<br />~s
<br />~~' _~_,.
<br />m-~ _ -.. .Tr. € ~ rr=•~rt a:tatt€ p€srr:tum in rtrdrt to pt t hcti€let
<br />t.vt.+ f~~ pay Pik to that 3wrteary of tfswsaag yxtd Utittue pet~¢iuptnettt ptttauattt to floc
<br />Yaatw~rai i~ a-cr, sat sn~srmdrd, arrxi aptsiicsitia tgeark+nn thnatand?er'. ar
<br />tom) ~ r®a w nva~ ~ ~' tir?r w rx~t tt~ rv~ rwn wraxrvrttvnt ~ irwa QY [tit StCrtlaty (H f7rnifRl~, aa~
<br />tiN:.u, [?rslorrnenz_ a raow.rhiv zlt~t tar rah a r+rarrar~r ir:tarr~tr ~i av akh ~~ taw hY_an -
<br />tnt ~~ to xr-._~'J`'4 (IJI»~ ~ rase-heat fill} Per crttsum of the arcrage onttt~Ghtg txtr
<br />over rhn rise note eorrtlttrted tris#taut taking mto account delit~uenies ar prepayntettta;
<br />- --
<br />fbt A tea tsa t!>,t grates rrntsa t arty, nrxt ~. plus t e premtums that rv~t atxt becornc drat acrd payer on
<br />pxsl~t:iaa errs ath~ hara~J inatstancr c~ chr rrtcrrtga~d prcperty, plus tastes and. as~estatsntts next thrr
<br />tsa tl„e ttxirtrdagtd prafrerty f~1 es r3rirrr~ter!' iSv thr .6ftrrtAeatcrJ less elf sums airettdy paid therefor ditridtd by the
<br />rattttttttr of months tts eiapra txtwe eras rrwctrth prise to the daft whm surlt grtsund rents, pretniums, rasa std
<br />is a=dt tttirtau delinquent, sssch sums to be bald by Martp~c in true to pay said geouad rents, pte-
<br />mattrrq¢, rases aewi spacad atones; and
<br />(c } ;Sil paytnrnts mtnttartad ut the two ptcctding subtectioms of this paragraph and all paymestts to ~ mach under
<br />tlht nr~tr toarured lsereby xltdt fat added rather, and tttt ag¢regate aentttrM thtreof sht~ be paid•by dte lgattgagor
<br />exh mtutth to a stmt payment to he applied by the Alortgegee to the faltnwing items in the order set forth:
<br />ff) prr;munr cltargrs tinder [hr contract of insurance witfi the Secretary of housing and Urban Drvelaprntn[,
<br />ar mcnthiy cltargt (in filar ujrnrartgaite irts¢artrrtr•r prrxtfum), as the case may be;
<br />fli} ground rrnts, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insurance prtmiums;
<br />(lil} irttttest tm the Hate secured hereby; and
<br />{EV} amarticatian of tht principal of said ante.
<br />My deficteney in the amcwnt of any such aggrega[e monthly payment shall, unless made goad by tht Cttott-
<br />ga~r prier to the due date of the next such payment, catrstitute an event of default u~tdtt this moetgage: 7ttr
<br />itartgager may callcct a "tare charge" not to exceed £crtu cen[s (4y} far tack dollar ($1 } of tacit payment more
<br />than fifteen {t 3t days m arras to c:csver the extra txpensr :nvrrlved in hrndfing de!tnquent paymenfs,
<br />3. 74tat if the total of the pa.Yments made by die 4tcrrtl;agor under r'"') of paragraph _' preceding shall exceed
<br />fire amount of payments atKualiy made by fire iToetgagee tar ercntnd rents, taxes and a:_SessmenL, or insurance pre-
<br />mittar'. a tht ease mat tom, wcJt excess. if the taatr is curets, at the aluitut of the !~mgagar, shat! tx credited-icy
<br />the °,forigagzee on subwequent payments to Ete made by the 1lortgagoe, nr refunded to the Stortgagor. If, however, the
<br />monthly payneenG: made !rv the '.tlcxtgagtx under ;"i}) of paragraph ? preceding shall not be sufficient to pay grr~terrd
<br />rrrtt, cases and as4essments ur insurance prrmiuxa,, ar- the ca.;e maY br, when the same ~hatl ixecome due and pay-
<br />able. then the t4rrrtgagor Mali pav to the ~9nrtgtytet. am attwunt racer+sKary to make up chr deficioney, on or irefure
