<br />t
<br />80-c~(i7424 ~?~TDi~ t3F' _~'R~J~~* ~'
<br />...
<br />TNlS ~~ t)B TR1JS`C g mwa tittl{ :...:..~Sti ..`; ... , , .fig o[ ,•. 1Sreeetabn,>c., ~ ~ `
<br />!4.$4.; tunoai:he'thtst~ . $ispe>cios "Ittuuencmease,. g.6maosaL t~ss:aera~ • • • ,... ,
<br />(htmNa "Hcrr+t ruttrs.lg' itttgl. ,
<br />' ~AEtioipe~+, at Law .. • . r • .... ~ ". [ (hues "'('[wee"} >+~# thc~:
<br />,.Coemtercial 3gvin$s (bupasiX of`Grend,Island', Nebraska- ..,...,~ ~ •pg~tsuQasd
<br />Roadg.Czan~eTsladd,. ~ ~~~ ... , t >.. ~: ~ ~.,, ~ `
<br />..... .. .. . ......... . . ................. (ht:(~(, ~r~ 1
<br />8rtssttowas, in Fonaidet~tion qI the guess here~p Waited aM the trau here~Q' = its" $>e~ -.
<br />turd cestveys to Trttstee, in frost. prJth ~~ of sale, the tdlowinQ dtiaibed propett~t .loeatad iq the Cdtpitx
<br />.. ..... . . ....... t~lJ, .. ..... ,State of 1'~ebrask;:
<br />F.asi One Ralf (F3f) of the North One Ralf (I$a) of Lot Flee:, (5),
<br />in Vantine's-Subdivision of the Northwest QoarteT (Nf~)>of -
<br />Seeticsa Twenty Two (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Rsstge-4Iiae~ ,
<br />(9'), West of the sixth Prinicpal Neridaa, Hall Camty, Netstraska
<br />which has the address of.... ,1042, 5.. ,Vine ......... . .. . .......... Gzartd .Island.............. .
<br />tstraq ~ icntt ...
<br />NE b8801 (herpiq "Props(ty Address")i
<br />lftw app ZtV Cowl
<br />Toct<THEa with alt the impfgvetnpnts nvw or hereof{er erected on the prppeny, and all casemenu, rights.
<br />appurtenance:, rents (subject however tP the rights and authorities given herein to Lender to polled and apply such
<br />rattle), royalties. rttiperal, oii and t~ (}Skits qp{l profits, wnle(, water rig-1JJ, and w;[er stock, qt,d al( fixtures now or
<br />hustt(tet sttscha! tq the prq~erty, Slj qt which, including rcpltteemetas qod additigns thereto, shall be deemed to be
<br />snd remain a pa[t of the property cttyered by this Deed of T(a>a; end aft of-the foregoing, togp-har with suid protxny
<br />(or i~te leasetwld euate i[ this ITecd of Trust is txt a leasctw-d~ are huciq referred to as the "p(operty';
<br />To SECVAE tq.lepder (a) the repsymenl of the indcbtedttcss evidenced by i~prrowcr's note dated ..121.05/SD.
<br />...... . (hereiq "Note"}, in the pttincipal sum of..T.KeaSY. Thpusand.aod. na/.199c--.-.-.:: ;---.... .
<br />.....
<br />{20,OQQ; ¢0~-,-----------.-- , , _ . , DWtars, With interest (hereon, Providing fo{ monthly instaltm.nts
<br />of p{int:ipa} atH( intereq, whh the hpl+ttce of Fh¢ indebtednfri~, if not soape( Paid, due and payable on ........ .. .
<br />. , , , ..February 3a. f483 .. ....... ; :~:.... ;the ppyment of alI other su^ts, with intcresl thcrcon, advaneeJ
<br />in seeordance tserewith to p{atcet fhe security of this Dcgd of Tryst; apd tht; performance o[ the covenants and
<br />astecments d 8orrawet !retain can;sirwd; anQ (b} the rcpgyment of any {utnra advanees, with interest thcrcon, mode
<br />W Borrower by Lendu purstutnt tv parssrnph 21 hereof (hircin "Futu(e Advances").
<br />torrower Covenants that Borrower is IaW~ptty aciscd of the estate hr(eby wnveyed and hNS G,, right to gtnm ansi
<br />convey the Property, that the Property ix unenCUmfxrcd, and that Borrower will warrant apd do/end gcncrally the
<br />title to the Property against slt claitps and degsands. subject tq any declarations, easements os rc:tractions I~ucJ .n .~
<br />schedule o! exceptions to eavengc in any rule insurance pot,cy insuring !.ender's interest .n the Property.
<br />tJltiF`P 3/80
<br />