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~~, <br />$~--~ ~~!:"''~°~~ MORTGAGE <br />Tftt9 IiMDlui?UR~K, sai eW---24th --_-- ~' of December--------_---- . 19 $0 _-, by and betateea <br />_3AM$.S A SCHllLTZ and MARY A. SCHULTZ, husband and wife, each in his and her wttt right <br />d tta s i Co®rty, Nttbeaake, as vtortgagor ~__ .and Grazed !eland Trust Cmaparry of Grind Island, a txeporatitm <br />tn~atmed and eaistiog [Hader the Iasro of Nebneka wkb its ptrfndpal office and pleas of bunioeae at Grand laLnd, Nabrado, ae ttrattgiger, <br />WITNE33ETFi; That acids s -. [or atei is ceoddaatioadthesam o[ - <br />Ten Thousand Five Hundred Twent Three doli.ars and 94(100 ~t'3*~'-q-:s~},$ 2~.94f <br />~~---Y----- ~. 1. <br />the receipt of wbieA is tylaby aelmowkdged, do ____ by tltnes pteeeiite mortgage and werrertt nh~drl!lRnMEdtU~leiYil~ asafgns, <br />forever, all the idbwing ttacrehed teal earew, situated is the County of _ _._..llcl7.i._____._._ <br />end State d Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Lot Twenty-four (24), Nestroads Estates <br />Third Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Tagetha with cif heating, au troodgnwng, lighting, and plumbing equipaunt and fiituree, including screens, awnings, storm win~wa and <br />doors, and xindow shades or bleeds, used on w in rntmecteon with sad property. whether the same era tww located nn acid Property ar hcrmfter <br />placed [bacon. <br />TO HAVE AND TG HttI.D THE SAME, together with a{l and similar ctre tenemeatta, 6eradewments amt eppurteneticns tlitxtynw be- <br />Ieegpog, or in anywise appertatung, forever, sod waRarl4 the title w the same. Sad morgngor_5._. hereby coveoaat with said <br />mangypw that _..._..C hs 7'..__.. _.....i3li'__., _ , at the tfaiivery hnreol, the lawhti ow~r. ~~_.. uI the peerriises above conveyed aaai deacribtxl. <br />sad. `? `~t'...._ eviaed of a good scar itvieleasibk eeww of mifereianw [haeeiu, free std clear of al! nncurntsrantxs, and that _ `. ha~ .__ +•lll <br />MMaAa7em and tlafesd thn title thtaew forever againut the claims aml datnandn of af! perswva wltomar_~evar. <br />t~"iEQNPIIYt.D 1Lf.WAY3 and this inntaumant is exec. tad and dalr crud to se~u the payment o1 the uum of _ _ __. _ __ _ _ <br />- <br />err -t.-ottt.and `r'ive Hundred Twenty Three <;o Iars -Ens ~4%100 *** IO,= ~ 94 <br />._ __ _ __.__.. _._... _. _ _ _. _. Do(larn 1& __ _ _ .... ___. I. <br />reit6 ratereat [herein, togarhret with ouch charges and advances as may be due and payable w said mortgagee under the terms and conditions <br />af-Uie premiawry note of even dew herewith end secured 6erNiy, executed by stud rtarcgegor s _ to eeid nrort.gagee, Payable na exprtseed <br />~ Arid ante, sad w oeente tba parlormaeoe of dl the terms and cmdetioae contained therein. 1'he terms o[ said now are hereby incorporated <br />hanin hY this retareaot. <br />It is [ha eatentbn aacl agrasmaot of the pasties hereto that [hla mortgage shell seen secure any future advances made w said mortgagor~_- <br />by said ntorigagee, and eRY end all iodebwdnesa in addition w the amount above started whist. said mortgagors, or any o[ them, may owe w <br />seed howevef evidesutt, whether 6y now, book accoust or otherwise. This rrartgage shat{ remain W full force and effect between <br />the pareiaa~ie'w sad their 6rtire, personal represenutives, auccesnora aed eaxigus, uatii ail emouats saivred hereunder, utcluduig Future <br />edvanSca, are paid en full with iriteeaa.. <br />Tits nwrtgagor _..i,_ ~Y asap -_ w said mortgagee all reruat and income arising at any and ail tirritw (coin said property and <br />haaby auGhorew said taottgagan or its agent, at ets option, upon defadt, w cake charge of said property and collect all rents and income <br />thaafroni std WDdY ~ same w the Wymwt of inwraat, principal, enaurartce premiums. tease, aaaeaemea[s, repairs or tmprmemwts <br />~mawtry w keep aidrl property d eenantabie txrtidiuon, or w nth m charges ur payman4s provided for hewan or in thn cwte hereby tiacured. Thre <br />fept aaaigtimetit shad eoatimw in 7oita until the unpaid balance of said note rv fully paid. '7'ha caking aE poneeasiau hereunder shall :n no manner <br />_., .piavalii ar.ratard and taottgti~7t-ia she ctttMstiaa at said snore by fontcloifure or otharwafe. <br />The faitut'e of the taorigttgee b assert any of its rigbu hereunder at any time shat[ ra be twmttrued an a waiver of its right w asaerc. the <br />asrtae att tiny lotee time. cad w imitK upon sad snteRY! strict wmpi:...,ro with aQ ttw twins and provisions of said now and of this rrortgegs. <br />ft Nd ®artt(pRgor S shall cartes w 6e pad w aped mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder. std ufaler the snorts and prov[smnn <br />d said. mica 6areby aasnred, iscAaiiag Armor advant~s, and aaY exteaseam ur reasarals thereof itt armdancs wsth the tetrm, and pmvisiona <br />t}ynnf, sad 9f and awitiNgur _ ?_. shat comply with all tlr provisions of sad note a~ of this mortgage. then these presents ahail be void: <br />at7faren~e to remaa3 m htfi frttcs asdsffact, tmd seed mottgagaa shall haeutitied w Lhe posntteeion of ai! of said prupaty, and may. at its optiaa, <br />AteJerie WI'e11o1a ol'ssid sots sad ab ftsdabtadania repreeeswd tiMtaby w f>e immediately dm std payable, and may farackea Chia rmrtgage <br />er take aayy ot60e 4ga1 anion w peotaet its right. APpniwemant waived. <br />Tkfa rnortgtypp sled!. be spore sad akall eaure w the heaefit of the heirs, esecuuus. adtniniats.tcos_ a.rcoeaa.,rs an,i .a.;o,.. .,t ra,. <br />teapactive pertiss heeto. -e- _. _._ <br />IN 59fTN ~Y WltEtiliUF. cad Margptgor. s_ M us=_ hanauiw sat..---~ clre:ir._ haul _ s. the day ami yea first atwve <br />__ ... ~-..~rr`1 <br />_- -- <br />-----_ - <br />y~_-. - , ... .. <br />