Borrower failstto.~ respond to Lender within 3
<br /> cams. ;f any. 0 clays from sl"e
<br /> date nntioc is maileu by T..ender to Horrow•er that the insurance carrier offers to settle a claim for insurance benefits, L.endcr
<br /> arthor:,Lze. to collewt and tpp1Y the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property
<br /> cr it, tt:_ cUrns secUrtti bN this Morzgagc_
<br /> Unatn•. Lender an-! Hanauer otherw•i,;e agree in writing, any such applic ttion of proc:eds to principal ahatl not extend
<br /> J ;
<br /> r v_.stlx.re tht titre (raw Of the monthly inetallment_c referral to ice paragraphs t xrd 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br /> suc~i
<br /> n ardn7a-dim.r,s. )1 under , aragra-ph lfi hereof the Property is acquired by Lcn&r: all right. title and interest of rlorrowcr
<br /> i to any cn>; tares lxelrcres an., in rar..d to the Proceeds t:atireof resulting from dama;,v to the Property pries to rt•,e sale
<br /> or acexaisi:icn shall pass set Lender to the cztrnt. Of tine sums securest by this Mortgage ir*rtrtrCliately prior to such xalr_ or
<br /> acgaixt _t~n.
<br /> o, Pr rva<;iron and 3trugtenan_t of Pump rtvt l,eatcehsld-: Uor,tdotninium•:, Planned Unit Derdopmenis. l3arrc•wcr
<br /> s:t~ii lips,=r the ; :c?pc:•,. ci gam': repair and s'dail no! commit waste or permit irtirair"rat ur deterioration of the Property
<br /> and stealj cart 1v v it!r Zbt- provisions of any lease if this Mortgagc is on a I!taschold. If this Mortgage is on a unit in a
<br /> <'.et tdorrrraii: r: or a a l.r+r, emit devt1cmrr_cru. P.orrower shall perform at) of Borm`weils nt^ligation% under the declaration
<br /> or cti;vcrutnt.s rIrcaung or ;;0vetning 0X cotadvmi+aium Or planned unit development. the by-laws and mgulations of the
<br /> condominium or pla:nn+rd urYat c'~ vr,!c~ rent., aiid tionstituen! dMuytacnts. if a cone r•tiniurri or ^lannea; unit development
<br /> rider is exwcu c~j for Rorrowe -hi : Wzordt:d tngetho-r witta -his Mortgage, the covtnantz and agreernehf!E of such rider
<br /> shall bit incorp.,rat. ! sntc and 7 ,.all arnentl and suppitwxnt elms covenaua% and agreements of tlsix Mortgage as if the. rimer
<br /> v.,err a .pars hcrcof.
<br /> 'r. PWecdv i of ,rrru.Cweef, Se.-rriry. If Borrower fails to ;csform the covcxtasats and xttsrements contained in this
<br /> M*-igagr, or it peep z c_or• or procece.irg is rornrnenced *hit--h rnaterWly ,ffccts Lender's interest in the Proper,,,.
<br /> rrcludtng, t-UT no4 's11,11C4 to, ern'rcenl der gimp inwlvency; code enfMccaveyrt, o; trrangerrtrnts cv )rmcedin;~s involving a
<br /> + ay apt cr t rd he 1 t,•asdc.r at l r:r,iess option. upon tat+tirt 10 hOrrtrxer,
<br /> s ~a , ,aAV ad 5 a a y mAkc such is ncci a:'s t.^ protect L.craler's Inter Sir rncAtfrn but not 11 iledato. diabUtsrnrentt•f
<br /> M
<br /> l $ r;.a"`~f' .t:. ~ Y:.•~ o ,evid entry tj.-C't the Property tJ mzke rr 'rs,
<br /> a c,.r-; rs i~ s[i rFo- :osn x, ores. b.iw is x, Fa It LeniDer at,nrtircd nt ar gagt insva arse as a
<br /> •tctrtgage. Itz::rrcrw_-r zlral; par the P rrv+ tn% w uired to *rria,ain
<br /> :,,.h t~ra_ as tree requirement for sueh inturaac trrrrai=sates i❑ n,'ordark.r warh Bo ratawer'x5:cutd
<br /> p
<br />