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7tiE H41t7eCAGOA PLIRTHER tJOVBNANi'3 AHD A6: ' R pp`` ~ry <br />80~~ 'J i l ti (~ :,/ <br />That the Merrtgapar will pay the irtdebtednna a7 hereinhHoer Drovidcd, <br />That Lae Mortgagor is the 6srrser of said property in tee simple seed has good right and lawful authority to sell acrd <br />mnvey the same srd tlutt the acme is-/tee and clear d any lien ar encumManee; and that Motgagor wilt warrarrt and ebterd fire <br />title to said preman against the etrti~ of elf perrrrr ivhoarreoever- <br />To peq• ianntediatrly when der and-Payable alt genera! taxes, taxa, specie{ aaseasmenta, ester charges, sewer serv- <br />ice charges. and other Laea and charges agaitut said property, and sit taxes tcvied on the delri secured hereby, and W furnish the <br />Mortgagee, upon irgaesk with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. Tire Mortgagor agrees that flare aMtl fie added Ln - <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of rieM secured hereby an artaruni a#imatwt try the Mortgagee <br />to be suffidetaj to eiridde the Mortaagee to pax. se they become due, ail-taxes. eaaaamretgs. soil similar t3rarpes trpors tha.tuam- <br />ises subject thereto; any deficiency because of the insuRsciency of such additional psyrrrentz =haft he tortttwith depaYStiw- by tlrt <br />Mortgagor with Yfre Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under tltis paragraph shat( tee deemed a rletauM in <br />payment a{ fazes, asanacments. nr similar charges requires hereunder. - ---- <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also ire atkted to each monthly payment ref principal a+d interest required. her~- <br />under an amrwnt estrmatwt by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to enah3e the Mongagrr to pay, as it bewmes dire, the insurma-e <br />premium nn any insu ranee policy delivered to the '.Mortgagee. Any deficiency berau~ .,( the iruulficiency of such addktirma! pay- <br />ments sha41 Iw• forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Any tiatanl4 trader this <br />paragraph shall be deemed a default in the payment n( insurance premiums- If the policy nr policies rielicrsited are srich >s Iit+me.. <br />oitmers or all nsk pniicrrs, and the deposits are insufficient Eo pay the entire prerruum, the Mortgagee may apply the <br />pay premiums nn risks required to 6e insu red. by this mortgage. detroart to <br />Payments ma<le by the Mortgagor under the ahovr• paragraphs m v, at the option of the Mortgagee, Ire held hY it and <br />crnnmkngled w•rth other such funds or its n n (arils for the Payment of such items. and until w applied, sssch payments are hereby <br />pledged as secunty for fhr unpaid balance u( the mortgage indebtedness. <br />Tn procure. +iolrva•r t ~ +nd m mtam for the benefit ..C fhr• Mnrkgager during Chi life of khis mortga~„ge original fnriucies and <br />renewals thereof, defiverrd at least ten day-n },~efnrc- the r•xpiratiun ..f a wc'h Pnlicres, msunng against fire and other insurable. <br />hazards, rasuaitkes, sod vntingenries as. the Mortgagee may require, tin an +rnaount equal to the Sndabtedrteao ascuxrd by thie- <br />Martgage, and en oampanirs accrpfznlvk.+ ar ttae'r Stortgager, with Inns frayal+le clause ,m flavor of and in foam acne~ptahie to k$ao Mortga- <br />gee. Ln th« event :a v I:nilirv +_ nr,i r w:rrl an or before ten dirvs of rtAi r~,tpi ratrrcxn. the Mnrtgattee may pnxivre irssuramce un. Che <br />imprm~ements, pay the premium tti,n•r.r(r,r. ,end each <um •hal! fn•o ,roe ,mrnedielely dwr and {ra;'able with tntrre~.rt at tHte rate set <br />forth in said natC. until Pact end ck+akl he• :era red he ffus r ortgnge Psulu nr uu tixe• trait n;f thu; Martgagnr po 9urniah survh nn±ewols <br />as air herein requireetl „r Endure t r pac au advr i h< under ~hsll., at the r,faCion of tFir Mnrtgag+:~, constktulw a default. <br />under the Error of this marigage "T;'her rLdi+~eav wf ,urh p,;LrvsrrMea l! nv the ev cot of ,^IrBault. rnnsntule an awsignment u( Ehr un- <br />earned premium. <br />Any sums r crd by the SlongaK<-e br r as„n ~,( ;.,.. ,r damage m.urM rKainsr may he retainw! by the Mortgagee <br />and applied t weed thee pa - rot of the debt hrrrbc ~.... ed- ., , r fhr npnon „! the Mortgagee such sum. either wholly- o ir= <br />part may be paid over tr, the r'Nortgagor to br ,r..a.I !n rrpa+r such rhw(dings „r to build n ..~ buildings +n their ;dace o ,nr any <br />other purpose or object sat stactury to the \t„rtRaKr•~ with,:ut aff«.