<br />chr dace witert payment of soot ground rent=, taxes, st,5e";mrnt~ ar irssttrance prrmiuma shall Ire due. If at say
<br />titac dhr ltoftga{grtrhall terrier W chr ltartgattee. in accrrrefanrr• with the prnvi=ions of the Hate secgred hereby,
<br />tail payment of the entire indrsbtedttcs4 repre=cmtad therrbv, the \krrteagee shall. in computing the amount of ~+tch
<br />`r~.lit~-ar., ,.tact ro rht as?ieutrt of ette +iartgager sit paY~ments made unt}er chr pravisiasts of ?uj of paragraph 2
<br />hreeof which the itorrgager has tMtl trecome nbiiQaird w pay to the :sectetarv of l}ousirtg and C'rrban psveioptnertt
<br />and fury balance rrmainittg in the brad!. act-umulatrd under the provisions. of tb) of paragraph `7. hereof. tf thcve
<br />+hali be a defaull tinder env of the pram-iun~ of this= mortya€t• re!suiting in a public sale of the premtsea covered
<br />hereby, nr if she Siortgagee acquires chr pruPrrty otherwie after de{suit, the lkartgagee Malt apply, at the time of
<br />t#€ eoetmortCerarrtt of ~tf'h prnferdina'•, ar aL the Time chr prcrperty is vthyrwise acquired, the balance then remain-
<br />ing in die fonds accumelated under!?*r uE paragraph '_'' preceding, a:~ a credit af•ainat the amount of principal then
<br />remaining unpaid under `aid Hate, and ::halt properly adjust am' paymer¢t- w°hich -hail have been made under fu)
<br />of Paragraph 'l.
<br />a. 11ott the Mcmfigager will pav ground ants. texts- assessments, watrr carts, and other governmental or municipal
<br />chargts. firs- er impasi[a+ns. far wt±~h pravtstan has Hat txcn made hcrrrnt;efare, and in default thereof chr Mortgagee may
<br />pay the Same; and that chr Martgagtx will promptly deliver the oittciai receipts ttierefar to tart Martt;dgee-
<br />S, 7'tie Ntartgagar wit! pay art texts which may be tevird ugrn chr ttorigagrt's intertst in said real c5tate and impravc
<br />tntrtfs, and h f;z tcs•ieci open This martb~ic ar rfrc debt secured fierrtay ttwt only to the extrm that Such is ntst prohibil-
<br />~ tr>x lsov and aniy to atx exFtnt that such writ ~t make this Earn uwrteusf, but czc'¢uding any ittteme tax, State or Federal,
<br />impostd oft Mcutgatgre. anal wilt file the othciai recrtp[ showing such payment with chr !Nurtgagrr. Upon viatatian of this uridtr-
<br />taking, ar J the Martgagar is prohthttrd by an} Yaw txrw ar hereatter existing from paying the whale ar any ptsriion of the afare-
<br />saiJ taxes, ar upotr the rertdtring at any court uccrte prahitntmg rite p'ep mrnt by the 4fart~tgar or any sucfi texts, w if such lave
<br />cx dQCrer pravidrs that any smaunt sa paid by chr Mrxtgagcsr <haii he ereditcd on the mortgage debt, tht Mtxtgagee shatf have
<br />*Fu rigfM to give nit~ty days- written susttce to the owner erf chr mortgaged premises. requiring the paymem of the mortgage
<br />detx, if such txatice br given, the seed debt shall tXCOmr our. payable and s:atkctibk at the expiration t3f said ninety days.
<br />6. 'Thai absurd tae fail to pay any sum or keep any rovmant provided far in this Atartgaye. ihtn rite hiortgagre. at its ap-
<br />tiaan, may pay car prrfarm chr aamt.:md all expersditures so made shaft bt added to the principal sum awing on chr above note.
<br />shalt bt u~urrd hrrriay. arui shall racer interest at t,!it cart vet forth in the said note. unfit pa¢d.
