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<br />; I Borrowr d�sfpnat�s by notlu to Und�r. My noUc�to l�ndw thali M ptwn by Arst class miW ta lnnd�lt'�11ddr�s��tat�d Aw.+n «any ��_
<br /> othar addns�L�nd�r dalqn�tas by noUu to Bartow�r. My natic�prOvkl�d for h thia S�c:urily In�irwn�nl thaY M dMnwd l�Mv�bMn �,�`
<br /> flhren to 8wrow�r or l�nd�when qNu+ �a prnvid�d in thb R+�+�OnPh• _--
<br /> 15. GowrninQ Law; Swuabttity. Thia S�cwity In�tn++t'�anl sh�ll b�qovMn�d by t�al kw and IM I�w ot lh�►ud�dk+ion�, --
<br /> • wi�wi�iil:r n�.""-••••�.:�.:�:.:.:�..'�. :�:�C�':�l1r N.M��w�...Ntnn n�r�W_�e�1 t� S.w.�riA.Iw.Mwwrft �v 1h�(Jnt�r!�nMM� wati Mt�GMl1{� . . .
<br /> vy...�
<br /> i
<br /> �w. wch conl�ct shad no: aft�ct olhar provisbn�ot thls S�curay InsUwTAnt or tM koi�whkh can bs qiva►�fNct wAhaul tM condiclinp "'-�'
<br />' � aovf9lor►. To th{s a�d tha provlsla�s ot thk Soc+uity Instcumet►t�nd the Note ue d�c�rW b b�sewnbta. �4
<br /> �8. BO�fOwY�'0 �Opy. Borroww sAaW b� pk�n on� contortn�d wpy ot lh�Nota�nd ot thls S�curity Instrument.
<br />.: ' 17. Tr�naf�r of tiu P�o p�r t y or s Btn�ficld lot�r�a in Barow�r. if.0 or•ny part ot ths Proparty or any Intx�sc `,,;,_
<br /> In it fs sald or transtarted (or d• benaficl�l htarat In Bartower I�soJd or tnnslwnd�nd Bortow.r is noc.nawr�l Penon)wahout Und- �:_
<br /> er's prlo►writUn consanl. l�ndar rtwy,at Itt opUon, roqulr�{n►n�edi�te p�yatw�t{n tull 01 W aums sacund by thb Sacurity Insirument.
<br /> Howevx,th(s opilon shall not bs a�rcised Gy Lndu if ax�rcis�I�prohibit�d by i�d�rd law�s ot tM daU of this Sacurity Instrument. •
<br /> If Lander�xercisos this opUon,Lender shat! qN�6artoww noUce ol�r,c�leaUon• The nW�e shall provlda a pedod ot nat ksa than 90
<br /> dtys from tho data tha noUca[a d�Gwr�d a maibd wRhln whlch Bortnwer rtwsl pay all wma seaued by thls S�auiry k►strum�nt. II
<br /> Borroww taiJs to pay these cums prlor to lhe exp�ratlon o1 thls pKiod,Lenda mty invoke any remadies parm+tted by thls Security Instru-
<br />. rwn!wdhout turther noUce or dertwnd on Borrowa.
<br /> 18. Barrowor'a Ri9h! to Rolnctsto. �t eorrower maeta cartair►condiior+a.Borrowar shall have the riflM to t�ava entorcensent
<br /> ol thu Securiry MsVummt disconthued at�ny tuiw prior to the arUer oh. (�)5 d�ys(or wch othar pwiod�s�pplic�bta taw may sp�aty
<br /> for re(nstatement)bektQ sal�of the Roperty purwarit to�r►y power o1 tala contalncd In thls Securiry Instrununt; or @) ontry of�]u�ment
<br /> enTorclnp this Sec�uiry Mstreimant. Those conditbns are that Bortowar:(a) pays Lendar�11 sums whlch than would bo due undK thls
<br /> S�curiry lnstrument 1u�d thQ Nate as il no acceier�tion had occurted: (b)cures�ny daf�u!of�ny other covenants w�9revmmts: (c)pays vl -
<br /> oxpansa Incurr�d In entorcY�y this Sacuriry Instrument, inrJudtny,but not limded ta niaanaW��tti,meys'tees:�nd(d)Laku such actlo�
<br /> u Landw rs+ay rwsonabh► �e9uk�to�ssun that the lie�of thk Sa;uriry tr+sUumen�Cendar'a riy�hts In the Rroperry and 8arrow�'s obYya• _.
