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<br /> 6110123493
<br /> �-� ��ILY �i1�ER gg- qC)�tp�H
<br /> Assi�nmen� of ��nt� -
<br /> THIS 13 FAf�11LY RiDEFl is rsisda thls Jth _�y o! F�tuN�ry/ _ , 10 1996 . �nd la Yicorpont�d Into -
<br /> anJ shaY b�d�nwd to w�w�d and supplam�nt iha Mort�pQ. W�d ot Tnist or S�curity Oeed(the "S�cuiity Inatrume�d'!of th�sama dat�
<br /> ylvan by th�undw�sipned (th� "8onowar')to saaua �arrowor'.ryoio io
<br /> First Fodarsl LM�^In Ba�k
<br /> (the'Ur►d�r')of tM su+rw d�ta and cova�g th�Propwty dasuibad In tha S�curity kwtrum�nt and locued xt: _:
<br /> 610 E�s!Suiharland Siree! Grand laland Nebraska 68801
<br /> � (aroa�v�rt�s.ss�
<br /> 1,4 FA�BttY COVENANTS. {Il iG��SIO(1 TO 1h8 COYlY1i(ILS 611�3�I�IM(Iti 111Yd�if1 th0 S�Jtify�t1itlUI11Y11t, Borrower ar.:i Zcx:9er
<br />- �:l�66C COYCfliI1t BJid 8�f@0 W�01{OWS:
<br /> A. ADDlTlONAL PROPEFiTY SilH.lECT T�THE SECU�iTY tNSTRUMENti'. ir+adai�ioa to thx Flroaarty c�+ked in _
<br /> the Seauidy kisttum�nt,th�foUowinp items are a�iad to Uw Piroperry d�scr�tl�o.�nd shatl also cons2i0.�te t!�Prc�+'Zf+c���t by G`.� _
<br /> 5w�++riy k►strwrent:buildinq mat�i�ls. app;+�n�e�and s�sds of wary nax:�a whatswvw now or hereaRer.�.;wS�i in. or.,a::szd,cs�tended
<br /> tc�s us�cE i�conn�ction wAh tha Propwty.(nciudinQ.b:aY not I1rNt�d 40,those tor the purposa of tupplyinp or d'+staii�L.+nq �e�. �9�
<br /> e�a�r+ciy. qw.water,air and Nqht.fv�prwronUo�and�tin9uJshiny appantus, secuiity c�sd nccas conUol apparaws. qlumbiny,bath wbs,
<br /> watr haa:Qrs,watw ctosw,slnke,r�nyea,stovw,roi�iqeistors,dishwashr�. disposaia.r►ashan,dryen, owninpe.storm window�. storm doon.
<br /> srxwn�. bGads, studas, curWns and curtain rods.�ttath�d mirrors.cab�c.i. P+�Winy and attached lfoor wv�rhgs now o� hr�Ror�ched -
<br /> to ths Propwry, a!101 whbh,Includir�y raptac«nents and ac�c8tbns thx�to,sha9 b�dMn»d to fu�nd rufuln r part of th� Prop�rty covw�d by
<br /> the SxurilY InsUummt A!I of th�tonpofny topether w@h ths PropNty dtsaibed In ths Srcurityyr InsUument(or th�I�asehoid sstatt a th� '
<br /> r ' I�►strumer►t b on a Mas�hold)�nt�rnd to in thk 1-4 Famiy Fid�and the Sscxuity Initrum�nt wa th�'Prop�tY'.
<br /> B. USE OF PROPERTf; COII�LIANCE WITH LAW. eorrower shau not ca�ic,a�se to a m�ke� ctwnQe In tM ua oi tha
<br /> propwty o►ite zotw�p ci�s�i6caSton,unAss Landa hsa spresd in writhy to the ctwnpe. Borrowr shaG comply with aii 4wa. ordin�.as.
<br /> r�pulaUorts and requiram�nb ot any flov�mmu�tai body appflcabi�to tha PropMtY.
<br /> C. SUBOiiDINAI'E UENS. Except u pertNts�d by 1�ian1 kw,Borrowar shall not pllow any Gan intatior to the Sscwiq►
<br /> instrutrw�t to b� P�(�ctad epains!th�Ropetty witM��t L�ndr's prior wtiWti pent�fssion.
<br /> D. E�E�bT LOSS lNSURANCE. eorrower ahaN m�inWn Insunrtc�ap�r►st mi bss In additim ta the othar ha:ardt tar vd•:�h
<br /> Inswanco is rmqutnd by UnUarm Covanant 5.
<br /> E. �BORROWER'S RIGiHHT TO FiEINSTATE" DELETED. unitorm cov«w�t 19 is aei�ted.
<br /> F. BOAROWER'S OC�UPANCY. unless L�3�r and eorrow�r othawtse aqree b writlnq,che iirst sr�+o�►n u�m
<br /> . vaven�o cauartutiy esartvwars occ�x.y oi ine rropa�iy a wwi�d. wi�w�i�iii�y wiwwi�i�w�yiw'...�"i�C�"'.«`"..r�l::t L.«.�SS2S
<br /> COVMNfIt 8�I1�M �Iltl�lfl�f1�U�d.
