<br />atEowed by law or federal regulation. Principal amounts prepaid prior *o maturity ,~rst
<br />be in amounts equal to one or more subsequent principal payments,
<br />3. Fhat in addition to, and together with, the monthly instaitments provided for
<br />-under the terms of the aforesaid Promissory iJote antl any other notes or agreements for
<br />addi-tionaS advances as provided herein tlortgagcr writ pay as an atlvance paymer,r to
<br />tortgagee on the first day of each month unt-i-1 said Note and the total indebtedness
<br />secured hereby is fully paid, an amount estimated by ffartgagee to be sufficient to enafile
<br />the Mortgagee to pay a!I taxes, assessments (general or special), rents, and other
<br />similar charges against the aL~ve described premises, as the same become due. Such
<br />advance payments shall be paid each month together with the monthly instalirrents provided
<br />for under the terms of said Promissory tJOte and~any other notes or agreements for
<br />additional advances as provided rerein in a single payment and shall not be, nor deemed
<br />to be, trust funds but may be commingled with other such funds or the general funds OT the
<br />Mortgagee, antl no interest shall be payable in respect thereof. Mortgagor shat! promptly
<br />forward to !~•Xsrtgagee all bills for taxes, assessments and rents and ±k;rtgagee will use
<br />said advance payments for the payment of said bills. tvhrtgagee may, from time to time,
<br />at ids option, waive, and after such waiver, rein=fate any and all provisions of This
<br />paragraph requiring such advance payments,-by notice to Mortgagor in writing. while such
<br />waiver is in effect, "brtgagor shall pav all taxes, assessments and rents as otherwise
<br />provided Hereinafter.
<br />4. If the total of the advance payments made by Yne Mortgagor ,hall exceed the
<br />amount of payments actually mach by the "~rtgayee .~. saxes, ;.ssess^~nts .,, ,~,.,- ~s the
<br />case may be, such excess, at the option of the `4ortyayee, snail be ore^.i*ed bp^the
<br />hkartgageu or, subsequent payments fc be made by the Ps~rtgaaor, or retundcd t. the t+brtgagor.
<br />If, however, the monthly advance pavrr:ents made py ire i~7o rtyagor shaii rot pe sufficient
<br />to pay such taxes, assessments and rents, as the case may be, when the same shall tecome
<br />due and payable, then the Mortgagor shat: pa•g to the t:iartgaq'ae any amount neces°aary to make
<br />uA~y th[; deficiency, on or before the date when payrnenT of such taxes, assess n:ents or rents
<br />snail tae due. If at an•y tire:e the AMprtuagor shall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance
<br />with the provisions of the iJote secured Hereby, fuss payment of 'the entire indebtedness
<br />represented thereby, the ifiortgagee shall, rn computing she amount of such indebtedness,
<br />credit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance ,..;cumulated under the above
<br />paragraph. If There shall be a default under arty of the provisions ~.~f this htortgace
<br />resulting in a public sale of the premises coverall hereby or if .he ~brtgagee acquires the
<br />property otherwise after default, the Mortgagee shall apply in sx^ manner a~ ~`tri~,agee
<br />shall determine the balance of advance payments then remaining ~;: the funds acc;mulated
<br />under the above paragraph, as a credit against the indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />7, That i n the event any of the month I y advan~ e ~ayr*ren+. .,,; i - ,+ .~~,-~ . - ,vntn. y
<br />instal{ments pr~::vided for under the terms of ~;aid Promr spry Jots 8rg env ~%t her roves or
<br />agreements for additional advances have not been made by the tenth day of -rho month in
<br />which •,;ucn pay>rent was due, a late charge of up .o ten , ID) j;en~an? of the arrx;ur; of said
<br />sronthHy payr»ent may bB assessed by the 45soclator tc :~pver ti,e -_ .., ., _ ._,..__
<br />do Nandi ing delinquent payments. The i+ssociation steal . not Le c,Li iaurc;dn7oc cc :xry
<br />nrbnthiy p.ay .,,.., made alter *, he ,enth ay - tt-;~ rxHnth unless: ~•ai.. .. .:rr. ~ -~
<br />oe acco~par~:ad by the iui; sni' ~t one ate chary-e assessed uy`-he -issociati:r- ns
<br />provided herein.