<br /> lion to pa�r ttw surtu suwred by this Sacuriry Instrument shall continuQ unchanyed. Upon reinstatwn�nt by Bortower,thia S�curily
<br /> Instrumant and th�obGyatione seausd hanby sMU rernaln tuRy effe�tivo�s d no acceleration had occurt�d. However,thls rlyhi to r�insttts °'
<br /> � 4:�
<br /> shall not appy In the case oi accde�aUon undK puagnaph 17. °`°`_
<br /> 19. Sal� Of NOto; Chan�s ai Loan S�rvicar. The Note or a partW htenst In tha Note(toyethr Mitn thk Secwiry ��-
<br /> Instrummt) m�y ba sold ona or moro tdmzs without prlor notic�tu Borrowx. A sale may rawtl in a chanfla in tha mtity (la�own�s tha ��.
<br /> 'Loan Servicer') that collects monthly payments due under tha NoU and thls SeG++ilY Inatrum�nt. Thsre also may b�o�e or mon chanpu of
<br /> the Loon Sorvlcar unrctated to a a�la of tha Note. 11 there is a chany�01 th�Lan Servica.Borrowr wiil be 91van written noUc�oi the chan9s =
<br /> in accordanco with paraqra�ph 14 abovv c�d appYCabla law. Tha notic�will stata the rtrr+e and addrass ot cha naw Loan Sanricr and the =
<br /> �ddresa to wh�h payrt�nts should be mtde. Tht notica wiY�ko conWn any othv ir�famatbn roquked by applica�{�w. �
<br /> 20. timrdous Substanass. sartnwr at►�not caus�o.permd u,e pr.s�a. us�. d�spcs.�, awr.ya, or rdMS.u1�ny Haz.rdous
<br /> :�ubstanc�s on or in thQ Proparty. Borra�►QC sha9 not co.nor aqow anyor.e dse to do,�nythM►p aBs�lny ths Proporty thal ls h vicfa.`ion of _
<br /> my Envkor+skrtal Law. Th�proc�dinq :r�o se+r�ces sl+di not�p�to the presena,us�. or stornye on tha Proprty ot sm�ll quas�iiw W
<br /> H.srreid��e �,bstancN that w a�n�raYv ncoana�d t�o ba aaarootiatQ to norrtwl reslda�tt�l usa�nd to mahtenane�of th�Propwty. �,�
<br /> Baroww chaU Pron�P4y pivQ Londw writton notice at cny invaatl�ation. claLn,danand, faww!!cr otha sr.Non by eny gavemm�nW w _
<br /> ro�u�1aY+��5►o+P�'aU P�Y hvohriny the Property and any Hazardous Substancs or Environnuntal law of whfch Bortowr hu actua! -
<br /> {a►owNdy�. If Borrow�r leams.or la natiRad by my 9ov«nnwnLl a rpulalory++uthorrtY,thal any rart►ovsl or other ren�di�tton o!any Haz�rdow -
<br /> SubsLnca afGciinp the Property ia n�cesurY. Barower s1uM P��P�Y��11 mcesury rorrbdi�l actlons in Qocord�nce wkh Environmarotal Law. -
<br /> As utad tn tt►1s p�ragraph 20.'H�zardous S1+bsLnces'aro those substanc�s daf�ted as twdc or huardous substances by EnvYonnw�tal —
<br />"_■ �aw.na ti,.r000w�whsw,cee;9aaoaw,icarosorw� othor Aamrwblo u to�de P�P��•�PatiGd�s md herbleida.va.�. _
<br />-� sotvenb,materl�Ia contak�i��g�sbatos or ta�nald�hyda.�nd radioactive mataialt. As ix�d In thfs para�apn 20. •EnvYonmmtal taw•
<br /> m�at►s fadaal laws and kw�of th�jurisdiction where th�PropMty ts bat�d that reyAe to hwph, satery or anviranmental protoctlon.