-ting th«- hen ~,n fhr mortgage for the foil amount secu reel here <br />by before sorb Payment ever tcs.k place. - <br />Tn Pr'umptly repair, resu,re , rrbu;id a - .,u,idings <, .m prr,vvmrnt n ..r hr:rsftrr n the u, -: Ere- <br />come ciamaKed nr destmyr=d~ to keep :rid vn•r„~,,.. n. ., ..~,,.,, o.u nest a„d Gtr rchamc-em l En o other ben or <br />n ~ . ~' i,~ » v Goo, . <br />claim of lien oaf exprssslg subordinated to [he li m hrre•uf_ not to su Rer +. rermd 'a unlawful use .d or any nuisance t.a exist o <br />said propeny nor io lrerrrrit waste on said premises. nor to do ,rn uth«'r act whereby the property hereby c vevrrl~shall become <br />less valuable, nor to diminrsti n mpair its vatue• by any act or nmrvs+mi u, err, to rumply with al! req uirementsnnf !aw with :esnect <br />to the mortgaged premises ssndrthr uu:~ thereof <br />That should die premises ~, any pan ther<-a( br taken nr rlanuxged by r son of a c pulrl:c improvement a ndernnatica <br />prrx~aeding, ar under the right u( eminent deanain, a other manner- fhr Murtfragcenshal! !>;- ertif!rt ±.. rtx;mlrerxsatmns, <br />awards, and any other payment o reiirf therefor. seed vhal(vbe entit(ed, at kea npf.ion. t.o rommerrce. appear in ar!«t'prrg mute in its <br />ow-n name any actierri or Prviceeding, or to make any mmpromi;e a settlement m nnectian with such taking or damage. All such <br />cearrptmitation• awards, damages, right of action and proceeds are hereby asaignedc«to the Mortgagee, who may, after deducting <br />therefrom alt its experreee, release any moneys so received by it or apply the same un any indebtedness secured hereby. The Mort- <br />gagor agrees to execute such further assignments of any comprnsahon. awards, damages, and rights of action and proceeds as the <br />Mortgagee may require. <br />That in case of failure to perform any of the covenants hirer, the Mortgagee may do nn the Mortgagor's hehiil! eve rythinK <br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act it may deem nec-rssan• to protect the lien thereof; that the Mortgagor wdl <br />repay upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Mortgagee for any nt the shove purposes, and such m vs togetfier with <br />interest thereon at the rate provided in said note shall become sn much riddktiorra! indebtedness hereby .reared rand may M in <br />chided in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and !re paid out of the rents or proceeds of sale of said premises it not otherwise <br />paid; tlt~t i! shall not be obligatory upon the Mortgagee tr. inquire into the validity a! any lien. encumhranan, o claim +n ad- <br />vanoing moneys as above authorirted, but nothing Fterein cantainsd shall be construed as rc-guirinR the Mortgagez to advance any <br />rnoneyx for any such purpose nor to do any act heremrder: and that Mortgagee shall nut incur arty perarma! liabdity hecaa~r of any- <br />thing it may do or omit to do hereunder. <br />In the event of fhr default by Mortgagor in the payment u( any malallment. as reyuiri-d by fhr Notr saurtvl h-mby, v <br />in the performance of the rrbligation in this mortgage or in the note secured thereby, [he Mortgagee shalt br entitled to declare the <br />debt secured hereby dtre and payable without notice, and the Mortgagee shalt be entitled at its option, without notice, either by itself <br />of 4y a receiver ter be appointed by the court thereof, and without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness se <br />etited hereby, to enter upon and take poskeasion of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and receive fhr renu, issues and profits <br />tlterad: tired apply rtes same, Sees coats of operation and collection, uWn the indebtedness .secu real try this mortgage; 'said rents, <br />reairas anal profile being hereby assigned to the Mortgagee as further security for the payment of all indebtedness secured hereby. <br />The Mertgagee stroll have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose n( repairing said prem- <br />itar; rentareg the acme; eolleeting the rents. revenues and income. and it may pay nut of said income all expenses incurred in rent- <br />tag and managing the same and of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balance remaining, if any, shelf t,«~ applied toward the <br />effecherge of the mortgage irrdabteninesa This assignment is to terminate and became null and void n release of this remit <br />upo gage- <br /> <br /> <br />