<br />b. To pay any and art taxes, assessments igeneral or speci.:l) -rzn re. -;nd ~:_;he.r miser
<br />charges levied and assessed against the premises, this ~bri-gage, or rode:~feor,e~s frereby
<br />secured, before they become delinquent, for whici~ provisions has ~~or ;~;en ~.~,.~ ~~.--eiHbefcre,
<br />and in default thereof the P~Ao rf gagee may pay the same, and al I Rpney, ~., ,_•; enc e:; cairn
<br />interest at 14 3/4 p from the date of such payment shall be repaiC by "~k~r;;-~yor upon
<br />demand, and snail be secured by this hbr*;aye.
<br />7. That Mortgagor will keep the Lnproverrrenrs ,m ~a:,id prerr,ise~[. in;,ur::d :q~insr loss
<br />(Prom fire,.ligntning and other hazards incladed ir. the srandarc ~>,lu,ded _o-i•~raq.~ endorse-
<br />ment plus flood ,..^.surance where required by mot>gay6e) ~n an .arnounr ~~~r _., .roan the
<br />' i.:_.
<br />unpaid balance of the indebtedness secured hereby, .pith loss, ~~ p„y~bl.~ ,,~ ~_,~
<br />Association, in a company or companies acceptable tr> n,~ As _•o~_iari. _:nd -..,..~~-_ -:cn psi la:
<br />ar policies contain any provision that could limit the ._~r - "mp to
<br />~ ,
<br />pay the ;Mount of any toss ar der;gage up to the tni I .;m,unt for wr,i~_h , . ,., „-r I tten,
<br />~.
<br />fhe arnoun~l' of insurance to be provided shall be in an =~n,uuHt suffi;_ir_n-t to, vi .,I I tunes,
<br />fully protect the Association. If f*b rtgagor fails ic, pr o~ure or mdntain s... .~,s ur ar;Ce
<br />in the manner specified he>rein, the ~ssociatien may, _.~ „-
<br />su~h insurance, and all moneys so advanced with in,*er- ~g~r -4 ~;~4 -r~~:,m ~t ,,,
<br />such-payment shaii be repaid by hkirtgagor upon demand, c.,~ -,Hart --_ se~r,.eb :n~,
<br />t~rtgage.
<br />$-. Thdt the tAOrtgagor will keep tht buildings upon aiC prearires in Ica re;,cir, dr~d
<br />neither cvmr+it nor permit v:aste upon said land, ~~ur suffer tY~a same premises to r.~ :.,ee
<br />for arty urtl.~wful purpose. Mortgagor Curtner :agrees that wi'nout rht~ cart*.en .-„ ..~,~
<br />~.,~. aE - ~ a-r ~ ,
<br />fr`_ - 'tis ,,,u w ~ no au+ idinys or addi? ion, tr3 ,:i5+irq ~ ~r ~di r,~: ,.. -
<br />erecaed drrU af; parking and {andscaped areas shaii bo :atisfa~YOrll~~i mat:.rr;in.,...
<br />~. Thal in the ev!.-nr the premises c7r ,m; ;~ar> th.xe.?t :~ ..~; -~r ~1.~r•,a,:-.~; -
<br />;f any ;~Gltli~7 rrry r.: deKk3',I Jr :.vnuerraa*; on _vJr ., Jr:J - ~ ..~,.
<br />~.. ill any Ci iffier ".X:Flnar , ~I(':r?fj" 1.E _r, it ,v ~ tlF.d• -r ., - _ -. y.,tr .,
<br />