<br /> ; NQt�i-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barow�r�nd Lender turthar ecrw�ant and aqree u torows:
<br /> 21. Ace�l�titton; R�m�dt�s. I.�nda�shsll glw notic�to Burrovw� prior to accsl�atlon tattowln�
<br />= � Borrcwrr's bhsch of any cownant or �rwm�at In thls Socurity Instrum�nt (but not prior to sccNa►stion =
<br /> -' ur�d�r puaye�sph 17 unt�ss appllcaW� law p�ovid�s oHwnwia�). 11� notic� shall sFxHy: (a) ths d�faut� (6) _
<br />_� tiw actia� wquind to curo the dofwl� (c) a dst�, not bw thsn 30 drys from th� dsM tt� nctla� �s 9iwn to =
<br /> � Bonow�r, by whtch thi dofauft must b� cund; and (d) that fallun to cur�th� d�fwlt on or b�for�th� dat� _
<br />-� sp�cffiod In thr notic� mry rosult in acc�l�ration af tfw aums �acund by tt�is Sacurity Instrum�M and aat� _
<br /> o�f tha Propsrty. Th� natica shall further tnform Bonovwr of ths rlght to roinshts afbe acc�l�rrtion and
<br />_� th�ri�h#to bring a court action to �ss�e4 the non-exist�nco af a dafwlt or any oth�r defens�of Borrovwr
<br /> ta �ccei�n�tlon and sal�. If th� d�fwR is not cur�d or� or b�'Eon th�dat� sp�clfl�d 1n tho notic�� LMd�r
<br />?� st iN optlon mry nquin trries�adiate paym�rrt in fu[E c� s1t sums a�curod by thi�Sacurity Instrumant withad �'-
<br /> furth�r d�mand and may tnvoic�th�pow�r of sst� �nd any oths�rom�di�s p�rmitt�d by sppl(caW� �-
<br />- , law. Lsndsr stall b �nBH�d to coll�ct all�xp�ns�s Incurr�d � punul�q ttw r�m�dtas provid�d In tl�ia E;�=
<br /> = ' para�raph 21, tncluding,but not IimkQd to, roaaonabl� attomoyc'foas snd cosm of tltia ovWonc�. ��
<br />: : ' If!lu paw�r of salo Is invoind,Trecstw shall record a nniic�of defauk in �ach eocu►t^�►in whlch any part �`
<br /> of tlw Prop�rtyr Is located a�s�sE�a.�rnai9 capioz of s�:cts notica tn¢he mraz:v.�pr��r.� by a�pt�c�ta Isw �
<br /> :z.` to Bon�eywor and to th� athar p�rsons pnserib�d Es�r opplicaW� law. ARK �tx ttm� �aquirad 6y �p�icaWa �`
<br /> ?; law,T�wtaa shatl glvo pubtic nottca vf saf�to th� pasons� In th� ma�u��r Qnscrib�d by applicablo law. �
<br />= . Trusta�,wlthout demsnd on Borrowar, si�il soll the Prop�rty at public aaction to th� hi�t�ast bidd�r st the
<br /> tim� and placa and undar the tarm�do�pnrt�d in the notica of s�ta In oM or mor� pucol�snd In any order
<br /> t� T�ust�e do2orminos.Trustes mry postpona salo of d! or any parc�l of the Proparty by Pubilc announc�msnt
<br /> � gt tha Yime and placa of any previously schedulot! s�le. Lender or iia dost��es may purchasa the Propsrty �,
<br /> at any ssl•. e
<br /> Upon rocefpt of paymont of ttw prico bid,Trusiea shall daliv�r to ttw purchasar Trust�s's dwd h`__.
<br /> convoyinq the Prop�rty. Tha rocitals in ttw Trustao's dwd shall bo prima facta evid�nca of ths truth `�
<br /> af tho �tome►�ts mado tha�a[n. Trustee shsll appty ttw proc�sd� of the safa in tha followin� or�ar. �-_
<br /> (a)to sll costs snd oxponses of oxarcising the pow�r of sal�, and tha sala, inctudin�th� paymer�4 of t!�
<br />