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MORTGAGE 80" ~ J' ; ti `~ -I 7 <br />TfH6 IIVDSN7VRB, made this---23rd -dry d_ December __-___--. 1~f) _. ~ sad f>wwem <br />Daniel E. Ellis and Donna W. Ellis, husband and wife, each in his and her otm right and- <br />d Ha 11 ra~,y, Nebaaka, r <br />organised and erieting u~ the Irws d lilebrastu wfM s . asd Cnad Idaad Trust d Graad IsYrd, a <br />priectpat office sod place d basiaes et t3rsed lobed. We6teaka. as m~tgape: <br />WITNESSE"fH: That said o[mtpgsr s .for aedmomstdmatiaadthee®d <br />Four Thousand Eighty-four dollars and O1/I00 ************rt~~#y~--~- "'"`-" ' <br />bflllis ~' ). <br />the receipt. of whie6 ~ herobY e~lmowfed8ed, do __ by these pteeeata mortgage end ersrtentahto ~~ > 'S 4p,v~ - <br />' aaaigee. <br />forever. aU the folbwing described rml estate. situated W the Cw¢cy of _._ Hall- <br />ead State d Nebres~a, to-wit: - <br />The West Half (W'z) of Lat Seventeen (1J), and the West Half (W t) of the South <br />Thirty-Four Feet (34') of Lot Fifteen (15), in Block Four (4), in University <br />Place, err, Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with all heating, sir conditioning, bghtiog, end plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, ew¢fo~, storm windows a~ <br />doors. end window shades or Winds, used on or in corrm2fon with said property, whether the same are now beat d on said pmpaty or herenfta <br />placed thereon. <br />T(1 HAVE AN6 TO HOLD THE SAME. together with all and singular €he te¢a¢ranta. hert$itae¢enta and appurtemncea thereunto be~ <br />I¢eeBina, or m mywiae appertaining. forever, and warrant the title to the some. Said morgagor_$___ hereby covenant ___ with said <br />regR.giigeg that .._ _. _t he _~_._ are __.. at the delivery hereof. toe lawful owner _~ of the premises shore conveyed sled dtaerfbed, <br />aud~ "*1'. ~... . seized of a good end isdefaeaibf¢ notate of inheritance therein, trey. and c'~esr of all encumbrances, and that_ t hsY wilt <br />warrant oral dofaad tl~ tills tharsta forever against t}w claims and denwade of all peranns whomsoever. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, cad this iv~t.,..,,.... is caseated end delivered W sec:.:-a the paynrat of the sum of _ _ _ <br />Fo l Tha€,;,;nd;hty lour daLl.ars tnd O1/100 '.ky:****x*x**x r)84.Ot <br />_. _._.__- _._ _ .___ _ ._ __. Dellara 43 _. ~~ 1, <br />with u[tereet thereon, together mth such charges and advances as may 1>e due end payable w said mortgagee urrder the teens and conditions <br />of the promissory n¢ta o[ even date herewith end secured hereby. executed by said mortgagor '_. to said nortgagee, payable ere expressed <br />is acid note, sad to exvre the perfwma¢ca of all the terms a¢d conditions contained therein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated <br />hemm hY this reference. <br />1, u the inteatfoa and egrm~~• of the parties harefa that this mortgage shall oleo secure any f+i[ure adva¢cee made to said mortgagory _ <br />by said mortgagee, and any and afi indeb[ednaea in addition w the a¢rount above stared whist. said mortgagors, or any of ahem, may owe W <br />acid , however evidenced, whether by ¢ote, book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall remain m tali force and effect between <br />rile parties hetew and their heirs, pereoml repreeentetfves, successors and assigns, until ell am¢unts secured hereunder, including future <br />adraooas, ors Paid h[ frrL' with interest. <br />Tine mortgagor.=_ hereby assign __. to said mortgagee all rests and income arisigg at a¢y and all lasso from said Property and <br />hatsbp authorize said mortgagee or ita agent, at its option, up¢¢ detauft, [o take charge of sefd property and coUec:t all rents and income <br />thara(tom and apply the acme to the payme¢t of interest, principal, i¢aureace pramiuma, taus. asewsmeaca, repairs or fmprovemeats <br />mt:eeaty un kosp send Pmparty m tenantable mn[)itfon, or to other charges or payme¢ta provided br herein or in the note hereby secured. Thu <br />rent aasigntnent shelf continue in fosse until Lhe unpaid belaace of said rrote is fogy paid. The takbg of posaeasbn hereunder shall in no manner <br />pesvsot err trterd said nnKgagae is the collsctbn of said some by foreclaeure w urLerwiae. <br />Tfts fait[tre d the mortgagee to assert any of its rights he[eunder at any time shall not be construed as a waiver of its right to aarert, the <br />solos at any 4tar Lime, sad ro imist upon and enforce strict compliance with all the terms end frovisiona of said note and of this mortgage. <br />if said mortgagors ahaLL cause to be Iwid to sad mortgagee the serve emouvt duo it hereunder, ate urn the ternt5 and provisions <br />d and oats hereby eacgmd, including future advaraxa, and any extmaam or re¢ewale thereof fn accordance with the terms and previsions <br />mMgapx _' stroll comply with aLL the provisions of said note and of this coo <br />' sod if said '- rtgage, then ttrese ^reaenta shall be vouf: <br />dherwim W rawin is faB fare a¢d dfaet, cad said mortgagee ehafl6e entitled to the possession of all of said protrertY• end may. at its option. <br />dardare the whda of Baud nola sad eA fadahtedcese represented thereby to be immediately due and payable, and may foreclose this mortgage <br />err rata say other 4gd actisn to Wotect iG right. Appraiasment waived. <br />This nnrtgega shall bs binding upon sad shalt enure to the beue8t of the heirs, executors, adrrunietretors, succeeaore and esaigos d the <br />[wpectia'e parties hereto. <br />IN W1TNF9S WHEREOF, said Mottgagar_S_ hp yY~ herer[uto set..S11fjI_ _ hand Y___tbe day and year first above <br />written. _ x~z r _ ~ ~~~~////~~ <br />_. -- ------ ._. _. __ ,ter tel f'. .,1 ~ ~~---- <br />r ~ ~ ~ - ---. _... <br />F <br />S <br />[lo rtes W. si tie <br />