<br />'• 71nat ht hereby assigtrs, transfers acrd arts over to the 4iortgagce, ro t+r atsptied toward the pay°meni aE the Hate anA•ali
<br />vents secured herrhy m cast of a default in ?he ptrfarman:Y of env .sf chr terms anti eondi[rans of this 'rtartgage ar the said
<br />+ce.MC, ail rite ants, resrnurs and ?n:omc to br derived from the mongaged premises during such time as the mar[gage irutebttd-
<br />rte€s alsalt rrsaain un#sard: and the Yiartgagre shaft havt prrwer to appouit :ury agent ar agents ii map desire far thcpurpasr of
<br />repaituq said premiss ant crf rrntirtg chr same and u~ikc ung she rents. revenues and income. acid it maY pay auk of said in-
<br />corney art rxprndrx at rrpduintt Staid ptrmisrs and ttrccssan vemmrosians and cxptnsrs incurted in rcming and managing fire
<br />.tree at¢d :tf calketing :tntals therrfram: rite tautarn:r rcmatmrsg. if env. to tx apphtd tower} tht dischergc of said mortgage
<br />irafaesra-
<br />!l, 71sa# he wtH i¢rrp the rmprovtmtms now en¢sting ur htrrafter erected on the mongagrd property. imurrd ax may tat
<br />rtatttred tr`--- titer tr, titter by ttr_ 'Jlartgaagne against teas try tare atut otttrr hazards, zasualtirs arni t:antin(iriteks in such
<br />a~ttrntr sad fw such periods as may !x required by the Mattgttgec and wilt pap promptly, when due. any premiums on such
<br />sttzur~rr prtvviszon tar psymtnt of wttir;h has neat tsetn moor hereirsLsefttrt. Ali insurarttr sttali tae carried in companies ap-
<br />prrovad hs fife MatrtaaXee and the patticics arni renewals therraf shalt tsc hrtd t,y ttx titcxtgaget and have attaChrd thtreto less
<br />paYaiyle daunts in laves of atilt in faxm accrptabtt to the Mortgatter. In event of lass Martgegtsr wilt give immediate riaucr by
<br />~ the idta€- who maq malGe proof a# tars d rtat made promptly by ltartgagar. urui c°uch insuranct company carr-
<br />certrtsi o itertt+'y authoritrd and 6ircc-ttd to make payment for wch toss drrcctly to the Martttagec instead of [o the Mart~tor
<br />+~ vAe ~e rdlntiY • ;mod tt~ inwrrutce praettds, ax any purr eircrsoC- may br apptird by chr ?ttcutgaaet at its apttan tither
<br />to rite ta~a`ttott d rate utdeirtadtsrs4 ttctebY secured err to chr rrstoraricsn .?r rtpair cat the propeny dam:tgtd'. to event rat forrrltr
<br />stttsr tl9rs erxartga~t m othtr iraasfar of tick to chr m,ntgayad pr.rprrsv in extirsgrtishment of chr irnktstrdrrc+x stcurtd heretsy.
<br />ag rgdtt, isle and iatate at of the klurt®s/ar itt and to say irt+ur;rttc-t putifars ti+tn m ttxt:t spell pwss ice the purcttasrr err grantee,
<br />~. 'tAat as wit silo ttrral atCttrtty tw rht payrnent of rite Hatt +itacnttd, and art sums to htcamr due utidtr ¢his
<br />atW?tt Nit ~{xlrt~a~, of MKPetay a}it~M is tttt tiirrttye{prr art pri/iiYn. rEiet.aR&, riryaltirs, tight.'- xrtd t'rrKftta act'ruinr to the
<br />reader ear ~{ :dt cal :rand tta' treats cwt vawd prrrnises. >`-nh the rrkttt tar rrrCttre and rrcetpt far chr vame arul apply
<br />11A?taa rtv stud ~MVS ,Ye rtit trafutr as aittt dtfaoh in eht crrtnd¢tkms at tha. men+. nnJ the Nartt;attgtc maY demand, aUe
<br />tau .ad} r4a:t»M am wit ttMf!ttmx whets Jut Md pu?rat+ir trot ,}tot rK>a he rryuued vv ae du ihrs :rvsettnmrn¢ rs U> trrmtnatr
<br />~r€i*t ~ th## ~-sue a rti€ar~ cat ttsa taErtft
<br />Wiib ~tt7l43At 4$-5t1¢
<br />