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<br />!.'V THE COGNTY COL`RT OF__~__~31' ____ __COUNTY, .tiEBRASKA
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<br />,;~ This it to certify that these is pending in the Counfg Court of _Hail _____Comity,
<br />~~~ Nebraska, a proceeding entitled: 1
<br />---- .:
<br />r~ - --- i
<br />'~ ~~ No. 38-77 - Doc._ 38 Page- 77 }
<br />~'~'~~ Fortrinl Probate
<br />_: ~ mhieh is a proceeding inooioing
<br />(probate of wilh administration of slate, dderminafion of heirs, ddrrminalion
<br />' in which proeeedrng !hr following described real
<br />_ of inheri(anu las, guardianship. or conseroalorship
<br />estate is inoolued, lo-wit:
<br />The iJesst Half of the Southeast i~uarter !'.^!'/,-SF,,; and -he :.outheas*_ i~uarter
<br />of the Southeast quarter (SE;;SE%; of Section .ourteer: ,~- To'snshir.
<br />Eleven (I1:1 "derth, range Twelve (12i, ;lost of -ne 5th ?,:9., in Mall
<br />Count;,,tdebrasica, EXCE2T a tract in the iScuth~nest corner of the :^iest i?alf
<br />of the Southeast Quarter (':dzSE:;? of ?.!5 acre'.°, conveyed by deed recorded
<br />in Book ?°i, gage 427 of Deed Records of Hal_ ^ounty, I+ehrasua, and
<br />'FURTHER EXCEPTIidG a tract of land deeded on ~~ces~ber '_3, L'-+56, to the '
<br />Southern NebrasY,a R.E.A. recorded r. 3ook ii ~, it '.t;e ',~7 of the records
<br />of the Register o*_" Deeds of Hall Count',:, aebrat-:a, .,.-~.,. .ract c;ei.m; 1.51?
<br />acres in area - 111.33 acres.
<br />tt
<br />t~~ Richar[5 ~ ',,leaver
<br />TM"V~ Courtlg Judge of said caunly ---- -_~
<br />~'
<br />CAI. .-, ~ ~ , ,
<br />,k ~ C erk of the County Court
<br />n_
<br />Stdien 11-.i59. "!n any p the coualg roar! inuo(oiny ! 1 }the probate of wi(!s under the provisions vJ Chapter 3U, amide
<br />2, (2} Ihr adminiatra(ion of tstafrs underlhe provisions of Chapter 30, ar(id< 3, (3) the ddermina(ion of heirs under the provisions aJ
<br />Chepla 39, ar(idC 17, (4} the drlermtna(ion of inhrrilanu !as under 1F.e prwristons o/ Chapter i i, article 2i1, Li) guardianships -
<br />utiderlhe pravistans of Chapter 38, article :. 2, 3, or 4, or (6) cons<rvalonhips under the provisions of Ch¢pfer 38, artidr 9, wh<re
<br />r<at r.)n}e is nny evaH it tln aaael9 j r"rc _- ' Gi praf2<difig, ti+e Wan!
<br />''- '~~' y,/uu'y< iefare wham the prorerding la pendery silaii [ssu< a
<br />cedifi<gft whidt shalt be filed wilh !h< nyis(u of deeds o/ the County in which the rea! rslate is local<d within frn days aJhr /he
<br />6eseriptian of the real ealgt< is filed [n th< proceeding."
<br />.......................................
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