<br /> G. ASSlGNMENT OF L,EASES. upon land�r's raquost, eorrower shau asstpn to Under�I teasee ot ttu Prop«ty�nd q
<br /> a�auiry cNpowts m�d�in connaction wUh liasa of tM Prc�party. Upon the assiprurian� I.�nd�r shaH have the►isht to rtwdityr,wdand or
<br /> t�m�lnat�tha�xJstinp feasa and to await�new Iaa,sea,in Landr'a sol�diacnetlon. As ussd in thls pua9raph 0,the wad 'IMSa'tha�
<br /> rtw�n 'subiMt�' N the SeCUtity Inttrutn�►t u on a{oasafiold.
<br /> unconditlandY asaqns�nd tranafrs to Land�r ad tM ronta and rw�nuu('R�nts')ot tM Rrop�rty,rpv�dlas of to wham th�R�nt�ot th�
<br /> ��Y�WY�. 8ortowr wthoriz�s Lenda a Lender's aqK►U to col�c!t!u R�►is��nd�qrMS that�ach t�w►t of th�Prop�ty
<br /> shvl pay ttw Rents to L�ndrr or Und�r's aq�nLs. How�v�r. Barowr shd r�c�iw tha RK►ss unf�() Undr has yiven BoROw�r natia of
<br /> �hua p�uswnt to P+��21 01 th�S�curiry Inslrumait and(� Lendr has yN�n notla to th�t�nt(s)ttw ttw R�nt�an to b�pald
<br />. to L�r►dK or L,�ndK's apant 1'hIs asslqrurw►t of R�r►ta constituw m �bsoluf�attlpnn�nt and noi an uslpnmmt tor�ddi8oal sscurRf►ontY•
<br /> H Lsndr�iva not�a W br�ach to Barow�r: ()�5 Fi�Ms roc�Ned by Bortow�r shaY ba hNd by Barow�r as trusiM ta ttw b�nN1t W
<br /> UncMr only,to ba y�Yed to the wma s�curod by th�Saa:city Ittstrunwn�(Y7 L�nd�r shal b�m13tl�d to co8ed and nc�iv��ot tM Rarns
<br /> ot th�Proprry; ('�L7 Borrowr aprNS that e�d�tww►t of th�Pno�s�ty shdl pay a1 R�nts dua�nd unpald to LendK o►Und�r'�ap�nts
<br /> upon l.r�dr's w�iWn d�rn�nd to the ta�an� f+� unlets�ppiic�tbl�Iaw p�ovldes oth�wt3��aN R�nq ooYed�d by Lender a L�ndr's sperfts
<br /> shaY b�appii�d tnt to th�oosts ol taWny conorol oi�nd a�naprg tlw Prop«ty�nd co�tin�tha Rants.inc�udny. but not Mrdt�d W.
<br /> diamy's tMS, r�cliv�r's iMS� prwdums on naiwr's boraff.s.npair and m�k�t�nc�eostt. k�suranc�prudur�.t+�rxs,asaeurrnntt and othlr
<br /> cfwpq an th�PrapMty. �d than to Uu wms sxursd!H tM S�curity InsUummk (v)L�nd�r,Lend�:ayints or a.'�Y I�+d��Y�PP��
<br /> nodw►shN b�Wbi�to accow+!1or only tt►os�R�r►ts actwWy nc�ivad:a�d (v�L�ndr sNaY b�antiWd to hsv�a rocaiver appolnied
<br />: to tak�possus�an of and m�na�th�Pra�p�:y and coY�ct tha Raus and pro�d�riv�d trom the PraDeelY without any showhp as to the
<br /> inadpuacy of the Property ts s�curity.
<br /> - {i ii�v RG�iis Oi ii�fr Fi6j'iG�Gfir IiGi Sut`'�yGbTlt t6 GG��::..'i c.:.'S^s:..'•-..:.."':�CG:Sto!Gl:.'td tiL:.'t�TIQ th�QlC'R�.°�L'^.d Of C0�l.'G�1;lQ tht�!!!L�
<br /> any funds�xpa►d�d by L�ndK for such putposos shall bswrt�e ind�bte6nres of 8orrctw�r to Under s�auad bll tis�Sacu�idy Inatnscwft purwarN
<br /> to Wdlortn Coverwnl7.
<br />_ Borrowr rapr�nts md wartrnts that Borrowet hss not executed any pr'ar o,ssiQNtwtt o1 the Aen2s ortd h�s no!rt►d wiN noi palortn my
<br /> �ct that would pre�nt L�ndr from�xarcicinp its riQhts under thls parayroph.
<br />. MULTISTAIE ti FAMILY WOEA•farWe Ma�/Fntldo Mac Urvlam Intirumuq Form 31T0 9/90
<br />' �oaxm��Ni� o.oe a a z
<br />_ �
<br />